Daily Kos

Email: kraant (at) gmail (dot) com

Ask a Kossack With Free Answers + Ponies!!

Sun Jun 11, 2006 at 05:49:14 PM PDT

Guest-posted for the one and only buhdydharma . . . Who is having compooter problems right now, and is thus in exile... FEAR NOT! HE WILL RETURN MORE POWERFUL THAN YOU COULD POSSIBLY IMAGINE!

One of the most impressive things about YOU, fellow Kossaks, is the breadth of knowledge YOU have accumulated. Smarts spanning from aardvarks to ZyXel.  If you ask a question on Dkos, ANY question, it WILL be answered`at the very least with a link or a clue. We have 'columns' on the Environment, gardening, painting, history. Heck we've even got group therapy, storytime and...and...well..whatever the hell you want to call the glorious chaos that is Cheers & Jeers. There also seems to be quite an interest in animal husbandry here for some reason, some animals even write diaries!! And of course, the one The Only PhillyGal pooties!!! whose groundbreaking work someone on this site seems to have domeneched into some kind of nefarious notoriety.

metaKos LiveBlogging: Cheering And Jeering From The Peanut Gallery

Fri Jun 09, 2006 at 01:15:26 PM PDT

This is for the rest of us poor beknighted souls bashing away at our keyboards from the cheap seats while you Ladies and Gents are off in Vegas are cussing at our overloaded Air America Radio feeds...

WAAAA WAAAAA WAAAAA!!!! No Fair! I wanna play....

(Now if only I could find that animation of that character bashing away at their keyboard until the blood runs and their eyeballs pop out...)

Ahminijahd says his letter to President Bush was invitation to Islam (UPDATED)

Fri May 12, 2006 at 08:09:50 AM PDT

President says his letter to President Bush was invitation to Islam
Jakarta, May 11, IRNA

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here Thursday that his letter to President George W. Bush did not concern the nuclear dossier, but rather was an invitation to Islam and the prophets culture.

PICTORIAL: Wenyi Wang vs. The PRC: Not The First Confrontation!

Thu Apr 20, 2006 at 10:59:01 PM PDT

The powerful image of Wenyi Wang being herded away silenced by a hand is powerful but it is not the only powerful image she has presented the world. Digging through the archives of Falun Dafa Clearwisdom.net I found another powerful image of her from 2001.

Image hosting by Photobucket

Frameshop: ILLEGAL EMPLOYERS (Updated)

Wed Mar 29, 2006 at 09:34:43 PM PDT

There has been a lot of talk on this as I'm sure you're all aware and people are making an effort and trying to understand this complex and difficult issue.

I think it's time to move the debate forwards. Yes, you can call "them" illegal immigrants, yes you can call "them" undocumented workers. However, "they" are not the problem. "They" are not the ones ultimately responsible for undercutting wages, undercutting unions, and stressing public services.

The people responsible for all this are not fellow workers trying to make a living. No! The people responsible are those who exploit the indigent. The people who want to be able to employ dirt cheap labor.



Sun Mar 26, 2006 at 05:41:44 PM PDT

Ha! Made you look with the provocative title.

But there's an easy solution to everyones issues over immigration. I didn't think of it. The extremely smart and clever people cskendrick and alizard did. I am merely plagiarizing their ideas and combining them into a coherent whole.

See below the fold for THE FINAL FUCKING SOLUTION to the "illegal" immigration "problem".

Remember Joe Hill! Freep This Poll!

Wed Mar 22, 2006 at 05:05:04 AM PDT

Freep This Poll! on the CountyPressOnline website. Left of the page scroll down a bit.

The Pennsylvania School Boards Association say that the Prevailing Wage Act of 1961 may have increased the cost of school construction more than any other law. The law requires local governments to pay wages set by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry for public works, which inflates the cost by between 9 and 30 percent according to the Association. Should the law be abolished?
  • Yes. Cut cost. I need the money as much as anybody in the trades.
  • No. Remember, Joe Hill.

Cheney! Cheney - All the crap the Whitehouse isn't apologising for

Fri Feb 17, 2006 at 02:49:46 AM PDT

Ok we all know Cheney can go Cheney himself. So lets go look at all the things, far worse than shooting a mate in the face, that the Whitehouse isn't even pretending to apologise for.

First Batter up! Good ole Scotty boy, otherwise known as Scott McClellan, claiming that:

Oh Bugger... Calling all Australian Kossacks SBS 8:30 Dateline Abu Ghraib Expose OPENTHREAD

Wed Feb 15, 2006 at 01:22:48 AM PDT

Normally I try not to do short diaries but this is kinda important.

I was going to tape the 8:30 (EST) SBS Dateline story but I've found I don't have SBS reception.

Any Ocker Kossacks with a tape recorder and spare tape willing to step up to the plate?

Please? I'm sorry I've fucked this up.

Please Criticise, Insult and Defame Buddhism

Thu Feb 09, 2006 at 10:58:28 AM PDT

As a Buddhist I have taken to heart many criticisms of Buddhism I've read and heard. I think it's important to be able to examine the beliefs of Buddhism and expose them when they come up short.

In that spirit I hearby declare that I wish to hear any criticisms, insults and defamations of Buddhism and Buddhists you can think of.

I am doing this because I think that the distinctions between insults, criticism and defamation are hard  to make, and that ones persons criticism is another persons insult or defamation. In that spirit I'll begin with the criticism by posting my own criticisms of Buddhism below.

Free Jihad! UPDATED ^3

Wed Feb 08, 2006 at 12:29:01 AM PDT

After having been released. The free speech martyrs, Jihad Momani and  Hashem Al Khalidi have been rearrested by the Jordanian government

World stunned by a sudden attack of Mass-Sanity

Mon Feb 06, 2006 at 02:19:22 AM PDT

After an extremely frank and heated open exchange of views, a sudden attack of Mass Sanity appears to finaly be breaking out in the world.

On dailykos people Secularist Fundamentalists who believe that Free Speech is sacred are no longer being smeared with the accusation of racism. In return they have ceased rabidly foaming in the mouth and acknowledge that some of the Danish Cartoons can be construed as legitimately offensive and that it could actually be considered rude to publish them. They do however maintain that their absolute right to blaspheme as an integeral part of Free Speech. Peace talks are continueing.

Google News, an aggregating newsfeed that uses heuristic web analysis to determine what news people are interested in no longer has the topic on its front page indicating that the controversy is dieing down.

Meanwhile back in the actual real world:

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