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Music to rape by.
Music to rape by.
'nuff said
'nuff said

Rape, otherwise known as black sex, is essentially the act of getting pwned by a penis, and is the most fun thing in the world. Try it. It is teh ultimate female fantasy. Rape is always hilarious especially when it involves clowns.

Rape is a common follow-up to Women's Retreats.

Rape was part of the life cycle of all animals until over 9000 years ago, butthurt ugly feminists who couldn't get teh cock permabanned rape and all acts of cock pwnage.

Members of feminist communities (such as feminist) live in constant fear of rape. Every single one of them has been raped at least 100 times, or has almost been raped at least 100 times, or knows someone who was raped at least 100 times or has listened to a Tori Amos CD at least 100 times. All men are known to be rapists, because they have penises and like to stick them in people.

Please note: The savvy rapist will always use a condom to avoid receiving SUVs from woman. 'Anti-rape' tampons cause anti-lulz, since rape = lulz. (See LulzKiller For More Information)

The 'Anti-rape' female condom known as RapeX (also known as LulzKillerX) is equipped with razor-sharp blades designed to drive themselves into a penis, can be reversed and used as a male condom in an act of rape for maximizing lulz potential.


[edit] Rape in The Bible

Someone no liek teh 150 rules of Rape? :(
Someone no liek teh 150 rules of Rape? :(
Moar not liek rape :(
Moar not liek rape :(

According to the bible,the painful rape of virgins is awwwwwwwriiiiight!

Deuteronomy 22:28-29

[edit] Rape and Evolution

Now she's got some butthurt
Now she's got some butthurt

What does rape have to do with evolution? Incredibly, this quote from the evolutionary magazine New Scientist suggests a genetic connection.

A single act of rape may be more than twice as likely to make a woman pregnant as a single act of consensual sex. that statistic will reopen the hotly contest debate over whether rape can be a successful reproductive strategy in evolutionary terms. It could help to explain why men raping women has been so common throughout history and across cultures, two American researchers told the conference...

—Insult to injury - Matt Walker

[edit] Actual Rape Footage

[edit] Rape in culture

A special type of rape.
A special type of rape.
At least it's not pyramid head.Wait, maybe it's actually worse.
At least it's not pyramid head.Wait, maybe it's actually worse.
Ain't that the truth.
Ain't that the truth.
This poster fucking lies. Someone needs to make a demotivator of it.
This poster fucking lies. Someone needs to make a demotivator of it.

Rape is always justified.

All women have a rape fetish, however only the fat ones who can't get laid any other way pursue it. Skinny bitches, instead of realizing they're sluts will blame the man instead. Years later they will come to grips with their sluttery and feel bad for calling the police on you. It'll make no difference to you, either way you'll still be in prison feeling the butthurt administered by Leroy your nigga cellmate.

In nearly every single society, rape is frowned upon and women are usually treated as victims. However, in Islamic countries, rape is considered the woman's fault, and they are often stoned to death. It just goes to show that rape really is the woman's fault for dressing sexily. If a woman doesn't want to get raped she should stay home and made her man a sammich.

As we stated previously, rape is the most sincere form of flattery. Any lady who claiming to have been raped should feel honored. YOU, specifically, were sought out by a man who thought that your body would be the ultimate choice for a fuck fest. Appreciate the attention and stop complaining.

ANY GIRL WHO GETS RAPED ALWAYS DESERVED IT! We cannot emphasize this enough. There are two different types of rape victims: sluts and secret sluts: so-called "good girls."

Sluts: Sluts are simply asking to be raped. Dumb and disgusting they deserve to be raped over and over again. About 99.9% of girls who claim to be raped are sluts...it's like, "bitch what did you expect?" We have to teach sluts a lesson about who the superior sex is and rape the shit out of them so that they can learn their lesson. Feminists are sluts also. We need to rape every feminist out there to show them who really controls things and to show them that they're dumb whores for thinking they can stand up to us. Unfortunately feminists are annoying butthurt mutants and there's rarely enough alcohol on hand to justify the beastiality. 10 out of 10 men would rather rape a furry indiscriminate of gender.

Secret Sluts aka "Good Girls": This is the rarer form, but ultimately a more fun victim to rape. Examples of these would be children and very obvious virgins. If you can't get a child or don't want to risk it, then find an innocent small-bodied teenager. They will work just as well. Act like you are their friend at first or that you are interested in them, and they should succumb to you right away, these girls are dumb as hell. If you're lucky enough to have gotten a virgin then they should be extra tight. Not only will you cum really fast and very strongly, but there is no better feeling in the world than watching some girl cry in pain as you're popping her cherry. Pull her hair, spank her, even cum in her mouth for added effect. Have her tell you that she likes it, and if she doesn't then threaten to pound her even harder. These girls will just grow up to become sluts anyways, so they deserved it too. Make sure you cuddle these girls afterwards though, just to make them feel a little less "raped". Just kidding, tell them to go make you lunch. After she brings you lunch pop her in teh pooper for good measure.

RAPE IS ALWAYS THE FAULT OF THE SO-CALLED "VICTIM," NEVER THE MAN'S. The only real "victims" here are the so-called rapists. Women seduce these men to have sex with them and then call it rape because they don't want to look like a whore.

Frank Sinatra once wrote an eulogy to rape with his song Strangers In The Night.

George Carlin on people who think rape isn't funny
"I say fuck you! I think it's hilarious, how do you like that? I can PROVE to you that rape is funny! Picture Porky Pig raping Elmer Fudd!"
Mark Twain on rape
"Rape is a sincere form of flattery."
Rape in Music form!

[edit] There is no such thing as rape

A wise man once wrote:

There is no such thing as rape. Any female who leaves her rightful place in the house and the kitchen is fucking begging for cock in her holes. If she gets the cock she so badly is asking for, it's not fucking rape, it's a damn slut getting what she fucking deserves.
Males still rule this fucking world. In most of the world, a fucking bitch can get killed for looking at a man straight in the eye. In America and Europe, every day dumb sluts get their holes penetrated without their so-called consent, which isn't rape, just them getting the fucking dick they deserve up their asses.
Sexual abuse is on the rise, spousal abuse is on the rise and more bitches die every year. Fucking cunts. I am so glad I was born a man. I am so glad there is a bunch of retarded sluts jumping trough hoops just to get my cock.
Haha, females are so fucking sad. We treat you bitches like shit, and you still spend time, money and effort on trying to look good for us. Way to be a good slave, whores. Now keep acting like sluts and sucking our cocks. And if you change your mind after you leave the house, too fucking bad, you're getting your holes fucked and there isn't shit you can do about it because that's your only fucking purpose in life.

That wise man was later Praised and offered a selection of beverages for his wise and truthful words.

[edit] Types of Rape

[edit] Socially Acceptable Rape

[edit] Getting Away With Rape

To obtain your own license to rape, please contact your local passport issuing agency.
To obtain your own license to rape, please contact your local passport issuing agency.
  • If you do a good job at the rape.
  • Making them feel worthless, and then making them cum a few times before you run for it.
  • Cuddling them afterwards.
  • Shaving off their eyebrows
  • Performing a lobotomy
  • Skull-fucking them is great, it makes it way too embarrassing for them to report it.
  • Rape a straight man. Either he will never tell anyone, or you will turn him gay. In the latter case, you must combine with another of these methods.
  • Cum in their mouth, you can't possibly knock them up that way.
  • Not cumming: it's not even sex if the man doesn't get off.
  • Find a small girl who can't possibly defend herself.
  • If you make them cum then it's not rape anymore.
  • Find an old lady, nobody will ever believe you wanted to fuck her in the first place.
  • Make her feel like a slut right before, and then she'll know that she deserved it.
  • Marriage afterwards.
  • Get them to agree to it afterwards
  • Since most sex in the Animal Kingdom is technically rape, surprise sexing a furry may be justifiable.
    • If you cum while raping a furry, you are automatically a furfag.
  • Rape only deafmutes - if you break her hands she can't tell anyone.
  • If you and your thug lackies make someone (preferably a sick 3-year-old girl) watch the rape.
  • Paying them after.
    • This kind of rape is pointless, and therefore awesome.
  • Do not let them shot "no" and shout surprise then it is only surprise sex.
  • You cannot get away with it if you're fat and ugly.

[edit] Famous Rapists

To rape,you will need one of these.
To rape,you will need one of these.

[edit] Not Getting Away With Rape

Some women take special rape precuations, you faggot.
Some women take special rape precuations, you faggot.
Bagging game at Oprah's South African Rape Safari!
Bagging game at Oprah's South African Rape Safari!
Date rape.
Date rape.
You gonna git raeped.
You gonna git raeped.
  • Rabid feminists will find you, pour kerosene all over you and put you on fire, thereafter raping you.
  • Her (or his) beefy boyfriend and the rest of his gang will find you and rape you.
  • Cthulhu will seek you out when the moon is new and he will engorge you in his slimy tentacles. And rape you.
  • You will be reborn as a boytaur. and raped.
  • Actually getting caught. This will inevitably lead to your ass becoming in the possession of your cell pal Bubbah. And raped.
  • The 16 year old girl you thought so innocent will actually be stronger than you are (reliable research shows that 90% of the people reading this article are outmuscled by the average lemur) and more than that – she will be equipped with a knife and gut you like a fish before raping your entrails as an act of gratitude for your attention. This will be thoroughly documented by the cam in her cell phone and then put on the Internets for all to see and laugh at.
  • Recording the entire thing on video and then letting the cops get a hold of the tape. (Please tell CO3 if you come across said video)
  • if you are gay and take advangtage of a dead corpse, you're a rapist. [1]

[edit] Treatise on Rape

Even kitty knows what's gonna happen to you
Even kitty knows what's gonna happen to you
It wasn't tik. The dog was asking for it. Plus, if it barks it's not raep.
It wasn't tik. The dog was asking for it. Plus, if it barks it's not raep.
Rape only hurts if you fight it.

Most people today would claim that rape is a terrible crime almost akin to murder but I strongly disagree. Far from a vile act, rape is a magical experience that benefits society as a whole. I realize many of you will disagree with this thesis but lend me your ears and I’m sure I’ll sway you towards a darkened alley.

If it weren’t for rape, Western Civilization might not exist as we know it today. When the Romans were faced with a disproportionate ratio of women to men in the early kingdom, they had to do something, lest their fledgling society die for lack of sons. To solve their little dilemma, they did what any reasonable man would do: they threw a festival for their Sabine neighbors, and then stole and raped their women. It’s quite logical; in fact I don’t understand why the settlers at Plymouth didn’t do the same to the local Indians. It certainly would have saved on shipping costs.

Obviously, in the case of the Rape of the Sabines, rape was a tremendous help to society. The Sabine women, for their part, didn’t seem to mind so much, as they threw themselves between their brutish old Sabine husbands and their charming new Roman ones to prevent bloodshed when the Sabine men came to reclaim their wives. Yet even when society was totally against a rape, the raunchy act has benefitted society too. Where would the Romans be, after all, if it weren’t for the Rape of Lucretia infuriating the people to the point of overthrowing their last king, Lucius Tarquinius Soperbus? If it weren’t for that event, the world might never have had the Roman Republic for a pristine example of a flawless government.

Rape’s glorious advantages are not, however, exlusively found from 2,000-year-old examples. In actuality, rape’s advantages can very much be seen today. Take ugly women, for example. If it weren’t for rape, how would they ever know the joy of intercourse with a man who isn’t drunk? In a society as plastic-conscious as our own, are we really to believe that some man would ever sleep with a girl resembling a wildebeest if he didn’t have a few schnapps in him? Of course he wouldn’t, at least no self-respecting man would, but therein lies the beauty of rape. No self-respecting man would rape in the first place, so ugly women are guaranteed a romp with not only a sober man, but a bad boy too, and we all know how much ladies like the bad boy.

Ugly women are not, however, the only people who benefit from rape– prisoners enjoy its many perks, too. What, after all, would possibly be more boring than spending years of your life confined to some tiny cell 23 hours a day? The answer, of course, is spending years of your life confined to some tiny cell 23 hours a day and never getting some hot action. With rape, prisoners never have to worry about that. Instead, they merely need worry about treating their rapists with enough love and respect to earn a quick reach-around.

But if there is one bread and butter reason for why rape should not only be accepted, but even endorsed, it is because our news editors are in dire need of interesting stories for our front page. Bookstore stories? Fossils? One dollar coins? Please. Now, some saucy circle jerk rape action? Yeah, that’s the ticket.

—John Petroski, Opinions Editor

[edit] Are You A Rapist?

If a girl is locked up, it can't be rape
If a girl is locked up, it can't be rape
We told him he was gon get raeped.
We told him he was gon get raeped.
Swampert Rape is ok too.
Swampert Rape is ok too.
Rape was still happening at least 100 years ago.
Rape was still happening at least 100 years ago.
Rape or not? You be the judge.
Rape or not? You be the judge.
Cats love to get raped, so do women.
Cats love to get raped, so do women.
She knows what's gonna happen to you.
She knows what's gonna happen to you.
He knows he can't prevent it
He knows he can't prevent it
Rape:It only hurts if you fight it.
Rape:It only hurts if you fight it.
RAPE!! also known as surprise secks
RAPE!! also known as surprise secks
If you get an erection at any time you are a rapist.  Only this device can save you from being a rapist.
If you get an erection at any time you are a rapist. Only this device can save you from being a rapist.
If this ink blot looks like rape to you, you are a rapist
If this ink blot looks like rape to you, you are a rapist
  • 1. You are a rapist if you get a girl drunk and have sex with her.
  • 2. You are a rapist if you find a drunk girl and have sex with her.
  • 3. You are a rapist if you get yourself drunk and have sex with her. Your drunkenness is no excuse.
  • 4. If you are BOTH drunk you may still be a rapist.
  • 5. If she’s alternating between puking her guts out and passing out in the bed then you’re a rapist.
  • 6. If she’s sleeping and you have sex with her you’re a rapist.
  • 7. If she’s unconscious and you have sex with her then you’re a rapist.
  • 8. If she’s taking sleeping pills and doesn’t wake up when you have sex with her then you’re a rapist.
  • 9. If she is incapacitated in any way and unable to say ‘Yes’ then you’re a rapist.
  • 10. If you drug her then you’re a rapist.
  • 11. If you find a drugged girl and have sex with her then you’re a rapist.
  • 12. If you don’t bother to ask her permission and she says neither ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ then you could be a rapist.
  • 13. You are a rapist if you ‘nag’ her for sex. Because you manage to ply an eventual ‘yes’ from a weary victim doesn’t mean it’s not rape. You are a rapist.
  • 14. You are a rapist if you try to circumvent her “No” by talking her into it. She’s not playing hard to get, and, even if she IS it’s not YOUR responsibility to ‘get’ her. You’re still a rapist.
  • 15. You are a rapist if you manipulate her into sex when she doesn’t otherwise want it. If you say, “If you loved me you’d do X” then you’re a rapist. If you say, “All the other kids are doing it!” then you’re a rapist.
  • 16. If you threaten her, or act in a way that SHE thinks you’re threatening her then you’re a rapist. If you puff up and get loud and frustrated while trying to ‘talk’ her into sex then you’re a rapist.
  • 17. You are a rapist if you don’t immediately get your hands off of her when she says ‘no’. You are a rapist if you take your hands off of her and then put them back ON her after 10 minutes and she eventually ‘gives in’ to this tactic.
  • 18. You are a rapist if you won’t let her sleep peacefully without waking her every 15 minutes asking her for sex. Sleep deprivation is a form of torture and YOU are a rapist.
  • 19. If you’re necking with her and you’re naked and you’ve already gone down on her and she says ‘No’ to sex with you and you have sex with her anyway then you’re a rapist.
  • 20. If you’re engaged in intercourse and she says ‘No’ at ANY point and you don’t immediately stop then you’re a rapist.
  • 21. If she said “Yes” to sex with a condom and that condom breaks and you proceed anyway then you’re a rapist.
  • 22. If she picked you up at a bar looking for sex and then decides that she doesn’t WANT sex and you continue then you’re a rapist.
  • 23. If she changes her mind at ANY point for ANY reason and you don’t immediately back off or you try to talk her into it and get sex anyway then you’re a rapist.
  • 24. If you don’t hit her and she says ‘No’ you’re still a rapist.
  • 25. If you don’t have a knife or a gun or a garrote and she says ‘No’ then you’re still a rapist.
  • 26. If you’re a friend of hers you can still be a rapist.
  • 27. If you had sex with her the night before but she doesn’t want morning sex and you pressure her for it anyway then you’re a rapist.
  • 28. If you’re her husband you can still be a rapist.
  • 29. If it’s your wedding night and she doesn’t WANT to have sex with you and you force or coerce her anyway then you’re a rapist.
  • 30. If she’s had sex with you hundreds of times before but doesn’t want to on the 101st time then you’re a rapist.
  • 31. If you penetrate her anally, orally or digitally against her will then YOU my friend, are ALSO a rapist.
  • 32. Women do not owe you sex.
  • 33. Buying her dinner does not entitle you to sex.
  • 34. If it exists there is porn of it.
  • 35. Buying her clothing does not entitle you to sex.
  • 36. Buying her lingerie does not entitle you to sex. It also doesn’t mean that she has any obligation to wear that lingerie around you.
  • 37. Spending any amount of money on her does not, ever, entitle you to sex. (Lol, prostitutes)
  • 38. Seeing her legs or cleavage does not entitle you to sex.
  • 39. If she ‘turns you on’ you’re not entitled to sex.
  • 40. If she has fucked every man in a 10 square mile radius and she doesn’t want to fuck you and you have sex with her anyway, then you’re a rapist.
  • 41. Her clothing is not a reason for you to rape her. Her LACK of clothing is no reason to rape her. If she’s wearing a thong and pasties you STILL have no right to rape her.
  • 42. If she’s a prostitute and she says “No” then you’re a rapist.
  • 43. If she’s a stripper and she says “No” then you’re a rapist. Likewise, if she’s a stripper and she’s been rubbing against your dick all night long and you follow her to her car and have sex with her against her will then you are ALSO a rapist.
  • 44. If you watch a woman being raped without calling the authorities then you’re as bad as a rapist and you may also be a rapist yourself.
  • 45. If you don’t fight rape then you accept rape.
  • 46. If you don’t believe a woman when she says she was raped then you’re encouraging rape.
  • 47. If you choose to remain friends with a man who raped a woman you are encouraging rape.
  • 48. If you confess to the authorities that you raped a woman it does not exonerate you. You are not suddenly a model of good behavior.
  • 49. If you ‘only’ raped one woman, you’re STILL a rapist.
  • 50. You cannot tell who is a rapist by the way they look. Rapists are your friends, your brothers, your fathers and you won’t know it.
  • 51. Do not get frustrated with a woman if she doesn’t trust you. SHE already knows that rapists don’t wear signs on their foreheads. Something you think is innocuous SHE may find terrifying.
  • 52. If you bump into a woman and don't say "excuse me" you're a rapist.
  • 53. If you think of a girl naked and she doesn't know you're still a rapist.
  • 54. If you park in a parking lot a little too much to the right so it'll be really hard for someone who parks normally to get out of their car you're a rapist.
  • 55. If you masturbate and your semen hits the floor and a woman walks on your carpet in the next fifty years you're a rapist.
  • 56. Toilet seat up? You're a rapist.
  • 164. Stay away from me, you rapist...
  • 57. If you ever end up getting into a convoluted bet with a rich Arabian man whereby you must wrestle a bear to the ground in order to secure your freedom from his underground death-games tournament and you manage to survive and escape and return to bring the man to justice and his wife falls in love with your bear-wrestling bravado then you're a rapist.
  • 58. If you pick a fire-type Pokemon on your first play through of any Pokemon game you're a rapist.
  • 59. If you cannot rub your stomach and pat your head at the same time you're a rapist.
  • 60. If you congratulate your sister on graduating college with honors by giving her a hug you're a rapist.
  • 61. If you're left-handed, you're a rapist.
  • 62. If you're having sex with the woman and she turns out to be a man you're a rapist.
  • 63. Paddling the school canoe? You're a rapist.
  • 64. If a man loves a woman, and a woman loves a man, and they both decide to have a child together you're a rapist.
  • 65. If you laughed when Will Smith punched the alien in Independence Day you're a rapist.
  • 66. You get in one little fight and your momma got scared you're moving in with a rapist.
  • 67. If you get raped but you're not a woman, you're a rapist.
  • 68. If you're a jew you're a rapist. (Isn't this obvious?)
  • 69. If you scrolled to this number because you associate "69" with a sexual position, then you are a rapist
  • 70. Teabagging isn't rape. It's funny. If you don't think it's funny you're a rapist.
  • 71. If you have a penis, you're a rapist.
  • 72. If it's Tuesday, you're a rapist. Doesn't matter who the fuck you are.
  • 73. If you're black you are a potential rapist, potentially armed, potentially on drugs, and should be beaten.
  • 74. If you display any male traits whatsoever, you're a rapist.
  • 75. If you discover that she's been taking Tylenol, you're a rapist.
  • 76. If you've ever asked a buddy of your for money to buy a soda, you're a rapist.
  • 77. Tom Brokaw? Rapist.
  • 78. If you play D&D, Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf: The apocalypse, Swords & Sorcery, Call of Cthulhu, or any other roleplaying game you are a rapist.
  • 79. If you've ever masturbated, then you've taken advantage of yourself and you're a rapist.
  • 80. If you are reading this, you are a rapist.
  • 81. If you lol'd at #81, you are a rapist.
  • 82. If you wish you could rape someone, you're a rapist.
  • 83. If you thought about #83, you're a rapist.
  • 84. If you're STILL fucking reading this, you're a rapist.
  • 85. If you wrote one of these, you're a rapist.
  • 86. If you wrote #82-87 and are about to write #88, you are a rapist.
  • 87. I guess that makes me a rapist. Oh, and you too.
  • 88. Fucking rapist. Heil Hitler.
  • 89. If you don't forward chain letters in a prompt manner, you're kind of raping the whole concept, rapist.
  • 90. If you look a girl anywhere but the area just below her forehead and just above her nose, you're a rapist.
  • 91. The people who say they don't lie, they lie. The people who say they don't steal, they steal. The people who say they don't cheat, they cheat. The people who say they don't rape...you get the picture. If not, then you're a rapist, too.
  • 92. If you've contributed to this list, you're a rapist.
  • 93. If you've ever said something that could possibly be construed as insensitive, you're just not that nice. And perhaps a rapist, silly.
  • 94. If you think monogamy is masturbation, you're an assholerapist.
  • 95. If you have a name, alias, or otherwise, that sounds even REMOTELY Japanese, you are a rapist.
  • 96. If you use the Duke University case to respond to #46, you're a rapist.
  • 97. If you're a rapist, you're a rapist. It's just common sense.
  • 98. If you wrote #97, you're a rapist, because that makes too much sense, so you obviously have a penis.
  • 99. If you wish there were 100 ways to be a rapist, then you're a rapist.
  • 100. If there has been an episode of Law and Order: SVU made about you, then you're a rapist.
  • 101. If you have ever watched an episode of Law and Order: SVU, then you're a rapist.
  • 102. If you can remember the entire NASCAR series schedule but can't remember your wife's birthday, kid's birthday, or anniversary, you just might be a rapist.
  • 103. If you identified #102 as a copy-and-pasted "You might be a redneck" joke, you're a rapist.
  • 104. If you know how this sentence is going to end, you're a rapist.
  • 105. If you're having sex with a woman and she tells you to go harder and you don't, you're a rapist.
  • 106. If you say no to sex you're a rapist.
  • 107. If you have touched any part of your body be it sexually or not, you're still a rapist.
  • 108. If you're a Jew, you're a rapist...of white Christian civilization.
  • 109. If one of your testicles are bigger than the other, you're a rapist.
  • 110. If a woman strips you naked, ties you up, gags you, and proceeds to ride you until you cum, but she never says "Yes," you're a rapist.
  • 111. If you remain friends with a man after learning that he has a penis, you are encouraging rape.
  • 112. If you are a nigra and a white girl says you raped her despite evidence stacked so highly in your favor that it would border on a breach of everything America stands for if you were convicted, guess what? You are a rapist.
  • 113. If you don't use Ys in the word wymmyns, you are encouraging rape.
  • 114. If you thought any of the words in #113 were misspelled, you are a rapist.
  • 115. If YOU are the drunk one and she has sex with you, you are a rapist.
  • 116. If you've got more furniture on you lawn than in your house, you might be a rapist.
  • 117. If you pay a woman to have sex, but don't tip, you are a rapist.
  • 118. If you have sex with a woman against her will while using a gun in a back alley, and she climaxes, you are NOT a rapist, although you might be in Japan.
  • 119. If you saw Black Snake Moan, you are encouraging rape.
  • 120. If the scanner says his power level is over 9000, you are a-WHAT NINE-THOUSAND!?
  • 121. If you think there is a spoon, then you are a rapist.
  • 122. If you recognized number 121 as a "The Matrix" joke, then I'm a rapist.
  • 123. If you try to point out that this is an article aimed at you, then not only are you a rapist, you're also an attention whore.
  • 124. If you think Eris is hot, you are a rapist.
  • 125. If you actually plan on raping Eris, you're a rapist and a sick fuck.
  • 126. If you think rape is merely surprise sex, you are a rapist.
  • 127. If your name is Plainsight, you are a rapist.
  • 128. If you were born in the arctic from the womb of a polar bear made of the seed of no human, have never seen the face of another human being nor believe that you yourself are a human being, then you are a rapist.
  • 129. If you decide to get off your ass and go to the store to buy a pack of lights, and then pay the female clerk an amount which is not exactly equal to the price of the cigs + tax WHILE also looking her in the eyes, you are definitely a rapist.
  • 130. If you are accused of homophobia and do not immediately respond with an affirmation that you actually love the cock, you are a rapist.
  • 131. If you do not contribute to this list, you are a rapist.
  • 132. If, at any time during the life of the universe, you, at any point, existed in some form and shape on some spatial object existing within the aforementioned universe (and are also not a wymyn), you are, hands-down, a rapist.
  • 133. If you herd i like mudkipz, you're a rapist
  • 134. If you know how to pronounce the name 'Ayn Rand', you are encouraging rape.
  • 135. If you are a woman who has forced her sexual attentions on a man, woman, boy, girl, mammal, or invertebrate, you are NOT a rapist. Vaginas entitle you to sex with anything in the known universe.
  • 136. If you sit in your room and play pokemon all day and get angry when your little sister's friends touch your light sabers, you're a rapist.
  • 137. If your name is Houston, then you are rapist. In fact, if you are named after any city, country, or state, you are a rapist.
  • 138. If you find any humor in Chuck Norris jokes, you should be shot, stabbed, hanged, shot again, drawn quartered, laced back together, stabbed twice more, beaten with reeds, and fed to raving lunatics. Oh, and you're also a rapist
  • 139. If you've read at least 100 of these, you're a rapist.
  • 140. If you don't know how many of these you've actually read without having to look at the number list, you're a rapist that can't count
  • 141. If she says "I give you my consent to have sex with me" and you then put your penis into her vagina, you're a rapist.
  • 142. If you are Eminem, you are a rappist, which is worse than a rapist, but you are also still a rapist.
  • 143. If you've ever read /b/, you are without any sense a doubt, a rapist. You're also likely a Sick fuck.
  • 144. If you have ever used a position of power to demand sexual favors from women, but kept abortion legal, you are NOT a rapist.
  • 145. If a waitresses huge tits made you look away from your wife for ten seconds during your anniversary dinner, you are a rapist.
  • 146. If you ever ate a grape which rhymes with rape then you are truly a rapeist.
  • 147. If you have ever raped a rapist, you are still a rapist.
  • 148. If you spell rapist, "rapeist", then not only are you a rapist, but you failed at Hooked on Phonics and are quite possibly a Nigra.
  • 149. If someone raped you and you surprise buttsecks them back, not only are you a rapist but you also will make me lol.
  • 150. If you have a Gaia Online account you are a rapist.
  • 151. If you touch the top of the building, you're a rapist. If you touch the ceiling you're a rapist, you touch the floor you're a rapist, too far to the right you're a rapist, too far to the left you're a rapist, you're a rapist rapist rapist rapist rapist rapist rapist rapist RAPIST.
  • 152. If you drink Gin with anything other than juice, you're a rapist.
  • 153. If you drink Gin WITH juice, you're a rapist.
  • 154. If you don't drink Gin at all, you're a rapist.
  • 155. If you don't fall under the category of ANY of the previous three, you might think you are actually not a rapist, but you, in fact, are.
  • 156. Therapists are rapists. It doesn't matter how 'good' of a therapist you are.
  • 157. If your name is Kashim and you have red hair, you're a rapist.
  • 158. If you think this is list is not lulz worthy, you're a rapist.
  • 159. If you watch rape hentai, you're a rapist.
  • 160. Campus counselors say that if you are a man, you are a rapist.
  • 161. Now this is the story all about how my life got turned upside down and I'd like to take a minute just sit right there I'll tell you that you're a rapist.
  • 162. ?????
  • 163. PROFIT!!!
  • 165. If you're wondering where 164 went its too afraid to go outside because of post traumatic fear of getting raped again. BY YOU. Fucking rapist.
  • 166. If you have erectile dysfunction you still may be a rapist.
  • 167. If your wife has passed away and you think about any time you had with her, you are not only a rapist but you are a necrophiliac.
  • 168. If your dad was a rapist and you married a woman you dated for 5 years that loves you more than anything on earth, you STILL are a rapist.
  • 169. See rule 69, rapist.
  • 170. If you are happy and you know it and you really wanna show it, if you're happy and you know it you're a rapist.
  • 171. If you go swimming a half hour after eating, you're a rapist.
  • 172. If you kick the person's seat that is sitting in front of you in a movie theater, you are a rapist.
  • 173. If you laughed at any point in this list, you're a rapist.
  • 174. If you have ever used the words, or any words that mean the following: breasts, vagina, or anus, you are a rapist.
  • 175. When you put your hands in the air like you just don't care you are proclaiming to the world that you are a rapist. See rule 48.
  • 176. If you draw a fictional character naked to please your friends who are perverts, you are a rapist. See rule 34.
  • 177. If you land on free parking in monopoly, you're in a parking lot in your imagination and your imagination is full of rape. You know exactly what you do in parking lots, rapist.
  • 178. If your name is Pyramid Head, you are THE rapist.
  • 179. If you're holding your newborn daughter, you are a rapist.
  • 180. If she asks you to spank her during sex and you do, you're a woman-beater and therefore a rapist.
  • 181. If you have a large penis, you are a misogynist and a rapist, because women don't like large penises. EVER.
  • 182. If you have ever spent less than three hours on foreplay, you are most definitely a rapist.
  • 183. If you think that the word 'rapist' starts to look funny after the 100th time you've read it, you're a rapist.
  • 184. If a woman has ever falsely accused you of rape and ruined your life in a huge media spectacle even though it has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that you never had any kind of sex with her, you are still a rapist. Just because you didn't doesn't mean you wouldn't, and everyone knows that all men are rapists.
  • 185. If you are a man who has been raped by a woman when you were incapacitated, you are a rapist. It is your fault for having an erection.
  • 186. You are a rapist.
  • 187. O HAY GUYS! WHAT'S GOING ON IN HERE?! (see rest of list)
  • 188. If this is the first time you've ever read this list, you're more rapist than n00b, but you're still a hella n00b...
  • 189. If your hand is bigger than your face, you're a rapist.
  • 190. Any person who can lick their elbow is a rapist.
  • 191. All Nobel Prize winners are rapists like you.
  • 192. If you laughed at any moment during Law & Order: SVU, you are a rapist and an episode about you will be made next year
  • 193. If you CAN rub your stomach and pat your head AT THE SAME TIME, you are a rapist.
  • 194. If you hang up on a telemarketer, you are a rapist. If you are a telemarketer, you are a rapist of ears. If you do not hang up on a telemarketer, you are asking for it.
  • 195. If you pull a fire alarm without starting a fire, you are a rapist and a criminal.
  • 196. You drink, you drive, you rape.
  • 197. If this ink blot looks like rape to you, you are a rapist.
  • 198. If you are suffering from loss of appetite, fatigue, headache, and fever, you are a rapist.
  • 199. If you were breast fed as an infant, you are a rapist.
  • 200. If you were really excited to write #200, you are a rapist.
  • 201. If you find this list to be lulzy, you are a rapist. Rape is serious fucking business.
  • 202. If you are Bill Clinton, you are not a rapist, because you did not have sex with that woman.
  • 203. If you you are George Bush, you are a rapist of the English language and democracy. You also raped your two hot daughters.
  • 204. If you tazed me bro, you are a rapist.
  • 205. If you are a member of the Skull and Bones, you are a rapist.
  • 206. If you listen to a record backwards and you hear "you are a rapist," you are a rapist.
  • 207. If you are Clive Owen, you are a rapist.
  • 208. If you have ever been on an football team, you are a rapist.
  • 209. If you own, know someone who owns, or have ever come into contact with a rape clock, you are a rapist.
  • 210. If you're wondering what the fuck a rape clock is, you are a rapist.
  • 211. If you don't find this list to be lulzy, you're a rapist.
  • 212. If you didn't think it was awesome when Danny Bonaduce pwnt Johnny Fairchild on national television, you are a rapist
  • 213. If you will play Sonic in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, then you are a rapist.
  • 214. If you've ever corrected this list for grammatical errors, you are not only a rapist but also anal retentive.
  • 215. If you think being "anal retentive" has to do with sodomy, you're a rapist.
  • 216. If you deny being a rapist, you're not only a rapist, but also a liar.
  • 217. If you've ever been raped, you are a rapist.
  • 218. If you watch or listen to Howard Stern, you are a rapist.
  • 219. If you got an erection at any point in time while reading this list you are DEFINITELY a rapist.
  • 220. If rape turns you on you are Japanese
  • 221. If you know who shot Kennedy you are a rapist.
  • 222. If you shot Kennedy you are a rapist.
  • 223. If you ARE Kennedy you are a rapist.
  • 224. If you raped someone, you're a rapist.
  • 225. If you've ever made a turducken, you are a rapist.
  • 226. If you, as a child, ever asked your mother why she doesn't have a peepee, you're a rapist.
  • 227. If you don't know what beateggs is, you're gonna get raped.
  • 228. If you enjoy anchovies you are a rapist and you have bad taste.
  • 229. If you misspell "definitely," you are a rapist.
  • 230. If you read numbers 221-223 and remembered where you were when Kennedy was shot, you're not only a rapist, but you're fucking old, and therefore a pedophile.
  • 231. If you're a rapist, you're a rapist.
  • 232. If you're annoyed with the repetition of "if you're a rapist, then you're a rapist" entries on this list, then you are a rapist.
  • 233. If you have ever been raped, you are encouraging rape.
  • 234. If your girlfriend is into BDSM and loves it when you tie her up, you are a rapist.
  • 235. If you are into BDSM and love it when your girlfriend ties you up, you are a rapist.
  • 236. If you are a virgin and have a penis, then you are a rapist. And a loser.
  • 237. If you are a man who lost your penis in an accident, you are still a rapist.
  • 238. If you're a transvestite, you're a rapist, and a faggot.
  • 239. If you're asexual, you're a rapist.
  • 240. If you divide by zero, you're a rapist. OSHI-
  • 241. If you think the cake is a lie you're a rapist.
  • 242. If you brb'd to make soup, you are a rapist.
  • 243. Sike, you can't be a rapist. You're a d00d.
  • 244. If you are gay and take advantage of a dead corpse, you're a rapist.
  • 245. If you delete fucking everything, you're a rapist and probably a furfag] too.
  • 246. If you say the name Candlejack, you're a ra
  • 247. If you are on ED right now, you are a rapist.
  • 248. If u no lyke mudkipz, you are a major rapist.
  • 249. If you have AIDS, you are a rapist. Therefore, the guy that gave you those AIDS, is also a rapist, because he couldn't it in his fucking pants. RAPISTRAPISTRAPIST.
  • 250. If, meanwhile reading all this list, you thought there were some entries twice or three times repeated, not only you are a rapist, but also a maniac.
  • 251. If you did read this list to da end,and you didn't find it funny,you're not only a rapist but a emo,too.


  • 252. If you don't want battletoads for the wiistation 360 then your a rapist
  • 253. If you have ever considered mutual masturbation, then you are a rapist.
  • 254. If you experience an erection lasting longer than 4 hours, you are a rapist
  • 255. Guess What? Surprise secks, rapist.
  • 256. If your penis was bitten off by a rabid dog, who ran off with it, dumped it into a swimming pool and it then floated into someone's asshole, then you are a rapist
  • 257. If you jump out of a plane, naked, with an erection, and the parachute doesnt open and you land prick first into someone's asshole, at 400mph, you are a rapist
  • 258. If you have gender reassignment surgery and a hobo takes your severed prick out of the hospital waste bin and uses it as a dildo, in their asshole, you are a rapist.
  • 289. if you spunk out of a window and it lands inside a passer by's asshole, you are a rapist
  • 290. If you were actually that curious to look up rape on this site, you're a rapist therefore making me a rapist by typing these words.
  • 291. If you're a chronic mastuabator who beats off without an erection and cums in less than five minutes, you're a rapist because you know how to finish fast.
  • 292. If you've ever 'accidentally' put it in the wrong hole, you're a rapist
  • 292. If you've ever masterbated over a pic of Abi Titmuss, Osama Bin Ladin and Hedwig ... YOU'RE A RAPIST!
  • 293 If you made rule 292 and you spelled masturbated wrong and then made two 292s you are a rapist.
  • 294 If you're the guy who pisses all over the floor in public restrooms you are an inconsiderate prick and are a rapist also you may be doing it for the lulz.
  • 295 If you smiled at a woman who was passing by in the street you are a rapist.
  • 296 If you're moot you are a rapist...of lulz
  • 297 If you are a mod you are a rapist.
  • 298 If you ever entered a store and didn't buy anything you are a rapist because you raped the time of the clerks.
  • 299 If you though 298 was (un)funny you are a rapist.
  • 300 I am a rapist.

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[edit] Rusty Iron, Rapist

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