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Unlike swearing on the Internets, this kind of swearing could have some very real repercussions.
Unlike swearing on the Internets, this kind of swearing could have some very real repercussions.

An interesting Internets phenomenon and widely-used flaming technique made possible by two main factors:

  1. Anonymity, and
  2. The fact that you can't get beaten up over the Internets.

Swearing on the Internets typically consists of using as many taboo slang words (words such as fuck, whorenunnery and Bob Faget) in a single sentence and then repeatedly cuntpasting that same sentence over and over, hammering your unfortunate target into submission. Best used in conjunction with other techniques such as bad grammar, the big tag and the capslock key. This is the principle that all Internet tough guys live by.

Some think that simply inserting swearing into an article is an easy shortcut to the lulz. Unfunnypedia is proof that these people are retards.


[edit] Example

Without a gun and a badge, what do ya got?
A fucker in a uniform waitin to get shot,
By me, or another motherfucking nigger
and with a gat it don't matter if he's smarter or bigger
Sidle him, kid, he's from the motherfucking old school, fucker
And as you all know, motherfucking E's here to rule
Whenever I'm rollin, keep lookin in the fucking mirror
And there's no fucking cue, yo, so I can hear a
Dumb motherfucker with a gun
And if I'm rollin off the 8, he'll be tha fucking one
That I take out, and then get away
And while I'm drivin off laughin
This is what I'll fucking say
Fuck the police, fuck, fuck
Fuck the police, fuck, fuck
Fuck the police, fuck, fuck
Fuck the police, fuck, fuck
The jury has found you guilty of bein a redneck,
Whitebread, chickenshit motherfucker
Wait, that's a lie. That's a motherfucking lie
I want fucking justice! I want justice!
Fuck you, you black motherfucker!

-from NWA's "Fuck the Police"

[edit] A List of Words Commonly Mistaken for Swear Words

When you're an important public figure, it's vital to know how to swear properly.
When you're an important public figure, it's vital to know how to swear properly.

[edit] Swearing for Geeks

Writers of popular science fiction sometimes make up their own special alien swear words, such as "frell," "frak," "gorram," or "shock," with the idea that they're being very clever because the cockbiting aliens and assfucking future humans would use different swear words from those used by we earthlings. In fact the writers, being total basement dwellers, are simply too uncool to swear properly. Of course, the consequence of the fake swearing on television leads to fan geeks copying the fake swears into their lame fan fiction, and even their everyday speech. How sweet.

[edit] More Swearing and General Insults

Fuck, Shit, Piss, Anal, Gay, Knob, Wank, Shit, Bollocks, Arsehole, Jew, Twat, Muff, Wankstain, Arsewipe, Vagina, gadzooks, Arse Bandit, Fudge Packer, Uphill Gardener, Poo Pusher, Marmite Miner, Chubby Chaser, Choad, Dork, Asswipe, Bastard, Nigger, Fat, Bi, Bitch, Cuntnugget, Bosnian, Quim, Cocksucker, Bitchwich , Motherfucker, Gaybosexualfaggawadick, Ballnipper, Bloodcummer, Goatfucker, Dick Cheney, Pim Hole, Ass-skeet, Bloody Bugger, Horse-Rapist, Churchhumper, Son of a shit, Hoebag, Spearsitter, Babyeater, Fungalfucker, Peepee, Poopy stinky face, glass cumming nunhumper, buttseckser ,etc

[edit] Why Swear?

Most swear-words seem to refer to excretion and sex/reproduction. Is it because we are all haunted by those primitive things? Or is it because swearing is big and clever? Experts are unanimous in their conclusion that nobody gives a shit.

Swearing is part of a series on Language & Communication.

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