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[edit] Disambiguation

Pie should not be confused with the number Pi which is math for TL;DR or User:Pi who is a fucktard.

[edit] Pie

Pie: a baked food having a filling of fruit, meat, pudding, etc., prepared in a pastry-lined pan or dish and often topped with a pastry crust. Basically, itz da shit. Pie was invented by God at the last supper. He thought Jesus deserved some dessert before he faked the Crucifixion and fled to France with Mary Magdalen.


[edit] Pie History

The first pies, called "coffins" or "coffyns" were savory meat pies with the crusts or pastry being tall, straight-sided with sealed-on floors and lids. Open-crust pastry (not tops or lids) were known as "traps." These pies held assorted meats and sauce components and were baked more like a modern casserole with no pan (the crust itself was the pan, its pastry tough and inedible). The purpose of a pastry shell was mainly to serve as a storage container and serving vessel, and these are often too hard to actually eat. A small pie was known as a tartlet and a tart was a large, shallow open pie (this is still the definition in England). Since pastry was a staple ingredient in medieval menus, pastry making was taken for granted by the majority of early cookbooks, and recipes are not usually included. It wasn't until the 16th century that cookbooks with pastry ingredients began appearing. Historian believe this was because cookbooks started appearing for the general household and not just for professional cooks. (Source: http://whatscookingamerica.net/History/PieHistory.htm 11/22/06)

[edit] Types of Pie

1. Apple

2. Cow

3. Hair

3. Boysenberry

4. Rhubarb

5. Strawberry

6. Chicken-Pot

7. Pecan

8. Pumpkin

9. Cherry

10. Cream

11. Lemon Meringue

12. Chess

13. Funeral

14. Ice Box

15. Key Lime

16. Lampreye

17. Mincemeat

18. Shoofly

19. Sugar Cream

20. Chocolate Angel

21. Snickers

22. Peaches and Cream

23. Chocolate Peanut Butter

24. Black Bottom

25. Chocolate Amaretto

26. Grasshopper Mint

27. Mocha Velvet

28. Almond Mocha

29. French Silk

30. Pink Grapefruit

31. Nantucket Cranberry

32. Apple Dumpling

33. Maple Pumpkin

34. Spicy Pear

35. Peach Cream Cheese

36. Peach Praline

37. Double Berry Vanilla Cream

38. Rhubarb & Strawberry

39. Kahlua Pecan

40. Vermont Maple-Walnut

41. Mud Pie

42. Velvety Custard Pie

43. Bolton's Landing's Buttermilk

44. Three Sisters Coconut

45. Eagles Coconut

46. Rocky Road Sunday

47. Frozen Peanut Butter

48. Frozen Kahlua Mousse

49. Maple Pecan

50. Walnut Caramel

51. Blueberry

52. American

53. Your mom's

54. Key Limecat

55. Crunchy Frog

56. fag

57. shit

58. pheonix wright ace atorney

59. farly good dental plan

60. semi succesfull job in the mod

61. pussy

62. fuck tart

63. french wine and kangroo

64. pls add my msn benny444@hotmail.co.uk

65. look out here comes a spider

(Source:http://www.thatsmyhome.com/mainstreet/pies/ 11/22/06)

Granted, one can make a pie out of nearly anything, but these are some popular kinds.

[edit] Why Everyone Should Like Pie

If you dont like pie, you're a faggot! Your soul will rot in the depths of hell for all of eternity! There is always the little bitch who says, "Oh no, I don't like pie.". These people are attention whores, and want attention to feed on. There defiancy to the pie makes them bad bad people. If you are diabetic or something (And even then, you should be willing to die for some pie), thats one thing; but to openly reject the pie is heresy! Remember, it is delicious pie, you must eat it!

[edit] Why Everyone Shouldn't Like Pie

Those Invader Zim fans who ushered in a new wave of "OMG I'M BEING SOOOO RANDOM!!!!!!" decided that by saying pie you were apparently incredibly funny by default. That's stupid and a total lie and anyone who posts on the internet going "PIE!!!!" is incredibly unfunny.

[edit] Disclaimer

I am not responsible for the deaths of emo kids who now think they are even more pathetic if they don't like pies. It was their fault, and I am in no way involved.

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