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Kunta sets dress code standards for niggers everywhere.
Kunta sets dress code standards for niggers everywhere.

Roots was a TV Series/Movie about a bunch of uppity niggers that were raped by the white man created at least 100 years ago. Some argue that Roots was an influential movie and that it shows some of the "intolerable acts"(HA!) committed by the white man, but in truth it clearly proves that niggers totally suck and are only good at being whipped. The original title of the work was Spooks, a name by which it is sometimes known today.


[edit] Kunta Kinte

Kunta Kinte (A.K.A Toby) was the most uppity nigger in Roots, and in turn, the nigger with the most butthurt at the end of the movie. (See Equation: imcompetence X darkness of skin = amount of whips per square inch)

Kunta's lulzy journey begins when he is circumsized, proving that niggers are no better or if not worse than jews or sand niggers. His capture was painful, his boat ride to the Americas sucked balls, and his life in America sucked pretty hard, too.


Kunta's foot was also hacked off when he was older. Right before this happened, Kunta looked at the white man and said "NO!" but all the white man heard was "DO IT!" because niggers probably spoke an early form of ebonics back then anyway.

[edit] Some other Niggers

O.J Simpson was in Roots, which was probably a cruel joke played by the directors, because the only thing O.J is good at is killing white wimminzzzzz.

The rest of the cast doesn't matter.

[edit] Reactions

The effects of Roots can be seen at this website [1]

When one Klan member looked at another Klan member and said " What does the scouter say about those nigars power level?" the other replied "IT'S OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAAAAAND!"

The other Klan member turned around and said, "WHAT NINE THOUSAND?!"

[edit] See Also





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