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Spartans. Hell Restaurant. Reservation for 300. Window seat plz.
Spartans. Hell Restaurant. Reservation for 300. Window seat plz.
Win an iPod!
Win an iPod!
Super manic special forces types killing furries who are as gay as the movie's Persian hordes.
Super manic special forces types killing furries who are as gay as the movie's Persian hordes.

Just like House is their favorite TV show, and Portal is their favorite game , 300 is one of /b/'s most beloved and cherished movies of all time. The movie itself is easily one of the campiest, unintentionally lulziest, eye-rollingest movies ever created. Adults who watch the movie are generally unimpressed; 13 year old boys (and grown men with the brains of 13 year old boys) think 300 is TEH AWESOMEST because of all the BRUTAL FIGHTING. Faggots, on the other hand, think it is TEH AWESOMEST because of all the half-naked men drenched in sweat and engaging in man-touching. Also note all of the phallic spears thrusting deep into tight, oozing wounds ... excuse me, I need to go fap.

The movie is based on a comic book by the noted pedophile and Bush-licking quimhunter Frank Miller. At least 100 movies have been made from Frank Miller stories and all of them have been bad. This particular comic book is about 300 Spartan pedophiles who jealously guard their massive boy-stockpiles from the Persian pedophiles who seek to invade. You can tell that the Spartans are good guys because they are white, half-naked and they talk about freedom. The Persians are bad because they are dark-skinned, actually wear sensible armor, and talk about money. In that sense, the movie is utterly realistic. Adding to the movie's realism is a special guest appearance by Detective Jimmy McNulty who also tried to catch Hannibal Lecter, thus bringing full circle the movie's themes of pedophilic authority figures.

Furthermore, the vast majority of dialogue in this movie is in ALL CAPS. THIS IS SAAAAAARPTA !


[edit] The Memes

Some say Leonidas robbed the poor.
Some say Leonidas robbed the poor.

After the first official trailer of 300 was released, it immediately caught the attention of 4chan. The two memes that spawned from this are TONIGHT WE DINE IN HELL, and THIS. IS. SPARTA!!!

The original execution of the meme featured the movie's star either exclaiming "TONIGHT WE DINE IN HELL" [1] or "GUYS, I FORGOT WHERE WE ARE DINING TONIGHT". Contrary to popular belief, the proper response is not 'Applebees' or 'Olive Garden.'

THIS IS SPARTA!!!!, on the other hand, comes from a scene in the movie where King Leonidas bellows the phrase and then proceeds to kick some guy down into a bottomless pit. This was because he asked for a raise in his measly slave salary, overestimating the value of a hard day's work (which, as we all know, is 3/5 the value of a white man's hard day's work).


Currently the "300"s' SPARTAAAAN King Leonidas' head is being shooped everywhere from Caturday to Apples Bear and everything in between.

[edit] Gallery

[edit] Audio Clips



[edit] YTMND Meme

One of the 13 year old boys at YTMND made a 300-themed site in October of 2006, but it didn't get beat into old meme death until February of 2007.

[edit] YouTubing 300

[edit] See Also


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