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Welcome to Humour Australia! 

Mirthsmiths, Laughwrights and Skitmakers to the Nation

Humour Australia is ABC Local Radio's sketch comedy unit. In the mood for skits, sketches, audio humour, audio humor and an occasional reference to world leaders? Well, apparently The Two Ronnies were pretty funny.

Failing that, look below...

Click below for our latest sketches...

(All Humour Australia audio files require RealAudio. How to listen)

Tug Report ListenTug Report 15/2
(2m 51s)

Tug Report ListenHurrah! The first Tug Report for 2008!
News under intensely serious scrutiny... (3m 04s)

Tug Report ListenThe final Tug Report of 2007!
Tug Dumbly examines the life of a well-known figure who toppled from power... (6m 18s)

Long Way ListenLong Way to the Middle
Noticed all those has-beens tramping over Entertainment Centre stages? Pile-ups of 80s rock stars, 70s has-beens, Countdown Spectaculars...all those musicals made out of Queen and ABBA hit lists?

Humour Australia thought they’d leap on the bandwagon with a concept show of their own... (2m 04s)

Pollie grab ListenPollie Grab!
Sure we've got a new Government, but the same old dreary news stories will follow them. There must be some shorthand the pollies and journalists can apply... (1m 43s)

Summer Movie ListenSummer Movie.
They should advertise them more truthfully... (1m 26s)

HA Phones ListenH.A. Phones
In a world of options, one phone company dares to make a stand... (2m 33s)

No Blues Blues ListenNo Blues Blues
Sometimes there's nothing to have the blues about...
(1m 16s)

Theatre Sequels ListenSequels for a forgotten medium!
(1 min.)

sausages ListenSausages
What's in them? (2m 05s)

Mobile Confession ListenMobile Confession
Time was we had to go to church to confess our sins. But now there's talk we can just ring up. Humour Australia wonders how it'll work... (1m 20s)

Cricket ListenCricket Book
Summer's here and so is a range of H.A.'s 'must-buy' publications... (2m 38s)

Home Cinema ListenHome Cinema
(2m 23s)

Joanne's Tale ListenThe Tragic Tale of Joanne
(2m 11s)

Ukulele Blues ListenUkulele Blues
Sometimes the blues are small. (1m 02s)

Closure ListenClosure
Self-help gurus talk a lot about 'closure.' But does it really start and end with 'closure'? Humour Australia wonders... (2m 15s)

New, more practical, heroes ListenNew, more practical, heroes
Superman saves Metropolis from disaster. Batman saves Gotham City from catastrophe. But where are the heroes who can assist us ordinary folk with our more mundane, everyday concerns? H.A. investigates... (2m 45s)

Nursery Rhymes ListenNursery Rhymes
Nursery rhymes often reflected issues of the day. For example:

Ring around the rosies
A pocket full of posies
A-tishoo! A-tishoo!
We all fall down!

...described symptoms of the Black Death.

Humour Australia reckons it’s time for some new nursery rhymes. There are plenty of modern issues to reflect... (2m 14s)

Shark interview ListenShark interview
Kinda dangerous to go into the water nowadays, yes? (1m 40s)

Scene in a Shop ListenScene in a Shop
(1m 09s)

Grand Final Football ListenInterview with the Grand Final Football
Hear how the most important contributor to the Storm victory felt before the match... (2m 13s)

SeaChange ListenSeaChange (a song)
City folk! Looking to do the big sea change? Maybe it's not as idyllic as you think...
(1m 14s)

Whatever groovy new surround sound, etc., gear you've bought, it's obsolete! (2m 46s)

Conferences ListenThe Sound of Conferences!
No need to actually go to a conference. Just buy this CD instead! (2m 27s)

Culling ListenCulling
A curse be upon our that needs a-cullin'... (2m 33s)

Mating ListenMating
Science has just debunked the long-held belief that we humans are attracted to one another’s pheromones. So, according to science, how do we ever get together? H.A. found out... (1m 17s)

This is Your Life ListenThis is Your Life
The show ran out of good subjects ages ago... (2m 03s)

Morrow Alarm ListenThe David Morrow Car Alarm
Protect your vehicle with the latest technology!(58s)

Computer Whisperer ListenComputer Whisperer #1
Having trouble with your !@#$%^&* computer? You need this man...(2m 49s)

Dogs ListenDogs...
A live performance. (2m 17s)

pre-trendy ListenPre-trendy (a song)
(1 min. 10 sec.)

Eau d'Cundall ListenEau d'Cundall
(1m 36s)

Dolphin Soldiers ListenDolphin Soldiers
Back in one of the Iraqi wars, the U.S. Military released photos of its Dolphin Squad, who were working to locate mines in Saddam's ports.

Never had Hollywood been presented with such a gift. H.A. found the opening scene of a war movie with the dolphins at boot camp...(2m 36s)

 ListenFather's Day
Ah, the joy of Fathers' Day!
Did you let Humour Australia guide you through great gift ideas from their great gift catalogue? (1m 43s)

Frodo and Sam ListenFrodo and Sam
How are things going in the Shire, now that the Lord of the Rings adventures are over? (2m 26s)

Beggar-B-Gone ListenBeggar-B-Gone!
You need this new H.A. product for life on the city streets... (1m 34s)

Liposuction ListenLiposuction!
A song that really sucks. (1m 35s)

Chatterly ListenLady Chatterly's Lover
The latest ABC costume drama has tongues wagging...(1m 26s)

Life's Good ListenLife’s Good
Boys and their toys. Rivalry over who has the best technology. H.A. has more... (2m 18s)

Anonymous ListenPedants Anonymous
Good news, pedantic persons! H.A. has found a club for you... (2m 20s)

Party Etiquette ListenParty Etiquette
Just what is proper party etiquette? You throw a few snags on the barbie - can you take someone else's off? Is it OK to take a VB out of the fridge? Let's hear a modern party in progress... (1m 42s)

Phone Love ListenPhone Love
Troubled romance can be found anywhere... (1m 45s)

Barnsey Musical ListenBarnsey the Musical
What's Barnsey doing going on TV? H.A. imagines a top night of musical theatre...
(1m 44s)

Kids and Punishment ListenKids and Punishment
Infants are changing... (2m 02s)

Fishmonger ListenFishmonger sketch
(with apologies to Monty Python) (1m 42s)

EnviRon #1 ListenEnviRon #1: Alternate Energies
What with global warming worries, H.A. introduces a new eco-hero discovering an untapped natural resource... (1m 56s)

Accountant ListenThe Accountant and the Thug
Everyone has to do their tax... (2m 55s)

Snag Footy ListenSNAG Footy
They used to go in hard and come out hard, but now footballers are getting a little sensitive. Listen into a half-time pep talk... (1m 57s)

cash economy ListenTax Time!
Done your tax yet? H.A. reckons the ATO will crack down on Australia’s worst tax avoiders... (1m 55s)

Devolutionary Love Song ListenDevolutionary Love Song
An old-fashioned love song about a modern love problem... (1m 45s)

Credit Card Kid ListenCredit Card Kid
The news that very young people were being approached to get a credit card had us imagining this phone call... (2m 9s)

Russell Crowe on Mastermind ListenRussell Crowe on Mastermind
Russell Crowe has written a touching letter to his sons for inclusion in a time capsule. Quite a contrast to his phone-throwing behaviour. In fact, Humour Australia remembers the volatile actor's appearance on 'Mastermind' a few years back... (1m 49s)

 ListenDemocracy Spray
Americans, when they talk about 'helping' a country like Iraq or Afghanistan, talk about making the country democratic - as if that’s the simplest thing in the world. It’s a bit more complicated than that...unless they had a product like H.A.’s New Democracy Spray...(2m 37s)

Wedding rings ListenDog Wedding
It’s becoming popular to arrange a wedding for an often-overlooked family member. Once it was enough to throw our four-legged friends a bone in the backyard, but not any more... (2m 20s)

Baby ListenFertility Patrol
Lot of talk about Australia's population passing 21 million, but the Bureau of Stats says the population will peak around the middle of this century, then go into decline. Many western countries are in a similar position.

The main culprit is our low fertility rate, and H.A. thinks it's only a matter of time until someone makes a TV show about it all... (2m 20s)

Fifty ListenFifty -- a song
It's the new 40, you know. (2m 05s)

Barnsey ListenBarnsey!
The TV networks need new reality show ideas. 'The Osbournes' worked. Hmmm...which Aussie rock star would fit the bill? (1m 17s)

Cricket ListenCricket CD
Hey, sports fans! Missing one of your favourite games? Let Humour Australia fill the gap... (2m 17s)

Common Cold ListenCommon Cold
We know his work, but don’t particularly admire him. H.A. caught up with the man of the sneezy season – the Common Cold... (2m 10s)

Australian Idle ListenNew reality show!
Big Brother is slumping in the ratings. Fresh ideas needed! (53 sec.)

 ListenNew series of CSI!
CSI, CSI: Miami, CSI: New York. Old hat. The latest and best spin-off is coming your way... (1m 25s)

Tweety ListenCartoon Violence
Forget images from Iraq. A survey has linked violent behaviour in adults with the watching of violent TV in their youth. Programs mentioned included Miami Vice...and Warner Brothers cartoons! H.A. has found a new episode of Tweetie and Sylvester that reflects a more modern sensibility... (2m 08s)

bloody banks ListenBloody banks!
Tried to call your bank lately? Humour Australia sympathises...(1m 54s)

Busker ListenBusking Championships
There's a high-profile Awards Show for most forms of entertainment nowadays; but one group has been sorely neglected, as H.A. reports... (2m 8s)

Mothers Day ListenMothers Day
Did you get around to Mothers Day shopping? Humour Australia had a great catalogue... (2m 17s)

House ListenBank Home Owner
It's old hat to borrow money from a bank to buy your house. Nowadays you can buy a house WITH the bank... (1m 26s)

Aussie franchise ListenAussie Franchises
Always talk about the impact the USA has on Australia... but what about the impact Australia could have on the US? H.A. has more... (2m 37s)

People Smuggler ListenPeople Smuggler
The proposal that Australia and the USA exchange unwanted asylum seekers has the people smuggling business in a spin. This conversation was recorded by a microphone mounted on a cricket in a village in Sulawesi... (1m 23s)

Army Ad ListenAd for the Army
Seen the Government's blitz of ads for the Armed Forces? We're not convinced to join up. We had a go at doing the Army ad though... (1m 08s)

Easter Bunny ListenInterview with the Easter Bunny
A while back we caught up with everyone's favourite bunny... (2m 22s)

Talking Clock ListenInterview with the Talking Clock
(2 min.)

50 million Listen50 million Australians
CSIRO studies have suggested that Australia will have a population of fifty million by the end of the century.

Humour Australia used their unique TimeScoop device to access this news report from the distant future...(2m 45s)

 Listen4WD Justification Service
(1m 22s)

Work/Life Balance ListenWork/Life Balance
It's back in the headlines -– just how do we strike a balance between work and a quality personal life? It's tricky stuff, and even extra-terrestrials are looking to us for advice on the issue.

Cross now with H.A. to a distant planet... (2m 35s)

Footy Grab! ListenFooty Grab!
Sports nuts -- you need the latest H.A. product! (1m 38s)

Art Prize ListenArt Prize
A recent British Modern Art Prize went to an exhibit that was simply a room with a light you could switch on and off.

Humour Australia thinks the organisers will soon be dropping in on homes like the following in their search for art... (1m 25s)

Golden Raspberries ListenThe Golden Raspberries
The Oscars may have passed, but that means it's time for the Golden Raspberries -- a celebration of all that's lousy in cinema. Actors don't usually show up to get their Award, but if they did it may sound like this... (1m 47s)

Interview with a Joke ListenInterview with a Joke
(1m 52s)

Family Meeting ListenFamily Meeting
Only H.A. has its finger on the domestic pulse in these troubled times. Listen in... (2m 10s)

Family Meeting ListenFamily Meeting 3 -- the Water Nazis 2 (these titles are getting complicated)
Continuing adventures of the drought-resistant family (2 min.)

Family Meeting ListenFamily Meeting 2 -- the Water Nazis
Continuing adventures of the drought-resistant family (1m 21s)

swim meet ListenSwim Meet 2008
The drought wears on and on! There are implications for sport in the future... (1m 59s)

Baby Planet ListenBaby Planet
Madonna can do it. Angelina Jolie can do it. Why not you? (1m 12s)

New Action Movie ListenNew Action Movie
What does Hollywood like more than an original action movie? Ripping off an old one, of course... (48s)

 ListenCWA Hash
The Country Women's Association wants cannabis legalised. Puts them in a whole different light doesn’t it? (2m 33s)

The hot new TV series is coming soon... (1m 22s)

Move to the Country ListenMove to the Country
Single? Unemployed? Wanna move to the sticks for $5,000? (2m 03s)

Petrol ListenInterview with Petrol
(2m 25s)

 ListenT3 (a song)
(1m 44s)

Brendan's ListenBrendan's Rough Trade Matchmakers
(1m 27s)

Talking Books ListenNew Talking Books
(1m 43s)

Hybrid Vehicles ListenHybrid Vehicles
Feeling the cost of petrol lately? (2 min.)

(1m 51s)

Little Ted ListenPlay School turns 40
...but it has caused ripples from time to time (2m 07s)

costello mutiny ListenCostello Mutiny
Behind every successful, long-serving Prime Minister is a kinda annoyed Treasurer. Humour Australia found a new TV show about it... (2m 03s)

Driving Home ListenDriving Home
Expensive to drive these days, isn't it? And we're not talking about petrol... (1m 20s)

The Deal ListenThe Deal
The supply goes down...the price goes up... (1m 23s)

Real Estate ListenReal Estate
Selling real estate with the truth... (2m 12s)

Kathmandu FM ListenKathmandu FM
(1m 26s)

H.A. CD ListenShameless Plug

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