Special Reports
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Special Reports On Key Topics In Science And Technology

Keywords: death, dying, taboo, mortal, aging, self, immortality, transhumanism, execution
Keywords: Entanglement, quantum computing, qubits, encryption, subatomic particles
Keywords: Neanderthal, genes, stone tools, hobbit, bipedalism, brain evolution, migration
Keywords: Brain chemistry, attraction, dating, hormones, kissing, stalking, sex
Keywords: Natural selection, inbreeding, junk DNA, coevolution, sexual selection, creationism
Keywords: Diversity, meteorite wipeout, feathers, bulletproof armour, battles
Keywords: DNA, gene, chromosome, mutation, junk DNA, inheritance, genetic disorder
Keywords: GM crops, superweeds, glowing fish, drug-producing plants, genetic tampering
Keywords: Cloning, embryos, differentiation, ethics, bone marrow
Keywords: Addiction, intoxication, hangover cures, marijuana therapies, binge drinking
Keywords: Memory, cerebellum, neuron, neurotransmitter, addiction, depression, MRI, consciousness
Keywords: Depression , schizophrenia , dementia, personality, bipolar, anxiety, autism, creativity
Keywords: Gene patent, screening, prostate, radiation, leukaemia, glivec, diet, vaccine
Keywords: Pandemic, retrovirus, immune system, origins, evolution, vaccine, condoms, stigma
Keywords: Mad cows, vCJD, prions, testing, treatments, gene variants, epidemic
Keywords: Virus, chicken, human transmission, pandemic, vaccine, mutation, hybrid
Keywords: Adolescence, hormones, risky behaviour, bullying, evolution, brain changes, sex
Keywords: Transistors, atomic age, space race, contraceptive pill, climate change, dolly , genome
Keywords: Alien life , cosmology, man on mars, no more ageing, consciousness, human evolution
Keywords: career, jobs, phd, doctorate, industry, biotechnology, engineering, postgraduate, pharmaceutical, scientist, science jobs, research jobs
Keywords: Greenhouse gases, global warming, Kyoto Protocol, melting ice, heat waves
Keywords: Electricity, climate change, wind turbine, oil, hydrogen, natural gas
Keywords: Giant squid, jellyfish, tube worm, bioluminescent fish, hydrothermal vent, submersibles
Keywords: Extinction, nature reserve, exploitation, alien species, deforestation, pollution
Keywords: Storm, wind, flooding, climate change, cyclone , typhoon, storm surge
Keywords: Early warning, satellites, disease, environment, forensic identification, psychology
Keywords: New Orleans, floodwaters, evacuation, identification, flood defences
Keywords: Nanomachines, computer chips, nanotube, drug-delivery, self-assembly, buckyball
Keywords: AI, humanoid, autonomous vehicles, surgical aide, bipedal , spy plane, robot submarine
Keywords: Non-proliferation, enrichment, nuclear fusion, radioactive waste, cancer, Hiroshima
Keywords: Smart bomb, robot aircraft, bunker buster, Star Wars , Taser, chemical weapons
Keywords: Forensic, DNA, fingerprint, pathology, firearms, corpse, fraud
Keywords: Trojan horses, spam, zombie PCs, worms, rogue texts, phishing scams
Keywords: Supersonic, autonomous, scramjet, A380, sky cars, noise, greenhouse gases, traffic
Keywords: Robot racers, biofuel, safety, on-board radar, fuel cells, anti-theft
Keywords: SETI, microbes, Mars, alien contact, comets, habitable zones
Keywords: New moons, musical rings, Titan landing, antifreeze volcanoes
Keywords: Asteroid belt, Kuiper belt, Oort cloud, collision, meteor, Halley's comet, Stardust
Keywords: Universe, big bang, dark matter, dark energy, inflation, gravity, anthropic principle, wormhole
Keywords: Orbiters, landers, water, sediments, minerals, oceans, craters, methane, life
Keywords: Columbia, safety, foam, repair kit, space station, Hubble, astronauts
Keywords: space, rockets, astronauts, satellites, sputnik, newspace, alt.space, space junk, antimatter, space weapons, space tourism, space history
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