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March 2006 - Posts

Exchange hosted services

Well, I only mentioned this the other week in my blog , and now we've gone and had a big announcement about our Exchange Hosted services offering (If you're a Microsoft partner, you can have a look here too..). You can sign up for a free 30 day trial
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 1 Comments
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Manage Communicator Web Access with MOM

Heck, that's not a very good blog post title is it? Well what I mean is that the MOM team have released a management pack where you can manage any instances of Communicator Web Access using MOM 2005. There, thats a bit clearer isn't it? Dale blogged about

Tweaking your Exchange Server for performance

Wow. Kevin has been busy cutting and pasting URL's. He delivered an excellent Webcast the other day on Exchange Performance Tuning , and, stickler for detail that he is, has researched loads of URL's about how to tune Exchange Server to the n'th degree.

Folder share - no hassle...

Allister introduced me to a fabuous little tool the other month that I use all the time here. It's called FolderShare and it's really really good. I mean REALLY good. No synchronising, no messing, all the files you need in one place and accessible by

Mobile and Embedded DevCon - Las Vegas

Hmmm - I want to go to Vegas.. I REALLY want to go there. I missed MIX06 last week (too developer focused for me), and now its only 8 weeks to go to MEDC in Las Vegas too. Grrr. THere's an early bird registration option too. The early-registration price
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 3 Comments
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Getting a DR plan for Exchange

Antony was formulating a disaster recovery plan for Exchange and had been scrolling around trying to collate a set of best practices and hints and tips. So he contacted me and asked me if I had a set of collated articles - I didn't of course, so I did

Throttling the OAB

Heck, I've wanted to throttle the OAB lots of times - but that's not the reason for this blog entry :-). Chris had a challenge as the customer he was doing some work for wanted to manage the network bandwidth when all of the users in the company were

2007 Office system - and the new Office Services

Bill Gates has delivered another keynote - this time at the Office System Developers Conference yesterday (view the recording here...) . I listened to the recording, and even though I'm not a developer, I wanted to hear what he has to say about the new

Exchange 12 - more stuff

I was chatting to Brett about blogging today - he's been desperate to start blogging (he's got so much to say!), so we had a talk about how blogging works and how he can start to spread the word about all of the cool things that he's been doing recently.

Beyond the browser at MIX 06

I thought I'd spend some time this evening and watch the Keynote for MIX 06 in Las Vegas. (You can visit MIX virtually too) Bill Gates was talking about how the way we interact with the web. You know, when I started browsing the web, the website designers

The Mobile opportunity - go for it...

There's been quite a lot of buzz recently about mobility, especally since Exchange SP2 was released, and I have quite a few conversations on the subject. Our mobility demos during the Exchange unplugged sessions went down a storm, and I've had several
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 0 Comments
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Portals webcasts for April

TechNet Webcast: How Microsoft IT Manages SharePoint Operations (Level 300) Tuesday, April 18, 2006 - 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Pacific Time André Heymann, Microsoft IT Sharepoint Technologist, Microsoft Corporation This presentation tells how Microsoft IT runs

Real Time Collaboration Webcasts for April

Microsoft Office System Webcast: Tips and Tricks for Microsoft Office Communicator 2005 (Level 100) Thursday, April 13, 2006 - 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Pacific Time Evan Archilla, Consultant, Projectline Services Microsoft Office Communicator 2005 is an integrated

MOM & SMS Webcasts for April

TechNet Webcast: Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 Technical Overview (Level 200) Monday, April 10, 2006 - 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Pacific Time John Baker, TechNet Presenter, Microsoft Corporation This webcast presents an in-depth examination of Microsoft

Office Webcasts for April

Microsoft Webcast: Decision Makers: See How Others Drive Business Value with Microsoft Office OneNote 2003 (Level 100) Wednesday, April 19, 2006 - 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Pacific Time Scott Rockfeld, Group Product Manager, Microsoft Corporation From consultancies

Messaging webcasts for April

TechNet Webcast: Exchange Best Practice Analyzer (ExBPA) (Level 300) Monday, April 10, 2006 - 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Pacific Time Kevin Remde, TechNet Presenter, Microsoft Corporation The Microsoft Exchange Server Best Practices Analyzer Tool (ExBPA) is an

Exchange mobility resources

Every month I get an internal email newsletter from David in Denver. He's a technical specilaist focused on Exchange, so our paths cross quite a bit (I last saw him during out Exchange 12 training in Redmond in January). Well, he hasn't got a blog (why

How productive am I?

Oh heck. I've just taken the Personal Productivity Challenge - just for fun. The blurb seemed easy enough... Ever wonder if you are as productive as you could be? In just a few minutes you can gauge how well you are managing your time and priorities.

Radvision and LCS extensions

This is really interesting. I saw it on the newswires this morning that we've signed an agreement with Radvision to provide SIP toolkits (read our press release here ). They can take advantage of the SIP extensions for LCS that will be integrated into

Managed Exchange services

I was looking around the Exchange home page today and noticed that we're now offering a managed Exchange service through Frontbridge. This is a great idea for those who don't want the worry of managing their Exchange environment at their own premises,

MMS 2006 in San Diego

MMS 2006 is in San Diego this year (don't fly to Vegas as you'll be on your own...!) and the web site is live for registration . I'm still trying to persuade the powers that be to let me go.. (I've got lots of other events planned for this year, and have

SMS 2.0 SUS Feature pack

I saw this the other day, and thought it was worth reproducing to make sure that, if you're using MBSA, you can still keep yourself fully up to date... As documented in KB895660 , the MBSA 1.2.1 catalog (MSSecure.XML) that is used to provide security

Exchange 12 Overview event in the UK

I'm delivering a TechNet event here in the UK on March 16th, for those who want to see some of the new features that are available in Exchange 12. I'm also delivering a couple of modules at our Exchange ignite program for customers and partners next month

Thats a pretty network diagram...

http://www.microsoft.com/uk/technet/designit/default.mspx We were having a coffee with the Audience marketing guys a while ago, and we were talking about how we could contribute to a charity in some way. Microsoft in the UK are sponsors of several charities,

Blogcast: Folding a t-shirt

I knew how to do this already. Lorna who runs the MVP program here in the UK showed me how to do this last year and I was very, very impressed. So when my friend emailed this video showing how easy it is to fold a T-shirt I just had to publish it as a
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 5 Comments

Exchange 12 CTP for download

Harold blogged about this in January, but I thought it was worth a reminder - especially if you're desperate to get your hands on the E12 CTP. It's available to TechNet subcribers (and there's a 30% offer at the moment). Here's where you go and register

MOM 2005 Resource kit to download

Latest Version of MOM 2005 Resource Kit Now Available for Download This resource kit has been updated to support MOM 2005 SP1 and new tools have been added: Alert to RSS Utility – Enable subscriptions to alert information via RSS. DAS Role Update Utility
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