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Exchange Webcasts for Feb 2008

TechNet Webcast: Exchange Server 2007 in Depth (Part 7 of 8): Key Scenarios, Examples, Demos, and How-to's (Level 300) Friday, February 01, 2008 - 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Pacific Time John Weston, TechNet Presenter, Microsoft Corporation http://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=1032363579&Culture=en-US

The last Windows 2003 Server of all

The last Windows Server 2003 machine at Microsoft.com has a following and has been blogged about by the Windows Server team on their blog . Video: The Lone Server - extended version This reminds me of a video of the decommissioning of the last 5.5 Exchange

Have you got a male or female brain for DesignIT?

Phew. This is me... You're a genius! Results indicate that you have a predominantly female brain; and could be the next Nobel Prize winner, like Marie Curie. Using the right hand side of your brain, you're often innovative, rational and demonstrate amazing

Why don’t more women work in Technology?

The best way to find out is to ask some questions... I’d like 5 minutes of your time (if you're female) to fill in a survey about women working in the Technology industry. Womenintechnolgy is surveying women about their experiences, and we’ll donate 50p

Small businesses go live - for free...

There's been lots of excitement about Office Live recently, the newswires have been buzzing , since it came out of beta. We've been talking about this for some time, as the impact on small businesses is going to be huge. If you're in a small business,

Jane gets some fame...

I just noticed this video about Jane over on Partner TV . I hassled Jane into joining Microsoft and then into blogging, Now she's a star in our Field Engineering team and I'm basking in her limelight!.. Nice video Jane...

Download Vista and Office

John always has to be the first to announce whenever things get released, launched, become available. (You haven't changed a bit I see...) So of course he had to be the first to blog about Vista RTM becoming available. Office 2007 has been available to

Come over to the Virtual side

Virtual TechEd is now live. TechEd ITForum is sold out and has been for a couple of weeks now, so if you're a last minute sort of person, then you've missed out this year. We've created videos so you can catch up on what's going on at both TechEd Developer

Office Webcasts for October

TechNet Webcast: Overview of Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 (Level 200) Wednesday, October 25, 2006 - 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Pacific Time Jean-Francois LeSaux, EPM LEAD ARCHITECT, Microsoft Corporation http://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=1032309358&Culture=en-US

Office Gets Technical

There's new area where you can go to get answers to all of your Technical queries about Office. It's long overdue I say. The regular Office site has loads of great information - but its geared towards the end user. This site sweeps all of the Office back

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, there was Web 1.0

I've been watching the hype around Web 2.0 with interest. I was around at the start of the dot com boom and remember only too well, all the phone calls from enthusiasts trying to get me to give up everything and join the latest start up. I found an interesting
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 2 Comments

Blowing my own trumpet

***edited link*** (in case you hadn't heard of the phrase in the title there's an explanation here ..) ...Well I thought I'd have a little bit of self promotion here, but I'm feeling really chuffed about this, so thought I'd share it I made it into Mary

Waiting for Vista

Steve has been busy creating another piece of Machinima to follow on from his Staying patched clip. It's over on Youtube . So what is machinima? The word itself is a portmanteau ( mashup ) of Machine and Cinema, and we’ve been using concepts like this
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 3 Comments

Windows Live contacts: website integration

Wow. I must be psychic! No sooner than I blog about how cool Meebo is, that we announce an add on which allows third party websites to access Messenger contact lists. I'm spooked. The article explains how the gadget (which works client side) works with
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 0 Comments

Talking Microsoft

James has been talking to people at Microsoft in the UK and has started with one of the newest hires to join the UK team - the General Manager, Gordon Frazer . We hosted this video, and have created a new blog - a " Talking Microsoft " blog. We're just
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