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Yet another audio conference - but different

This video made me giggle for 2 reasons:

The music is real - this is our audio conference software - with Muzak

The people are real - I checked on our Global address list and they both work in pre-sales in the Windows Client team - that's their real names too as they both work in the same office in the mid west of the US on the windows client team.

Great dancing chaps - much better than ours in the UK which looks like your Dad dancing at a wedding....


Blogging for web 3.0

I'm in Leicester today on the 2nd part of my blogging for business tour.  I was fascinated by the questions from the small business community about blogging - questions that major corporates wouldn't think of.   The long tail aspect of how blogging (great video explanation here by the way) has become ubiquitous caused a bit of discussion.  Why the heck would something as niche as blogs (compared to websites) become so powerful?

Good question. 

Why do they produce washing machines with so many options - and then you use only 3 or 4 programs. 

Why does word have all of those features when only 20% of us use even 80% of the application?

All questions designed to provoke debate - and noisy debate too!



Desire lines were an interesting idea tor discussion too. 

I learned today that one college didn't actually cement any paths at all when they designed a college campus - they just waited to see where the students wanted to walk - and then created the athways along the desire lines.  What a brilliant idea.  Have a look at how Peter Merholz' blog for some great pictures on how desire lines form, and the attempts that are made to stifle the natural pathways

Doesn't work though...


So what to talk about tomorrow at the Natural space centre in Leicester?  Well for the space centre - its got to be Web 3.0 and the semantic web - my current favourite topic...

Blogging for ebusiness

Aren't conference hotels the same all over the world?  You drive to a fabulous old house that once was owned by someone with a serious amount of money, sweep up the treelined drive to an amazing and beautiful entrance that must have seen its fair share of horse and carriages driving up to the entrance.  You check in, go through reception, down a really long, too straight corridor - to something that looks like a stable block, or a set of army quarters, all identical, boxy, same.  All clean and neat and waiting for you.

Well, I'm in yet another one of these places.  I'm delivering a talk on blogging in business tomorrow at a place a few miles up the road.  It's very close to Althorp, where Princess Diana was laid to rest and it's raining this evening.  So where am I right now?  In the bar with a nice glass of Merlot catching up on my mail and watching the world go by...

So what will i be talking about?

What's a blog (for those who haven't heard of a blog yet), how blogging has improved the conversation between the customers and the organisation.  How the connection between people spreads the word out.


How to make your blog more discoverable, search engine organisation, RSS, relationships, my tips for blogging effectively and my 10 top rules (although I'm ignoring rule number 8 right now which is don't blog when you've been drinking) Here they are again...


So basically all of the stuff I usually talk about, but delivered to a small business audience who already have the tools to get blogging and get the conversation going - but don't actually know where to start.

So what are my top 10?

1.Blog regularly

2.Answer comments

3.Don’t sell

4.Link love

5.Traffic isn’t the goal

6.Be Authentic

7.Expect criticism

8.Don’t blog when you’re drunk/down/angry

9.Blog Smart

10.Ignore trolls – no matter how hard this is


What's your top tip so I can include it in my top 11 - just likes Bill Gates' 11 rules (which he never even did...)

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Seeing the light about OneNote

I've been quiet for a week - blog wise.  I've been in Paris (well at Charles de Gaulle airport really) on a Management Excellence course.  There's been lots of time for self reflection, navel gazing and finding out all about my strengths and weaknesses.  In order for us to get the best benefit possible we were asked not to go onto email etc., so true to my word, I triaged my mail on my smartphone a couple of times a day, didn't connect to the cloud and I didn't blog either - a new experience for me.

One of the key challenges for me though was the technology.  Yes honestly. All of our group work was on OneNote.  Ick!  I really HATE OneNote.  I don't use a tablet PC so I just didn't "get" it about OneNote- how good it was...  But, in the spirit of the event, I started using the pre-populated workbook for the course.

Eureka!  I'm a convert.

Even the guide to OneNote now makes sense.


And just how simple is it to send stuff to OneNote from Outlook?  One button!  Why the heck haven't I "discovered" this before?


Well, all my RSS entries that have been flagged for looking at later in Outlook (and forgotten about) are now sitting nicely in my "stuff to blog about" section.


So I've now seen the light - and I'm evangelising about this accordingly.  So if you fire up OneNote and don't know what the heck to do with it - have a look at the OneNote guide for help, watch the demos or try find your way around.


And me?  I'll try really hard to give things a go a lot earlier.  And that's one skill I didn't realise I was going to gain from a course on being a good manager...

System Center webcasts: Feb 2008

TechNet Webcast: System Center Essentials 2007 Technical Overview (Level 300)
Monday, February 04, 2008 - 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM Pacific Time
John Baker, IT Pro Evangelist, Microsoft Corporation

TechNet Webcast: System Center Operations Manager 2007 Technical Overview (Level 200)
Friday, February 15, 2008 - 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Pacific Time
John Weston, IT Pro Evangelist, Microsoft Corporation

Exchange Webcasts for Feb 2008

TechNet Webcast: Exchange Server 2007 in Depth (Part 7 of 8): Key Scenarios, Examples, Demos, and How-to's (Level 300)
Friday, February 01, 2008 - 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Pacific Time
John Weston, TechNet Presenter, Microsoft Corporation

TechNet Webcast: Exchange Server In Depth (Part 8 of 8): Master Concepts and Optimize Your Server Environment (Level 300)
Monday, February 04, 2008 - 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Pacific Time
Chris Avis, TechNet Presenter, Microsoft Corporation

Momentum Webcast: Simplifying Collaboration and Communication Using Microsoft Office, Exchange Server, and Communications Server (Level 100)
Thursday, February 07, 2008 - 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Pacific Time
Jennifer Kim, Senior Product Manager, Microsoft Corporation
Rachel Clay, Information Worker Solutions Specialist, Microsoft Corporation

Blogging from Tafiti

***edited images***

Ever since I attended the BETT show last week, I've been amazed by how few people know how to blog from Tafiti.  Every parent should know how to do this and teach their kids this demo.  Then all that research that your children do can be saved and published on Live Spaces.  So, here's my step by step guide on how to do it:

 email publishing


Go to your Windows Live space (or get one here if you don't already have one). Sign in, click on Options - email publishing:





Select your secret word (not your passwords etc)

secret word

Make sure you remember whether you've decided to publish immediately or save the entry to draft - or else there'll be a lot of head scratching when the post doesn't appear



tafiti sign in

Go to Tafiti home page and sign in using your Windows Live ID







Search for something  I've searched on my hobby which is Scuba Diving:












Scroll through the images, choose a couple of images you'd like and drag them onto the bar on the right hand side of the page.  You can stack them one on top of another to make up a collection












News - select one of the icons under the search to change your search type,











Feeds, you can select as many RSS feeds as you want










Drag the selections you want over to the right hand side of the Tafiti search page and give your collection a label.  Remember you need to be signed in to save your collection.





Now, click any where in the collection box *away* from the label and the blog it dialog box comes up

 blog it


Put our blog name in, your secret word and the blog post title, then press post. 

post results

You need all 3 pieces of information for the post to actually appear in your blog


Otherwise there'll be more head scratching!









Switch to your Live space and see the research in your blog

finished blog























So parents, go and show your kids how easy this is, and get them to show their friends at school how to do this too.  It's really easy when you do the step by step results.    Then bask in the glory of their excellent homework results :-)

It's a neat way of saving all those searches for those frequently asked questions at work too...


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Who is your ChampionIT Guy (or Girl)?

 championit comp


I've been meaning to blog about this for some time now but other techy things have got in the way recently.  George has just send out the TechNet newsletter talking about ChampionIT.  These are the unsung heroes of the IT world, working away on some amazing projects.  Well we've announced the first set of finalists.  Vote for who you think should be our first hero


And if you want to nominate one of your unsung heroes in your own IT department who does amazing work and doesn't get the credit he deserves, then nominate him here:


Or if you think you're totally awesome - nominate yourself instead :-)  

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Machinima in the mainstream

One of my graduates last year, Steve, spent some time on machinima projects and put some of his videos onto YouTube.  Here's one about staying patched...

Well it's nice to see other teams following the lead of the IT pro team :-).  The visual studio team are using Machinima in their Defy all challenges site: watch the videos - Machinima.  The snack video is really funny...


Oh - I forgot - The video that Steve created about mashups actually uses James' voice



James still has all his own hair though...

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The last Windows 2003 Server of all

The last Windows Server 2003 machine at Microsoft.com has a following and has been blogged about by the Windows Server team on their blog

Video: The Lone Server - extended version

This reminds me of a video of the decommissioning of the last 5.5 Exchange server in the organisation (when everything else was on Exchange 2003).  I think the plan plan was to  blow it up dramatically but the health and safety guys said it was far too dangerous.  So the last 5.5 server in the org was comprehensively ran over several times by a steamroller.  Fantastic.

Shame I can't find it on YouTube or MSN Videos - it was such a great clip...

Getting your geek guys

After spending all this week amongst teacher geeks at the BETT show (see Andrew and Virals photos of the show).  The BETT show is the biggest education show on this planet, and it's amazing to see the variety of attendees.  IT's so different from a technical show.  People from all walks of life, from education ministers (UK and abroad), ICT onsultants,. teachers and users.

This photo is of  the lovely Alex talking about how they use IT and SharePoint at his school in Birmingham.  See the architecture of Olympia in the background which olooks rather like St Pancras doesn't it?  Victorian architecture is wonderful isn't it? Microsoft BETT booth

I've been wondering about how many of these geeks are single after one particularly unsettling and weird encounter on the technical answers desk.  So I scrolled around and I've found this girly guide to getting your geek (if you want one ladies) which goes through some useful tips about where geeks hang out  and where you can meet them. 

Of course the best way to meet a geek dude is through the Internet. All geeks harbor a secret fantasy about meeting some girl in cyberspace, carrying on an e-mail romance in which he has the chance to combine an activity he is comfortable with, computing, with one he is very uncomfortable with, socializing. To many geek dudes, cyberdating is just an advanced form of some kind of video game, but they are frustrated by a lack of players.

I've got an easier solution perhaps.  Move to Redmond (or anywhere in the silicon valley area)which has the highest number of single people I've ever seen.  Must be all that working in individual cubicles and offices that stops them interacting with each other.

Thank goodness for Office Communicator to keep us chatting to each other :-)

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BETT day 2: Popfly rules

So what's a mashup then?

It's a question that most techies would be able to answer, but ask the same question to a bunch of teachers and you get a few puzzled looks.  However, Matthew came up with a storming explanation during his session today on the stand. Lots of us have satnav systems.  We buy the DVD with the static map information on the disk and load it into the car.  Then, the up to date traffic information is overlaid on top of the maps to give dynamic data about traffic congestion.  A great description of a mashup...

A really simple description - that most people can resonate with.  Sometimes we assume that everyone knows too much about the stuff we demo.  We talk about Popfly and Flickr and we just assume that everyone knows about the technology.  But it's really great when we actually make the connection in a demo.  We talk about mashups, then we demo Popfly and watch peoples eyes as they think of the possibilities they can do.  Popfly is such a simple tool to use to create mashups that it takes the hassle out of coding.  Even I can get something going in a few minutes!

Have a look at just how easy Popfly is to use and go and have a play...

Video: MIX07 - Microsoft Popfly



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Photosynth at BETT

We're at the BETT show all week and watching some stunning demos about what's going on in the world of Education and I've been blown away with the Photosynth demo We're zooming in and out of the spaceship Endeavour from the NASA photos, going from the totally zomed out view in space, right down to the serial number of the tiles.  The video is interesting too, explaining how it's all put together.  Dave has been totally blown away by this after seeing this for the first time.

So how does it work?

Well, you start with photos, lots and lots of photos.  Each photo is processed by computer vision algorithms to extract hundreds of distinctive features, like the corner of a window frame or a door handle. Photos that share features are then linked together in a web. When the same feature is found in multiple images, its 3D position can be calculated. It's similar to depth perception - what your brain does to perceive the 3D positions of things in your field of view based on their images in both of your eyes. Photosynth's 3D model is just the cloud of points showing where those features are in space.  So you can "walk up" to any object in a photograph...or place yourself where the photographer was when the picture was taken.  It uses Seadragon technology (we're demoing that here too) which allows you to zoom right into an area and walk through virtually

Have a look at Blaise demoing some of the capabilities:


Totally amazing - go and have a play with it - and see if you can read the serial numbers on those tiles...


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SharePoint - across the extranet

It's about time we released details of how to effectively collaborate with people across different companies.  Groove is great as a peer to peer file sharing application for point in time projects, but some companies don't want this functionality.  Well, there's a beta program starting up which enables you to create a secure extranet between whoever you want to work with.  Here's some details from the web about the SharePoint solution Accellerator that Susan has been talking about and has been announced on the SharePoint team blog recently:

The Extranet Collaboration Toolkit for SharePoint Solution Accelerator will be delivered in phases between now and the first quarter of 2008. It will consist of two primary components:

  • A collaboration options guide. This document examines various external collaboration scenarios and provides recommendations for addressing them using Microsoft technologies. This guide will be available by the end of 2007.
  • A package of secure external collaboration software and guidance. This package provides most everything you need to create a collaboration solution based on SharePoint technology. This software and guidance will be available in the first quarter of 2008.

You can find this new Solution Accelerator, and all of our other Solution Accelerators here

There are quite a few benefits too.   You can to store and share documents centrally on your server inside the organisation, instead of e-mailing documents to others across the Internet.  And instead of giving VPN access to external team members (therefore granting them access to everything on the internal network), you as the site owner can give external members access to just the team collaboration site.   It's easy to deploy too.   you should be able to deploy this Solution Accelerator in as little as two hours.

The documentation is ready now, with the software phase happening soon.  If you're using SharePoint and need to deploy in an Extranet scenario, I'd recommend that you signed up for the beta to make things much easier for you...


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Spoof video of Bill Gates' last day at Microsoft

I loved the video that has been clipped out of the CES keynote on Sunday showing Bill Gates' last day at Microsoft.  Watch the whole keynote here, or jump directly to the spoof video on Soapbox. 

Video: Bill Gates Last Day CES Clip


Nice to see him poking fun at himself - usually his other spoof videos have been for internal viewing only  Good to see this one out there :-)

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