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Blogging for web 3.0

I'm in Leicester today on the 2nd part of my blogging for business tour. I was fascinated by the questions from the small business community about blogging - questions that major corporates wouldn't think of. The long tail aspect of how blogging (great

Blogging for ebusiness

Aren't conference hotels the same all over the world? You drive to a fabulous old house that once was owned by someone with a serious amount of money, sweep up the treelined drive to an amazing and beautiful entrance that must have seen its fair share
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 7 Comments
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Blogging for business

I’m presenting in the Midlands tomorrow – in Leicester. I'm going to be talking about how blogging can be good for business and how blogs fit with business in this Web 2.0 world. Whether you’re a large enterprise or a tiny company, blogging can present
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 3 Comments
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System center guys launch their blog

I notice that the system centre team (alright system centER) to those of you from the left hand side of the pond, have a blog too . - there are some good posts there too. One hint guys – how about a category (tags) for biographies? We like reading about

IT forum bloggers

It's always great to meet other bloggers at events like these and also to meet up with people who read my blog. It's great to see real faces and names instead of looking at web hits and RSS views. It's always really great that people stop and say hi,
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 1 Comments
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Blue monster wine

I was chatting to Hugh this morning about our session coming up at IT Forum in Barcelona. I'll be moderating the blogging panel session and I've asked Hugh to represent the business side of blogging and how this helps marketing (as it has with Stormhoek
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 1 Comments

Podcasting on TechNet

So Chris who runs the Live meeting User group caught me the other week whilst we were drinking coffee at the Community day . He was podcasting the day and did a short interview with me which he published here . I've been thinking about running a series

Hubdog: RSS feeds on your smartphone

I've been meaning to blog about this for ages since Tony pointed me to this site. He found a button on a blog that took him to this tool. It’s a RSS reader for the PocketPC/SmartPhone but a clever one: You create a profile online, add your favorite channels
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 5 Comments
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Women, business and blogging conference

I came back from Orlando yesterday, landed in London, drove home. Spent 5 hours unpacking my stuff from last week, packing business clothes for today, taking a shower, having a nap, then went on the train to Leicester (I was far too tired to drive for

Women business and blogging

More presenting coming up. I'm going to be out and about for the next few months, I'm flying ( Aargh!) to Orlando next week (I'm going early to do some scuba diving before going to Teched ), then I'm flying back (more Aargh!) early to deliver a session

A week in the life of an Evangelist (me)...

I don't know why Sarah would find my day job interesting enough to ask me to blog about, but she did after I blogged about blogging the other day. So I've chosen a week in my Calendar at random which represents a typical week I suppose, and I'll try to
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 0 Comments

Eileen's tips on blogging effectively

So Ian wanted to know the sorts of things I did around blogging, and the sorts of stuff I regularly talk to other Microsoftees about. Sarah has also asked me for "a day in the life" type blog post. Not easy Sarah, as I'm sure people wont be interested
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 9 Comments
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Blogging safely

I like this article. I found it on the Security Newsletter that comes out from time to time (subscribe here if you're interested). I spend a lot of time in meetings talking to Microsoft people about blogging. Starting a blog, how to blog effectively,

Let's start Talking Microsoft again

The team have had loads and loads of challenges with our Talking Microsoft blog that we started in the summer ( explained here ), but we've finally worked stuff out, and are ready to publish our backlog of videos. The aim of Talking Microsoft is to give

Influential bloggers - who are they?

Well I'm winding down for Christmas, tidying up my inbox to a sensible level and clearing down all of my teams expense reports, holiday requests and stuff like that. I received a mail which refers to the blog post the other day about Influencers . We're
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 2 Comments
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