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Evangelism and the IT Heroes

As evangelists, we work a lot with customers who don't have the luxury of full account management, technical support or sales guys. These smaller customers, some who don't even get to use a set of our partners from the partner community, still manage

Women in Technology Survey results

I thought I'd share with you the press release about the Women in Technology survey results that I talked about in March. Apologies for cutting and pasting the text, but hey, it's a press release, not my own stuff :-) To: Eileen Brown Subject: News Release

What is an influencer?

I've been on a team offsite event in the Midlands of England, in a pretty little market town with 900 years of history. Unfortunately, we were ensconced in a conference room (as usual), discussing various aspects of evangelism. One of these topics: influencers.

Do you want to work at Microsoft?

Gretchen has a really neat idea if you're the creative type and you want to work at Microsoft. Would certainly get you noticed anyway. It wouldn't work though if you wanted to come and work in my team - all I'd want is for you to really impress me with

Exchange database limit increase

Damn... I was going to post about the massive increase to the Exchange database today after my roadshow presentation, but the Exchange team and KC beat me to it. Then Ewan beat me to it with a comment on my blog entry too. Appears to be good news too

Detecting Stealth Software

My blog content mole pointed me to this report which has just been released . Detecting Stealth Software with Strider GhostBuster Yi-Min Wang; Doug Beck; Binh Vo; Roussi Roussev; Chad Verbowski February 2005 Stealth malware programs that silently infect

TechNet Radio broadcasts

I noticed that TechNet radio is delivering an audio broadcast of the Security features of XPSP2 delivered by security wiz Steve Riley. You can listen to it anywhere. Aha... That means it's a podcast doesn't it? But there isn't an RSS feed on the page,

Insiders forums

Steve Lamb blogged about creating a Security Insiders forum and so far has received very positive feedback about the need for this type of community. I'm thinking about following his lead and creating 3 different types of Insiders forums: Messaging Insiders

User Forums - is online really better than face to face ?

I spent the whole of yesterday, with the UK based MVP community who were at campus in Reading, and I was keen to know their views on how they feel about how Microsoft interacts with the IT Pro's, and to capture some of their thoughts. Most of the MVP's
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