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Charity Gift Baskets

Charity Gift Baskets are customized around a cause-related theme, such as homelessness, human rights or the elderly. Each basket features four charities in that common area of concern. These baskets are ideal for those who care about a particular cause but are not necessarily familiar with relevant charities.

Inspire Children & Change Their Lives
Empower children with art, music, and literature while providing them a safe place to grow.

Feed & Empower the Hungry
These organizations provide food for the hungry but also work to identify the root causes of hunger and ultimately eliminate it.

Provide Mentors to Children
Nothing enriches a child's life more than a stable, loving relationship with a caring adult. Make a real difference in children's lives and help build meaningful relationships.

Protect Animals & Prevent Cruelty
Organizations such as these provide a voice for the voiceless and advocate on behalf of animals to offer them protection and to help end violence against them.

Support Women of the World
Help advance opportunities for women, improve women's health, and support women's rights in the U.S. and all around the world.

Create Peace for All
Dedicated to creating a peaceful world, where conflict is resolved without violence, these organizations work to support disarmament, ban landmines, and foster communication rather than combat.

Plant Trees
All together, these organizations have planted millions of trees, which reduce pollution, provide homes for wildlife, provide food for people, and restore the natural balance.

Provide Shelter for Animals
Whether they have rescued animals from the circus, the zoo, a factory farm, or an abusive home, these organizations provide lifelong sanctuary to animals of all kinds.

Create Homes & Jobs
By supoprting these organizations, you help provide jobs and training, support shelters, and build homes, reversing homelessness and joblessness.

Save the Earth
Protect the earth and all of its inhabitants by supporting these environment organizations dedicated to cleaning our air and water, protecting our forests and wildlife, and reversing global warming.

Respect our Elders
Show our elderly population you care by helping them live independently, and by supporting programs that support their care and treatment.

Promote Human Rights
Protect the rights of all who live by supporting these organizations and the work they do to end human suffering.


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