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Dining out is funChinese Food

Brisbane restaurant reviews – submit your own

Let the rest of Brisbane know where you think is a great place to eat.

We welcome the posting of fair and honest reviews on restaurants, cafes and other venues. The reviews you submit are intended to help other users make informed decisions on where to eat and drink in Brisbane.

Submitting your review is easy

To post a review, you need to register or sign in to You'll be prompted along the way, if necessary.

Step 1: Find a restaurant to review

Use our restaurant search to find a restaurant or takeaway you'd like to review.

example restaurant search form

Step 2: Rate and add your comments

Rate the venue on its food, ambience, service and value, then add a comment and submit the form.

example of restaurant review form

You must be a member of in order to post a review. Not a member? Sign up now.

Or you may just simply wish to read all reviews submitted by our users.

Reviewing tips and guidelines

The reviews you submit are intended to help other users decide where to eat and drink in Brisbane – so please be honest and fair in your posting.

Stay on topic.
You’re here to write about your experience at a venue - keep your posting focussed on the venue and your experience there.
Remember the law.
Both positive and negative postings are welcome, but please ensure you don’t post anything that is knowingly false, defamatory, abusive, obscene, profane, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy or otherwise violates any law.  The contents of your review is your responsibility. 
Reviews are not ads.
User submitted reviews are not to contain advertising or commercial content.
Avoid personal information.
Don’t post personal information. Reviews should not contain email or mailing addresses, phone numbers or any other personal information belonging to you or others.
Your login name will be automatically mentioned below your review when it appears.
We moderate!
Authorised employees will delete any posting found to contain illegal, defamatory or unsuitable material.
Users who post unsuitable material may be banned from submitting user reviews.  This is entirely at the descretion of



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