Miscellaneous News
Ethiopia-Related and Other Mischellaneous News


Tigrayans want end to border row
BBC - The mountains of eastern Tigray in Ethiopia are bare and brown just three months after the end of the rains. The people in the region are skilled farmers and hard workers but even they struggle to support their families from their tiny patches of worn-out land.
Rice’s Interview with Tefera Ghedamu of Ethiopian Television (Dec07, 2007)
 The anti-HIV campaign has clearly borne fruit: First Lady Azeb Mesfin (Dec05, 2007)   Intellectuals discuss HR-2003 (Dec01, 2007)(Source: WIC)

  AAU President describes HR-2003 as unfair, harmful to Ethiopia
Addis Ababa, November 22, 2007 (WIC) – The HR-2003 draft bill is a surprising and unfair legislation that harms the national interest of Ethiopia, according to Addis Ababa University (AAU ) President.
(Source: WIC)

 Don’t Turn on Ethiopia 
Published: November 15, 2007
(Source: The New York Times)
 Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Impasse - Statement  
Scoop.co.nz via Yahoo! News - Nov 11, 2007 
We are concerned about the military build up and tension on the border between Eritrea and Ethiopia. We call on the governments of Eritrea and Ethiopia to exercise maximum restraint and avoid any actions that might further heighten tension or reignite conflict
 Ethiopia says it won't invade Eritrea  
AlertNet via Yahoo! News - Nov 09, 2007 
Source: Reuters By Tsegaye Tadesse ADDIS ABABA, Nov 9 (Reuters) - Ethiopia said on Friday it had no plans to invade arch-foe Eritrea, even as Asmara claimed for the fourth time in two weeks that Addis Ababa was ...
 US urges restraint to avert new Eritrea-Ethiopia war  
AFP via Yahoo! News - Nov 09, 2007 
The United States on Friday urged Eritrea and Ethiopia to pull back troops from key border areas and use "maximum restraint" to avert a new war
 Ethiopia denies plot to attack Eritrea  
AlertNet via Yahoo! News - Oct 29, 2007 
Source: Reuters ADDIS ABABA, Oct 29 (Reuters) - An Eritrean allegation that Ethiopia planned to invade the Red Sea state in early November was an absurd fabrication, an Ethiopian official said on Monday. ... 
 Eritrea accuses Ethiopia of plotting to invade  
AlertNet - via Yahoo1 News, Oct 27, 2007
Source: Reuters By Jack Kimball ASMARA, Oct 27 (Reuters) - Eritrea accused arch-foe Ethiopia on Saturday of plotting to invade the Red Sea state ahead of a late-November deadline to mark their disputed border on

 Ethiopia, Eritrea Trade Blame on Boundary Dispute (VOA), Oct 27, 2007
Prime minister Meles Zenawi participates in the Clinton Global Initiative
Watch (Source: kaisernetwork.org)

Jonathan Dimbleby Big Interviews - Meles Zenawi 
(Source: teachers.tv)
Eritrea: The Horn of Africa’s Rogue Regime J. Peter Pham
ETHIOPIA’S MISSED CHANCES–1960, 1974, 1991, 1998, 2005–AND NOW: II
An Ethiopian Dilemma: Deep Structures, Wrenching Processes*
Donald N. Levine, University of Chicago 
MENGISTU'S FINAL YEARS: Paul B. Henze's New Book
 An Interview with Paul Henze
 Dr. Paul B. Henze's Postscript (2007)

ETHIOPIAN MILLENNIUM: Trip Report by Paul Henze
AFP via Yahoo! News - December 7, 2007
Star tree-planter Ethiopia will intensify its re-afforestation drive in 2008, which earned the country a pole position in the world for planting 700 million trees this year, an official said Thursday.
Konare says holding "Miss Tourism of the Millennium" in Addis adds pride to all Africans
Addis Ababa, October 30, 2007 (Addis Ababa) - Chairman of the African Union Commission, Professor Alpha Omar Konare said holding "Miss Tourism of the Millennium" in Addis Ababa, which is the African Capital, adds pride to all Africans. (Source: ENA)

Addis Ababa, October 2, 2007 (Addis Ababa) -  Pope Benedict XVI sends message of congratulation to President Girma Woldegiorgis in connection with the event marking the new Ethiopian millennium, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Source: ENA)
             Tigray Millennium
                                       Tigrai-Ethiopia an Open Air Museum! 
Published 11/30/2007 
(Source: Jimma Times)
Tigray Tourist Attraction Sites  
 ETV Special Documentary on the Historical City of Gonder (Amharic Video):    Part 1           Part 2
Press Conference on Lucy Coming to America.
Speech by Ambassador Samuel Assefa, Ethiopian Ambassador to USA, State Minister of Culture and Tourism Tadelech Delachew and Ethiopian museum official Mrs. Mamitu. Ambassador Assefa used the occasion to highlight the US Ethiopian relationship and Ethiopia’s diverse and rich past. Ambassador Samuel challenged every one to come to Ethiopia and discover the country. (Source:
Aiga)     Part I   Part II   Part III
Exhibition of Lucy in Houston Museum breaks record:Culture,Tourism State Minister
Adis Ababa, September 11, 2007 (WIC) - Addis Ababa,September 11 (WIC)– The exhibition entitled “Lucy Legacy,the Hidden Treasure of Ethiopia”,which has been displaying the legendary Lucy in Houston Natural Science Museum,Texas state,has reportedly broken the record of visitors of the museum. (Source: WIC)
Lucy's Legacy & the Hidden Treasures of Ethiopia 
Ethiopia is the oldest independent country in Africa. It is also home to the oldest archaeological sites in the world, dating back to 2.6 million years ago. Its territory formed the backdrop for the evolution of early humans, with Ethiopia yielding an impressive lineup of early hominid remains, including those of a young woman known to us as Lucy. (Source:
the Houston Museum of Naturals Science)
IMAGES OF BEAUTIFUL ETHIOPIA.  Updated on January 09th 2007
The Institute of Development and Education for Africa (IDEA), Inc. invites its subscribers to view the picture gallery of a French photographer and encourages viewers to give credit to the wonderful beautiful Ethiopia. You can either click on the button images o where it says http://ethiopie.50megs.com/ click here' in French or write to amach_one@hotmail.com
Enjoy your tour!
IDEA, Inc.


Archbishop Tutu    (Source: BBC News)

Tough talks
Can a Nobel peace laureate reconcile rivals in Kenya?

Surprise! U.S. Congressman pays homage to Africa’s head of terrorists

Today early in the morning shabait.com, Shabiya’s official website posted news about Congress Man Donald Payne’s talks with Isias Afewerki, the monarch of Shaebiya, in Asmara. Hasn’t he talked to Sheikh Hassan Daher Awes and Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed and other rebel leaders from Ethiopia and Sudan among others, who are enjoying life in Asmara? We better assume so! But what issues has he discussed with Isias? The following…(Source: WIC via Ben News)

 The Power of One: Anchorage resident makes a difference in Ethiopia  
Alaska Public Radio Network via Yahoo! News - Dec 28, 2007

A quick stop in Ethiopia a few years ago was life changing for Anchorage resident Catherine Miller. She met a man there who was trying to keep a group of orphans off the streets for just 25 dollars a month. Miller now runs an orphanage in the country that helps dozens of children for just [...]
 Ethiopia-Eritrea border deadline expires as tension escalates  
AFP via Yahoo! News - December 1, 2007
A deadline for Ethiopia and Eritrea to agree on the physical demarcation of their border expired Saturday amid escalating tension between the two nations, leaving the frontier only delineated on maps.
Ethiopia, Eritrea can't agree on border  
AP via Yahoo! News - Nov 30, 2007 
An international commission trying to settle a boundary dispute between Ethiopia and Eritrea ended its work Friday after the rival neighbors failed to agree on a new border in a region beset by escalating tensions.
No Ethiopia-Eritrea border deal  
BBC News via Yahoo! News - Nov 30, 2007
A deadline for long-time foes Ethiopia and Eritrea to demarcate their shared border passes without agreement.
 Vatican fears Eritrea may nationalize church-held properties
Addis Ababa, November 22, 2007 (WIC) - The government of Eritrea is moving to seize properties held by the Catholic Church in that country,Vatican Radio warned.
(Source: ENA)
Addis Ababa, November 9, 2007 (Addis Ababa) - The late Prof. Kinfe Abrham, who was President of Ethiopian International Institute for Peace and Development (EIIPD), passed away late Thursday at the age of 57 due to natural causes.
 New Eritrea-Ethiopia war fears  
BBC News via Yahoo! News - Nov 05, 2007
War could break out again between Ethiopia and Eritrea over their border, a think tank warns.
 Students donate books to Ethiopia  
Mirror via Yahoo! News - Oct 31, 2007 
Tonganoxie Elementary School students recently did their part to help fight illiteracy around the world. Earlier this month, LeeAnn Clark, former president of the Kansas Reading Association, picked up 10 large boxes full of books that will go to children's libraries in Ethiopia.
 N.J. lawmaker battles Ethiopia  
The Record - Oct 30 4:30 PM
A Central Jersey congressman defended himself from sometimes harsh questioning at the National Press Club on Monday about his bill to hold the government of Ethiopia accountable for a brutal crackdown on people protesting election fraud in 2005
 Ethiopia: Prelate Rejoices At Appointment of Two African Cardinals  
AllAfrica.com via Yahoo! News - Oct 30, 2007
The Catholic Archbishop of Addis Ababa and president of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Ethiopia has congratulated two African prelates recently elevated to the rank of cardinal.
Addis Ababa, October 25, 2007 (Addis Ababa) - Nearly 500 employees of the United Nations (UN) have transplanted over 1,000 indigenous tree seedlings at Entoto Park here on Thursday in connection with the Ethiopian Millennium
(Source: ENA)
Addis Ababa, October 23, 2007 (Addis Ababa) - The Ethiopian Orthodox Church underlined need for every citizen to march against poverty.
(Source: ENA)

Addis Ababa, October 21, 2007 (Addis Ababa) - The renowned artist Beyoncé Knowles gave oral anti-polio immunization for 10 children under the age of five right before her concert at Bole Millennium Hall here in the capital on Saturday
(Source: ENA)
H.R. 2003 grossly violets Ethiopia’s sovereignty: UTNA
N.America, October 19, 2007 (Addis Ababa) - The Executive Board of the Union of Tigreans in North America (UTNA) condemned the recent passage of the ‘Ethiopia Democracy and Accountability Act (H.R. 2003 Bill)’ by the US House of Representatives.  (Source: ENA)

  Reactions to H.R. 2003 (oct 18,2006)

(Source: WIC)   Senator Jim Inhofe speech  (Ben)                                            

 “Voting for HR 2003 was Wrong” says U.S. Official

By Tecola W. Hagos-Just because one nation is poor or lean or starving and the other rich and bloated or overstuffed, does not mean one has to suffer through some disrespectful relationship. It is simply unacceptable. After all it is the people of Ethiopia who are suffering, thus how is it legal or moral for the Congress of the United States to behave as if Ethiopia is some Ghetto within United States that they end up drafting such insulting resolution and legislation ...
 Church bazaar benefits projects in Ethiopia  
Winchester Star via Yahoo! News - Oct 15, 2007 
WINCHESTER — It’s hands across an ocean and a continent as the First Presbyterian Church in Winchester reaches out to the Lydia Center in Mettu, Ethiopia.

 Student gains experience in Ethiopia
University of Tulsa Collegian via Yahoo! News - Oct 15, 2007 
This summer, University of Tulsa sociology student Kate MacLeod had what she considers the best experience of her life. MacLeod, who graduates in December, spent three life-changing months in Holleta, Ethiopia.
 Ethiopia improving human rights, democratization: US Embassy
Addis Ababa, October 10, 2007 (WIC) - Embassy of the United States in Ethiopia on Tuesday said that Ethiopia is a country that has been improving on human rights and democratization.
 Conservative Columnist: Symbolism and Realpolitik
by J. Peter Pham (Source: The National Interest Online)
Denver Post via Yahoo! News - Sep 30, 2007
Darfur attack kills peacekeepers
Ten soldiers die and another 50 are missing after a powerful rebel force raids an
African Union base in Darfur.
Jay Leno (© Steve Snowden/Getty Images)TV's top guns What Leno, Oprah & other celebs earn (MSN News)
 Mark-up for H.R. 2003 September 26, 2007 (Source: ETN via YouTube)
Hearing at the US Congress on H.R. 2003 & Other African Issues
 TDA Chapters from around the world Lay Corner Stone to build Primary Schools in Tigrai 

Members and supporters of TDA residing in Washington D.C and Rome laid down a corner stone for the construction of primary school Tigrai 

 The VP of CUD, Bertukan addresses the supporters of the Opposion Party in Washington, DC and appeals for the unity of their Party.
   Prof. Ephrem Isaac on Ethiopian Television Network  (In Amharic)
                   Washington, DC (Source:
 Sonja & Samson walk the Province of Nova Scotia for Ethiopia
      Netters feedback for Sonja
Part 2   I   Part 1  (Source Ben's News)
Ambassador Samuel |Assefa Interview, Pt. 1 (45:50)|
 Ambassador Samuel Assefa Interview, Pt. 2 (34:22)|
USAU inaugurates its office in Addis Ababa 
Addis Ababa, September 7, 2007 (Addis Ababa) - The United States Mission to the African Union (USAU) inaugurated its office at the premises of the Embassy of the United States in Addis Ababa on Friday, August 7, 2007.
(Source: ENA)

 C.E.O of Camerapix lauds Walta for promoting cultural, social values of nations, nationalities
Addis Ababa, September 3, 2007 (WIC) - The role of Walta Information Center in promoting Ethiopia's cultural, social and historical values is exemplary to other media in the African continent, C.E.O of the most experienced independent multi-media company in Africa, Camerapix, said.
(Source: WIC)
Ethiopians in the Diaspora, please come back home (August 31, 2007)

PM MELES ZENAWI:  Interview on Ethio- Eritrea Relation
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | (Audio in Tigrigna)
Source: Dimtse Woyane

Italy and Africa: How to Forget Colonialism
Giampaolo Calchi Novati, University of Pavia (19 Nov) 
Catholic Church building over 12mln birr secondary school in Shire-Endasellassie town (WIC)
Floods displace many inhabitants in 10 woredas,Gameblla town  (WIC)

129 killed in Ethiopia floods

The Herald via Yahoo! News- Sep 21, 2007
Floods in Upper East Ghana - 7/09/07
Some African countries have endured months of flooding
Severe flooding across Africa has wrecked hundreds of thousands of homes and left many people vulnerable to water-borne diseases, officials say.  (BBC via tigrai.net)


 U.S. aid team starts work in Ethiopia's Ogaden  Open this result in new window
AlertNet via Yahoo! News - Jan 04, 2008
Source: Reuters ADDIS ABABA, Jan 4 (Reuters) - A U.S. team has started an assessment of the aid situation in Ethiopia's troubled Ogaden region, the U.S. embassy said, after conflict there fuelled fears of a ...

 Nation secures over 331 billion birr from local, foreign investors
Addis Ababa, January 3, 2008 (WIC) - More than 331 billion birr has been obtained from local and foreign entrepreneurs who have embarked upon investment activities during the last 16 years, according to the Ethiopian Investment Agency..

 Ethiopia in Somalia: One year on  
BBC News via Yahoo! News - Dec 27, 2007 
A year after its troops entered Mogadishu, Ethiopia is increasingly bogged down in Somalia yet dare not withdraw, says Africa analyst Martin Plaut.

/Eritrea: Restraint Urged After Shooting
Scoop.co.nz via Yahoo! News - Dec 27, 2007
The United Nations peacekeeping mission monitoring the ceasefire between Ethiopia and Eritrea today called on both sides to show maximum restraint after a shooting incident in the border area where the two countries fought a two-year war that ended in 2000.
 Ethiopia reports influx of Eritrean refugees fleeing oppression  
AFP via Yahoo! News - Dec 22, 2007
Ethiopia claimed on Saturday it was receiving an influx of around 600 Eritreans fleeing political oppression in their country every month.
 Ethiopia: World Bank Provides Additional Usd 215mln for Basic Services  
AllAfrica.com via Yahoo! News - Dec 22, 2007 
The World Bank's Board of Executive Directors on Friday approved a US$215 million International Development Association (IDA) grant to the Government of Ethiopia to continue protecting and promoting the delivery of basic services by sub-national governments while deepening transparency and local accountability in service delivery.
 World Bank finances Ethiopia-Sudan power connection  
AFP via Yahoo! News - Dec 21, 2007
The World Bank has approved a 41-million dollar loan to finance electricity connection between neighbouring Ethiopia and Sudan, a statement said Friday.
Ethiopia: EC Awards 9.5 Mln Birr for Capacity Dev't of Five CSOS  
AllAfrica.com - via Yahoo! News Dec 21, 2007
The European Commission said on Thursday it awarded 9.5 Million Ethiopian Birr for capacity building of Civil Society Organisations in Ethiopia
 TDVA Gala Night in Washington, D.C., Awash with a resounding triumph
It netted $ 63,000(Sixty Three Thousand US Dollars)
The extraordinary and glittering gala night, held in support of the Tirgean Disabled Veterans’ Association /TDVA - North America Project has culminated ... (Source: Aigaforum)
 Indian firm plans $451 mln potash mine in Ethiopia  
Reuters via Yahoo! India News - Dec 11, 2007
ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - Ethiopia said it had signed an agreement with an Indian mining firm on Tuesday to establish a $451 million factory to mine potash, a key ingredient in fertiliser, in the arid Afar desert.

 Ethiopia: Empowering Women Traders  
AllAfrica.com  via Yahoo! News - Dec 10, 2007
After a 23-year-service in the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Nigest Haile three years ago launched an indigenous NGO she thought would empower businesswomen in Ethiopia better than a department at the ministry she was heading - Women Affairs Department - could do.

 Petronas and Sinopec in Ethiopia exploration talks  
Reuters via Yahoo! Malaysia News - Dec 10, 2007
ADDIS ABABA, Dec 10 - Malaysia's Petronas [PETR.UL ] and China's Sinopec remain in talks to resume oil and gas prospecting in Ethiopia's Ogaden region, where rebels killed Chinese workers in April, the Ethiopian government said on Monday.
 Ethiopia's Tolossa wins marathon again; Kenya's Muindi gets ill late in race  
Honolulu Advertiser via Yahoo! News - Dec 09, 2007 
Ethiopia's Ambesse Tolossa won the men's division of The Honolulu Marathon for the second consecutive year, again holding off rival and five-time champion Jimmy Muindi of Kenya.

 Rice appeal to Ethiopia on Ogaden  
BBC News via Yahoo! News - Dec 07, 2007
US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice urges Ethiopia to ease conditions in the Ogaden region

 Ethiopia, Somalia and Darfur undergo severe humanitarian crisis  
Pravda  via Yahoo! News - Dec 06, 2007
Eastern Ethiopia faces possible famine, Somalia is on the threshold of a severe humanitarian crisis, and Darfur's humanitarian situation is deteriorating.

 Rice tells Ethiopia to ease tensions with Eritrea  
Reuters via Yahoo! News - Dec 05, 2007
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice urged Ethiopia on Wednesday to avoid acts that would raise tensions with Eritrea but got new promises from Africa's Great Lakes nations to end fighting in eastern Congo.
U.N. undersecretary-general for humanitarian affairs John Holmes is expected to make a two-day visit to Ethiopia later this month to inspect UN relief operations in the country, particularly the Ogaden region bordering Somalia where operations have began a couple of weeks ago.
 Tigray War Survivors Ass'n to conduct telethon in USA, Canada
Mekelle, November 22, 2007 (WIC) – The Tigray War Survivors Association said it will conduct telethon in the US and Canada after a fortnight.
 Ethiopia Gets First Auto Plant, With Help From China  
Edmunds.com via Yahoo! News - Nov 10, 2007
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — Holland Car, the first and only car assembly plant in the African country of Ethiopia, has just launched local production of the Chinese Lifan 520 under the name Abay.

(Source: ENA)
 Ethiopia: Malnutrition in Ethiopia Still Alarming  
AllAfrica.com via Yahoo! News - Nov 05, 2007 
Between one-third and two-thirds of children under-five in Ethiopia suffer from a chronic malnutrition, according to a new research conducted by Save the Children.

 Ethiopia: World Bank, ERA Evaluate Accomplishment of 5bln Birr Road Projects  
AllAfrica.com  via Yahoo! News - Nov 05, 2007
It was almost ten years since Ethiopia engaged in a massive road sector development programme (RSDP I and II), constructing, upgrading and maintaining a total of 78,569 km of roads with a total cost of 25.4 billion birr.

 Global Energy Ethiopia building bio-diesel plant that produces 40,000 tons of crude oil annually
Addis Ababa, November 05, 2007 (WIC) - Global Energy Ethiopia has begun building a bio-diesel factory in southern Ethiopia which will produce 40,000 tons of crude oil annually, according to Africannews.com. (Source: WIC)

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