author program

Use Goodreads to promote yourself and your books.

what is the Goodreads Authors Program?

Much like MySpace Bands pages, the Goodreads Authors program is a completely free feature designed to help authors reach their target audience — passionate readers.

This is the perfect place for new and established authors to promote their books.

what can you do as a Goodreads Author?

  • Create an author bio.
  • List your published books.
  • Spread the word about your books as you add friends and fans to your network.
  • Publicize upcoming events, such as book signings and speaking engagements.
  • Participate in an online Q&A session with your readers.
  • Share excerpts of any upcoming publications.
  • Post videos about your books or anything you choose.
  • And, of course, share your list of favorite books and recent reads with your fans!

how do I join?

  1. If you are already a Goodreads member, make sure you are signed in. If not, Sign up for an account.
  2. Search for yourself and click on your published author name.
  3. Once you are on the page with your basic author profile (not the search page), scroll down to the bottom of the page. Click "Is this you?" to send a request to join the Author Program. Please give us a few days to process your request. You will receive email confirmation when we successfully upgrade your user account to an author account. The email will also contain further instructions for managing your author profile

who can join?

The Authors Program is designed for people with published books. It's best if your work is on a bookseller's site like Amazon, but we will accept any author who has published a book. This includes authors from other countries as well as authors who are self-published (such as through Ebooks or services like Lulu).

If you are a writer but have not yet published a book, you may want to check out the writing section of your profile where you can post your writing for others to read and review.

Questions? Email us.