Mike Briley

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(since February 08)

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Mike Briley

author profile

url http://www.goodreads.com/profile/Mike_B
born January 01, 1947
gender male
place of birth Romford, United Kingdom
website http://thewell.tarn-web.com
genre Literature & Fiction, Science

about this author

Although born and educated in the UK, Mike Briley left Britain after university to continue his studies (in pharmacology) initially in Argentina and then later in France where he has lived ever since. He spent seven years in Paris and now lives in "Deepest" South-West France with his French wife.

books by Mike Briley

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avg rating: 5.00 | 1 ratings | 7 distinct works
The Well The Well (Paperback)
by Mike Briley (goodreads author!) (avg rating: 5.00, 1 ratings)
my rating: didn't like itit was okliked itreally liked itit was amazing
Is Full Recovery from Depressi... Is Full Recovery from Depression Possible?: Pocketbook (Medical Pocketbooks)
by Mike Briley (goodreads author!) (avg rating: 0.00, 0 ratings)
my rating: didn't like itit was okliked itreally liked itit was amazing
Understanding Antidepressants:... Understanding Antidepressants: Pocketbook (Martin Dunitz Medical Pocket Books)
by Mike Briley (goodreads author!) (avg rating: 0.00, 0 ratings)
my rating: didn't like itit was okliked itreally liked itit was amazing
Molecular Genetics of Mental D... Molecular Genetics of Mental Disorders: The Place of Molecular Genetics in Basic Mechanisms and Clinical Applications in Mental Disorders (Hardcover)
by Mike Briley (goodreads author!) (avg rating: 0.00, 0 ratings)
my rating: didn't like itit was okliked itreally liked itit was amazing
Noradrenergic Mechanisms in Pa... Noradrenergic Mechanisms in Parkinson's Disease (A Pierre Fabre Monograph)
by Mike Briley (goodreads author!) (avg rating: 0.00, 0 ratings)
my rating: didn't like itit was okliked itreally liked itit was amazing

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Mike's recent updates

February 12
The Well Mike gave Gr_red_star_activeGr_red_star_activeGr_red_star_activeGr_red_star_activeGr_red_star_active to:
The Well (Paperback)
by Mike Briley (Goodreads author!)
bookshelves: wrote
my rating:
didn't like itit was okliked itreally liked itit was amazing

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