Ethiopia as Home for Human Evolution?
Watch and read what the evolutionary scientists are claiming about the origin and evolution of mankind: Interesting discoveries!

Australopithecus afarensis  Image: Zeresenay Alemseged

The juvenile specimen is wonderfully preserved

LATEST VIDEOS IN THE NEWS (National Geographic Society)

Interview with Dr. Zersenay  in Amharic (WIC), October 10, 2006

Anthropologist Challenges Species Identification Of Ancient Child Skeleton Found In Ethiopia Open this result in new window
Science Daily via Yahoo! News  - Oct 03, 2006
According to University of Pittsburgh anthropology professor Jeffrey Schwartz, author of the four-volume The Human Fossil Record (Wiley-Liss, 2002-05), "the discovery of any largely complete skeleton of an ancient human relative would be unique. The fact that it is a child makes it even more exciting because of what its bones and teeth might reveal that an adult's cannot."
Ancient Fossil Child Discovered in Ethiopia Open this result in new window
NPR - Sep 20 4:19 PM
Scientists in Ethiopia have discovered the skeleton of a 3.3 million years old child, the oldest child fossil on record. Anthropologists around the world are practically salivating at the information the skeleton might hold.
It's a girl -- she's 3.3 million years old, almost human / Fossils of oldest known child hominid found in Ethiopia 'in  Open this result in new window
San Francisco Chronicle - Sep 21 3:52 AM
Scientists have uncovered fossils of the oldest known hominid child near the site in Ethiopia where researchers discovered prehistory's most famous female -- Lucy, a 3.2 million-year-old skeleton -- in 1974. The unnamed tot's remains appear to be those...

Scientists announce discovery of earliest ever baby girl skeleton

Addis Ababa, September 20, 2006 (WIC) - Scientists announced today the discovery of the earliest ever and most complete skeleton of juvenile human ancestor which lived in Ethiopia 3.3 million years ago.

Famed hominid 'Lucy' to leave Ethiopia for first exhibit abroad Open this result in new window
AFP via Yahoo! News - Sep 20, 2006
"Lucy," the celebrated skeletal remains of a female hominid who lived 3.2 million years ago will leave Ethiopia next year for her first-ever foreign exhibition, officials said.

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