Ethiopinan-Millennium Celebrations



Millennium Warm-Up Celebrations


Dear All,

Ethiopia is preparing to celebrate its new Millennium which will begin on 12th September 2007.
Here in the UK, Ethiopians, people of Ethiopian origin and friends of Ethiopia have formed a Millennium board to organise events marking the celebration.
The main task of the board is to organise the Millennium celebrations here and to facilitate the visit to Ethiopia of those who wish to go to Ethiopia for the celebrations.
But the events go beyond celebration. The aim is to build Millennium schools and clinics and to do that we have organised a fund-raising event at the Ethiopian embassy with the support of the embassy, of Ethiopian Airlines and of Voice of Africa radio. The event will take place this Sunday – 1st July 2007 from 2pm to late evening.
During the event there will be entertainment from guest Jamaican singer Teddy Dan and Ethiopian cultural shows by electrifying Ethiopian artists and dancers. Ethiopian food and drink will be served and there will also be a raffle – prizes include return flights to Ethiopia.
You are cordially invited to attend the warm-up event and, if you wish to contribute to the Millennium fund, the bank details can be found below.
With very best wishes,
Yalew Kebede
Millennium Board
Bank     Lloyds TSB
Branch Victoria, London
Account name National Consensus Forum Millennium Account
Account no 02693663
Sort code 30-93-79
Proceeds will go towards building schools and clinics in Ethiopia

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