Somali Crisis Update
New Development in the Horn of African Nation: Crisis Has Been Successfully Reversing. But Will Somalia Have Peace and Stability After So Many Years of Anarchy? Time Will Tell!

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Somali soldiers patrolling Mogadishu's streets
Fifteen people are killed in clashes in Somalia's capital where angry crowds dragged soldiers' bodies in the streets.

More Somali Crisis News Updates

Discussion: Somali – Ethiopian Conflict

Somali Far From Stable as Ethiopian Troops Return Home  (Source: HAN News)

  UN prepares for takeover of Somalia peacekeeping mission

Addis Ababa, February 04, 2007 (WIC) - The United Nations (UN) is sending a mission to Somalia to prepare for the eventual takeover of a planned African Union peacekeeping force,according to VOA.

Ethiopia to withdraw third of Somalia troops by Sunday Open this result in new window
Reuters via Yahoo! News - Jan 27, 2007
A third of Ethiopia's troops in Somalia are expected to have withdrawn by Sunday, Prime Minister Meles Zenawi said.

The New Breed of Pen-warlords 
(Source: Garowe Online),

Church attacked in Somalia
Nyasa Times - Jan 27, 2007 by Editor

Lord David Triesman says Ethiopia's measures in Somalia open up enabling opportunity for peace, stability (Source: ENA)
Addis Ababa, January 26, 2007 (Addis Ababa) - Lord David Maxim Triesman, Britain’s Parliamentary Under- Secretary of State and Minister for African Affairs has said the measure Ethiopia has taken in Somalia created an enabling condition for the creation of peace and stability in the Horn of Africa country.

All African nations support Ethiopia's measures in Somalia: PM Meles (ENA)
Addis Ababa, January 26, 2007 (Addis Ababa) - Prime Minister Meles Zenawi says all African nations including Malawi have supported Ethiopia’s action in Somalia.

Kenyan police capture 18 fleeing foreign Islamist suspects in less than one week
Addis Ababa, January 26, 2007 (WIC) – Police have arrested five more foreigners at the Kenya-Somali border bringing the number of suspects arrested in the area carrying passports of countries outside the East African region to 18 in less than a week, The Nation newspaper disclosed.

Ethiopian soldiers in Mogadishu
An Ethiopian soldier is killed and another seriously wounded after gunmen open fire on them in Somalia.
Timeline: Ethiopia and Somalia
BBC News - 25 Jan 2007

  PM Meles Briefs the press (English. Jan. 25, 2007)
(Source: WIC)

Ethiopian troops stand to attention as they hold an Ethiopian flag during a ceremony at the Mogadishu airport as they prepare to withdraw from Somalia
Somalia's main airport is attacked a day after Ethiopian forces began their withdrawal from the capital.
Q&A: Somali conflict
(Source: BBC news)
24 Jan 2007

Ethiopian troops to fully withdraw from Somalia in three phases: Meles
(Source: ENA)
Jan 24, 2007

  African peacekeeping force to arrive in Somalia within three days: Deputy Prime Minister
Addis Ababa, January 23, 2007 (WIC) - The transitional government of Somalia said today that the first peacekeeping forces from Uganda, Malawi and Nigeria would arrive in the country within three days, Shabelle Media Network reported.
  Seyoum meets, discusses with Somali President
Mogadishu, January 23, 2007 (WIC) - Ethiopian Minister of Foreign Affairs Seyoum Mesfin met and discussed with President of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed.

Ethiopia Begin Withdrawing Troops From Somalia Open this result in new window
Nasdaq via Yahoo! News - Jan 23, 2007 3:55 AM
(RTTNews) - Ethiopia has started pulling out its troops out of Somalia, four weeks after they crossed the border to help the government defeat Islamists.

Ethiopia starts Somalia pull-out Open this result in new window
BBC News via Yahoo! News - Jan 23, 2007 12:58 AM
Ethiopian troops begin to leave the Somali capital, four weeks after they crossed the border.

Defense Minister
Reporting on Somailia's successful military operation (WIC)

Victory over int'l terrorists in somalia
Jan 23/2007
 (Source: ENA)

In Somalia, New Government Faces Age-Old Trouble of Clans New York Times 22-Jan-07 09:31

'Best chance' for Somalia peace (BBC News): 19 January 2007
The UN envoy to Somalia urges the country not to waste "the best opportunity for peace for 16 years".

Sharif Hassan Sheikh Adan
Somalia's transitional parliament votes to sack its speaker, Sharif Hassan Sheikh Adan.
BBC News
Wednesday, 17 January 2007

UN delegation holds talks with TFG Deputy Prime Minister on ways of assisting Somalia  (ENA)

  AU peacekeepers due in Mogadishu in 15 days: PM Gedi 
MOGADISHU, Somalia: The first African peacekeepers to help the government assert its authority in Somalia are expected by the end of January, the prime minister said Tuesday.
(Source: International Herald Tribune via WIC)

Somalia Premier says disarmament in (ENA)

Ghedi Somali premier says disarmament plan in Mogadishu is successful  (

Ethiopia launches African diplomatic offensive on Somalia Open this result in new window
AFP via Yahoo! News - Jan 15, 2007
Ethiopia has launched a diplomatic offensive to explain its military intervention in Somalia to African nations and ask for help in restoring peace there, the foreign ministry has said.

  Somalia: UN agencies speed up relief for tens of thousands displaced by conflict (UN News Center, Jan. 13, 2007)
(Source: WIC)

President Mbeki says Africa must help Somalia (ENA)
Addis Ababa, January 13, 2007 (Addis Ababa) - South African President Thabo Mbeki said Africa has no choice but to help bring peace to war-torn Somalia, Xinhua, the Chinese News Agency reported.

TFG Somalia President continue discussing with clan leaders
Mogadishu , January 13, 2007 (Mogadishu ) President of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia, Abdullahi Yusuf continued meeting and discussing with clan leaders, civil society group and former politicians in Somalia.

Gunmen outside Somalia's presidential palace
Ethiopian-backed troops capture the last stronghold of Somalia's Islamist militia, the defence minister says.

US government appriciates Ethiopia for crushing terrorist group in Somalia: Senator Brownback
A/A, January 12, 2007 (Addis Ababa) - The government and people of the United States appreciate the Ethiopian government and its people since the Ethiopian defense forces freed the people of Somalia from terrorist groups, a member of the US Senate said.

  U.N. chief urges new efforts on Somalia
UNITED NATIONS, January 12, 2007 (AP) - Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged the global community Thursday to redouble efforts to stabilize Somalia and he reiterated his concern that a U.S. airstrike could have "unintended consequences."
(Source: WIC)

Peacekeeping forces in Somalia will prevent bloodshed

CAIRO, Jan 11 (KUNA) - Egypt's assistant Foreign Minister for African Affairs ambassador Ma'asoum Marzouk said Thursday that President Hosni Mubarak's call for sending African peacekeeping forces to Somalia would prevent more bloodshed there. (Source: WIC)

Meles Briefs the Press (Jan. 11, 2007)

Somalis greet their President in Mogadishu
Addis Ababa, January 10, 2007 (Addis Ababa) - Somalis in Mogadishu greeted their long absent President, Abdullahi Yusuf.  (ENA)

  Somalia: Al Qaeda militant killed
MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) - Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, a senior al Qaeda suspect wanted for bombing U.S. embassies in East Africa has been killed, a Somali official said Wednesday as witnesses said U.S forces launched a third day of airstrikes.

Eritrea says war in Somalia will continue while Ethiopia remains Open this result in new window
AFP via Yahoo! News - Jan 10, 2007
Eritrea has warned that war will continue in Somalia as long troops from Ethiopia remain there, accusing its arch-foe neighbor of conducting US-backed "naked aggression" in the lawless nation.

  Minister says Ethiopia concluds operation against terrorists efficiently, effectively
Addis Ababa, January 10, 2007 (ENA) - Ethiopian Minister of Information Berhan Hailu said Ethiopia has efficiently and effectively concluded the operation it launched to put an end to the threat posed by terrorist groups in Somalia.

An armed Somali soldier in Mogadishu (5 January 2007)
Air strikes targeting Islamist militias in southern Somalia resume as the UN mulls sending peacekeepers.
Twin US aims in Somalia
BBC News
01 Jan 2007

Somali President: Ethiopian Forces Will Leave Immediately After

US helicopters launch fresh attack in Somalia  (WIC)

Asharq Alawsat 10-Jan-07 00:12

US Air Force picture of an AC-130 gunship (file photo)
The US launches at least two air strikes against Islamist fighters and al-Qaeda suspects in southern Somalia.

CBS: U.S. Strikes Al Qaeda In Somalia, MOGADISHU, Somalia, Jan. 9, 2007 
New Air Strikes Reported As Forces Target 1998 Embassy Bombing Suspects

Ethiopian troops are not occupation forces: Somalia's President (ENA)
Addis Ababa, January 9, 2007

EU's Solana suggests UN peacekeepers for Somalia
Addis Ababa, January 9, 2007 (Addis Ababa) - Javier Solana, the European Union foreign policy chief, suggested on Monday that U.N. peacekeepers go into Somalia after the first batch of African Union troops is deployed, Reuters reported.

  Eritrean government desires to attack Ethiopia using blood of Somalis: PM Meles
Addis Ababa, January 09, 2007 (ENA) - Prime Minister Meles Zenawi said the government of Eritrea desires to attack Ethiopia using the blood of the Somali people, who have no interest to enter into conflict with Ethiopia.

U.S. support key to Ethiopia's invasion Open this result in new window
USA Today via Yahoo! News - Jan 08, 2007
The United States has quietly poured weapons and military advisers into Ethiopia, whose recent invasion of Somalia opened a new front in the Bush administration's war on terrorism.

Somali Government Willing to Accommodate “Moderate” Islamists
08 Jan 2007

Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf
Somalia's interim president flies into Mogadishu amid tight security, for his first visit since Islamists fled.
(BBC News)
8 January 2007

African Peace support (The Reporter)
Kinijit” and the Somali Crises  January 5, 2007
Tecola W. Hagos-The true essence of Kinijit Press Release is its hunger and blind greed for power. Here we have a situation that is a threat to the very survival of the state of Ethiopia, and this opposition group is lamenting its loss of the election of 2005. It is unbelievable to see such blind hunger for power by individuals who had such terrible sense of timing and no political savvy. No matter how the election of 2005 was lost, the continuation of a struggle based on such loss in disregard of the current Somali crises is in itself poor political judgment not to mention its damage to the security of the Ethiopian State. The danger of the Islamic Courts must be appraised as a danger to Ethiopia not to Meles Zenawi and his government. 
....Full Story

Ayman al-Zawahiri
The voice was said to be that of Ayman al-Zawahiri

A recording said to be of Al-Qaeda's second-in-command has urged Islamists to join a fight against the Somali government and its Ethiopian allies.

Museveni Urges International Community to assist Somalia (ENA)
Addis Ababa, January 5, 2007

Islamist gunmen
Islamist forces in Somalia have been routed by Ethiopian troops

Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf has called for a "speedy deployment" of peacekeepers in his war-torn country.

He said there was a rare chance for a real political breakthrough in Somalia, plagued by violence for 15 years.

By dawn the Islamists were gone

Jan 4th 2007 | NAIROBI
From The Economist print edition

After a stunning victory over its Islamist enemies, the government has to act quickly if the country is not to slip back into its usual civil strife

The score in Somalia: so far, so good (New Day)
Jan 4, 2007

The hunt for defeated Islamic militias intensifies in Somalia, as a minister says there are 3,500 fighters in the capital.

Somalia: EU supports African peacekeeping mission (Somali Net)
January 03, 2007

Council says victory over fundamentalists furthers ongoing development
Addis Ababa, January 3, 2007 (ENA)
Humiliated Eritrea blames US for Somali war (Afrol News)
Jan 02, 2007

Somalia and Ethiopia to be united, says Somali minister (Somali Net)

Somalia's prime minister: Major fighting over (CNN)
Jan 02, 2007

Somali and Kenyan presidents meet
(Spero News)
Discuss the security situation in volatile Somalia and how to prevent the conflict from spilling over into Kenya
Tuesday, January 02, 2007

After 15 years, someone's in charge in Somalia, if barely (Herald Tribune)
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, Jan. 2 - The prime minister of Ethiopia, Meles Zenawi, said today that his country, one of the poorest in the world, could not afford to keep its troops in neighboring Somalia much longer, and that Somalia's stability depended on the quick injection of foreign peacekeepers.

Somali government soldiers in MogadishuEthiopians to stay on in Somalia (BBC)
2 January 2007
The prime minister of Somalia's fragile interim government, Ali Mohamed Ghedi, says that heavily-armed soldiers from Ethiopia would be needed for months. But Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi told MPs that he hoped his forces could withdraw within two weeks.   .     .    .  Mr Ghedi said Uganda and Nigeria have offered to send contingents of troops, but details about who would fund such a force still need to be thrashed out.

Somali Islamists say refuse govt amnesty offer (Reuters)
02 Jan 2007

02 Jan 2007 11:15:38 GMT
Source: Reuters

ANALYSIS-Somali Islamists fought wrong kind of war, UK - via Google, 2 Jan 2007
... said a military expert and combat veteran who follows Somalia and is ... No independent casualty figures are available from Ethiopia's latest war, but the Somali ...

  Interview with Amb. Farah
"Now lets start talking about reconstruction, we call on the UN, other Orgns to rebuild Somalia. We have lots of things to do. We also call on the neighbouring countries to seal their borders, if UIC smuggles give us back" : Amb Farah (Watch)

Somalia's PM Ali Mohamed Ghedi gives overpowered Islamist fighters three days to hand in their weapons.

 BBC Focus on Africa    

Eritrea blames Washington for Somalia war (Reuters)
Mon Jan 1, 2007 5:32 PM GMT

By Amber Henshaw
BBC News, Addis Ababa, 01 Jan 2007 
Somali Islamists flee their last major stronghold as Ethiopian and Somali government troops close in Kismayo.

Somalis flee fresh fightings (Al Jazeera English News)
December 31, 2006

Fight Erupts Near Somalia Islamic Center (AP)

Somalia‘s PM promises peace, stability (WIC)

A Year End Victory (The Claremont Institute)


FM Seyoum briefs African Ambassadors on the current situation of Somalia (Part II)
December 30, 2006
Somalia to declare martial law (Al Jazeera English News)
Ali Mohamad Gedi, the Somali prime minister, has said that parliament will declare a period of martial law to maintain control of the country after Ethiopian and government troops wrested the capital from rival Islamists

Press Briefing on Somalia: Meles (English, Dec. 28, 2006)

Joint Communiqué - AU, AL and IGAD (Source: ENA)
December 28, 2006

English ETV News (December 28, 2006)
 (Source: ENA) 

Fundamentalist forces abandon Somalia’s capital
(Source: ENA)
Mogadishu, December 28, 2006 (Addis Ababa) - The fundamentalist forces who have controlled Somalia's capital for months abandoned the city to clan rule on Thursday after government forces advanced to within striking distance. Looting broke out and clan leaders called for calm, Associated Press (AP) reported on Thursday from Mogadishu.

Full Coverage: Somalia-Ethiopia Conflict


BBC Analysis On developments in Somalia. Very comprehensive report!

For the latest BBC Televsion report

pm meles update
(12-26-06 amharic)

 Dr. Tekeda Alemu's interview with CNN
(December 26, 2006)

Ethiopian, Islamist Forces Clash in Somalia
  npr discussion

Click Here for BBC report!

Interview with Somali Ambassador in Ethiopia  (WIC)



  The Latest From Somalia (Economist)

Somalia Fighting (BBC)

  • Ethiopia Steps Up Attacks on Somalia (Washington Post)

    Dr. Tekeda Alemu's interview with CNN
  • Ethiopia sees victory against Somali Islamists (Reuters)
  • P.M. Meles Zenawi Address to the Nation: Radio   |  TV   Text  (Dec 24, 2006)
  • Somalia's Islamists prepare for war with Ethiopia Open this result in new window
    International Herald Tribune via Yahoo! News - Dec 13, 2006
    Unlike the anarchy that has consumed Somalia for 15 years, the looming battle is now with Ethiopia, threatening to further destabilize an already troubled region.

    6 December 2006 The Security Council today authorized the establishment of an African protection and training mission in Somalia to help defend the troubled country’s Transitional Federal Institutions (TFIs). The new force, which will be set up by the African Union (AU) and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), an east African group, has an initial mandate of six months, according to a resolution adopted unanimously by the Council.   .    .    .   No countries bordering Somalia will be able to deploy troops in the force, which is to be known as IGASOM and is being created amid mounting international concern at the lack of progress in peace talks between the TFIs and the Union of Islamic Courts, which controls the capital, Mogadishu.

    • Informal comments to the Media by the Deputy Permanent Representative of Somalia, Ambassador Idd Beddel Mohamed, on the situation in Somalia. [UN Webcast:   Video - 3 minutes]
    • Informal comments to the Media by the Permanent Representative of the United States of America, Ambassador John Bolton, on the situation in Somalia and other matters. [Webcast:   Video - 7 minutes]
    •   Security Council: The situation in Somalia. The situation concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
      [Webcast:  Video - English: 26 minutes] [Webcast:  Video - Original Language: 26 minutes]

    Outstanding development for peace at the Horn of Africa! I hope this will be the stepping stone for future peace.     Ben  (Source: Ben News)

    Ethiopia has held direct talks with Somalia's Union of Islamic Courts, despite appearing on the verge of war.


    Interview with MP Ato Ledetu Ayalew about the issue of UIC  (Amharic)
    [Dec 2, 2006]

    Source: Ethiopia First


    Ethiopia still trying to resolve differences with Somali extremists through dialogue: MoFA

    Addis Ababa, December 02, 2006 (WIC) – The government of Ethiopia has continued its efforts to resolve the threat of invasion it has been facing through diplomatic means by holding discussions with the Somali extremist forces, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs(MoFA) disclosed.

      U.S. Proposing Regional Force to Monitor Somalia Violence (The NewYork Times, Dec. 2, 2006)(Source: WIC)
    United Nation webcast on resolution

      House backs Meles undo UIC invasion (December 02, 2006) (Source: WIC)

    What Do people say?.. situation in Somali (video, Dec. 01, 2006)
    (Source: WIC)
      U.S. Calls for Regional Somalia Force (Washington Post, Dec. 01, 2006)
    (Source: WIC)

      Prime Minister Meles briefs local and international medias (November 25, 2006) (WIC)

    button image   Eleven nations feed Somali war build-up - experts
    NAIROBI, Nov 10 (Reuters) - Militant groups and 11 countries are funnelling the military aid needed for a full-scale war into Somalia, widening the threat of conflict into the Horn of Africa and beyond, sources said a United Nations report will say. (Source:

  • Ben's Point of View regarding Ethiopia Vis-à-Vis UIC (Amharic)


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