Irobland Geological Study

  Summary of the Irobland’s Geological Study

By Dr. Bruno Strebel (1979)

The study area (Buknaiti Are) lies in the Tigray province in the north of  Ethiopia (from approximately 39 32' to 39 42' E and 14 28' to 14’ 36' N). It extends over some 180 sq. km. and is a wild mountainous region with steep slopes and strongly dissected by river valleys. Flat plains occur seldom. The area is located in the eastern escarpment of the Tigrean Plateau in the direction of the Danakil Depression. The highest peak reaches 2,828 meters above sea level, whereas the lowest valleys are only approximately 800 meters above sea level. Three main altitudinal zones can be distinguished:

1) The Quoro lies between 2,400 and 2,800 meters above sea level and constitutes 17% of the study area. The annual mean of precipitation is 600 mm, the annual mean of temperature is around 15 (degree)C. The natural vegetation consists mainly of Olea-Juniperus procera Forests.

2) The region between 1,500 and 2,400 meters above sea level is called Dag’a and constitutes 76% of the study area. One can estimate the annual average of precipitation to be 400 mm, the annual mean of temperature to be around 200 C. The dominant plant community consists of Succulent Euphorbia Wood-lands.

3) The lowest zone, ranging from 800 to 1,500 m, is occupied by the Sarha and makes up only 7% of the total area. The annual mean of precipitation can be estimated to be 250 mm, the annual mean of temperature to be 25 (degree) C. The vegetation cover is sparse and consists mainly of Commiphora Woodlands.

The whole study area is inhabited by the Buknaiti Irob who are fully engaged in farming. Cropping and livestock raising are equally important. In the Quoro teff, wheat and barley is grown in rain-fed cropping. In the Dag'a the main products are barley and some sort of sorghum, again in rain fed cropping. In addition, some maize is grown on flood-irrigated terraces behind check dams. Oranges are cultivated in some gardens that are irrigated all year long. In the Sarha cropping is impossible and only livestock can be raised. The fields are tilled by oxen-drawn ploughs.

The irregular distribution of rain leads to frequent bad harvests. The scarcity of arable land precludes an extension of cultivated land. The produced crop is insufficient for the food requirement of the population, and only a small amount of grain can be purchased with the income from livestock production. The stock is made up of sheep, goats and cattle. The output, however, is meager. The average total income per annum and head can be estimated to be around 50 Birr (approx. US $30). The nutritional value of the daily food is as low as 6,270 kj (1,500 kcal) per head. Especially in years of drought famine prevails.

The fruits and sprouts of the prickled pear cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica), which grows wild or cultivated in large quantities, are of great importance for the food supply of both people and livestock. From four to six months the population lives solely on these cactus fruits. The livestock survives on sprouts luring the dry season.

In addition to the Buknaiti Irob (approx. 4,250 persons) about hundred nomadic families live in this area. They belong to the tribe of Haso Assa Alila and speak the Saho language, just as the Irob do. They live only on the yields of livestock breeding and gathering wild fruits and plants.

The following measures could improve the agricultural potential the income of the increasing population:

-         spate irrigation of existing fields

-         runoff-farming (micro catchments) on terraces behind check dams

-         soil conservation measures in rain-fed fields

-         layout of gardens with irrigation all year long

-         new crops and better cultivation practice

-         afforestation and forest conservation

-         development of water resources

-         introduction of range land management


The proposed developments could be carried through within 10 to 15 years with a simple but adapted technology. The total costs would amount to approx. 2,300,000 working days and 350,000 Birr of material. If all the work done by locals were paid and the project supervised by experts the total costs would make up approximately US $2,500,000. However, as the projects is flexible is quite possible to carry out part of the proposed measures.


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