ORBIS Celebrates 25th Anniversary

President of Ethiopia Delivers Keynote Address at ORBIS Anniversary
His Excellency Girma Wolde-Giorgis, President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, addressed the growing crisis of avoidable blindness during the 25th anniversary celebration of ORBIS International held March 1 at the United Nations.
(Source: ORBIS International)
President of Ethiopia Delivers Keynote Address at ORBIS Anniversary


His Excellency Girma Wolde-Giorgis, President Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

His Excellency Girma Wolde-Giorgis, President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, addressed government and business leaders about the growing crisis of avoidable blindness during the 25th anniversary celebration of ORBIS International to be held March 1 at the United Nations. The President spoke of the urgent need for the international community to help developing nations intensify their efforts to alleviate a human tragedy of epidemic proportions.  

According to the World Health Organization, 37 million people worldwide are blind — 28 million unnecessarily.  In Ethiopia alone, over 1 million people are blind, more than 2.7 million have low vision, and no less than 10 million are afflicted by active trachoma and 1.2 million by blinding trachoma, a highly contagious disease now rampant throughout the country.

ORBIS is working in Ethiopia to address the high prevalence of avoidable blindness and its causes, as well as the country's limited human resources and infrastructure. Key strategies include strengthening existing national institutions and eye care agendas, establishing eye banking, addressing the acute eye care service needs of the rural population and aggressively tackling the country's troubles with trachoma.

President's speech heard by hundreds

More than 600 people attended the ORBIS reception. The following are President Wolde-Giorgis's remarks:

We have gathered here at the United Nations, in the ultimate forum of peace and cooperation, to celebrate the remarkable initiative of ORBIS to combat the growing crisis of avoidable blindness, and to celebrate the potential of mankind to help our fellow man.          

All of us stand here — doctors, supporters, friends ambassadors, government officials, people of all different backgrounds, cultures, religions — with a shared vision and the mutual will to eliminate the devastating impact that blindness has on human beings and the societies in which they live. 

Somewhere in the world, a child goes blind every minute of every day, and an adult loses sight every five minutes. In Ethiopia alone, no less than 10 million of the 70 million people within its borders are afflicted by active trachoma, a highly contagious blinding disease which is fast spreading. Their pain and struggle brings home the urgency and the tragedy of the situation.

From presidents to prime ministers, from the U.N. down to the grass roots level, all should be aware of the many who are suffering as a result of one of mankind's most significant causes of poverty and economic hardship — blindness.    

But tonight we will not dwell on the tragedy of avoidable blindness, though we must not forget it.  It is about celebrating the possibilities of its elimination in the future.  This hope is not an illusion.  We know that when people put their minds to it, change is possible.

I would like to congratulate the hundreds of volunteers and the dedicated staff of ORBIS International, who for 25 years have transformed the way much of the world thinks and acts about blindness. Especially with their magnificent airplane, the Flying Eye Hospital, which has carried out training programs in my country on three separate occasions, and which I had the privilege to visit in 2003, as did Prime Minister Meles Zenawi.  We were extremely impressed by the educational capabilities of this technological wonder and humbled by the professionalism and unified spirit of the ORBIS team.  ORBIS has focused our attention on the problem of blindness, and we fully support their continuing work in Ethiopia.

ORBIS took an airplane and turned it into a flying messenger of hope.  They pulled out seats and put in an operating room.  They filled the plane with doctors, nurses, equipment, supplies, technology and an unmatched spirit of resolve.  To deliver the gift of sight, knowledge, skill and resources that its founding nations have in such abundance and to transplant them into the minds, hands, hospitals and countrysides of other nations is a great undertaking.

Millions have had their sight saved over these last 25 years because of ORBIS.   On behalf of those millions, I thank the ORBIS volunteer doctors who choose to give up their vacation time, to be away from their families and to forsake the comfort of their homes in order to operate and teach. 

I would like to thank the volunteer pilots who fly the ORBIS plane, and all who support ORBIS in so many ways with their gifts of time, goods and services.  I congratulate ORBIS for their 25 years of remarkable achievement.

Friendship, brotherhood and international cooperation at the highest level — these are the defining elements of ORBIS's commitment to my country.  Together, we work towards a solution.  Together, we take the steps towards permanent change. 

We are here tonight to celebrate the continuation of a humanitarian journey and the future of ORBIS.  As the President of Ethiopia and as a citizen of this world, I call upon countries worldwide to join me on this journey — to lift every man, woman and child from the burden of preventable blindness, and to reject the unnecessary suffering.

Let us accept not just the reality that most afflictions can be cured, but the responsibility to make certain that they are. God bless us all. Thank you. (Source: ORBIS International)





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