The Irob Relief and Rehabilitation Operations Brotherhood's mission is to provide critical relief and development assistance primarily to the Irob community both in Ethiopia and Diaspora.

 Introductory Statement
The Irob Relief and Rehabilitation Operations Brotherhood (IRROB), Inc. is a non-political, non-governmental, non-profit organization for which a tax-exempt status has been requested and granted in accordance with the United States Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). Registered in the District of Columbia, IRROB was established as an educational and charitable organization committed to assisting the Irob people in Ethiopia—victims of both natural disasters such as drought  and man-made problems, such as wars, forced displacement, and the destruction of its socio-economic fabric. IRROB is a nonsectarian organization, which embraces a policy prohibiting discriminate against people because of their creed, race, color, gender, or political opinions.

One of the main objectives of IRROB is to provide relief and rehabilitation service through medical assistance to children, senior citizens, and other vulnerable people primarily in the Irob Region, or Woreda (northern Ethiopia), known as the poorest and most drought-affected area in the entire country. With  adequate resources, IRROB will expand its coverage to other affected areas of Ethiopia.


Priority Action Statement

Primarily, our mission is to respond to the critical health problems of people in northern Ethiopia (with a special focus on the Irob Woreda/ administrative district) caused by malnutrition and the lack of clean potable water.  These diseases include TB, malaria, and other infectious diseases.  We feel it is our human and moral responsibility to help save the lives of children, senior citizens, and other vulnerable people susceptible to disease from inadequate food, poor nutrition, and lack of vaccinations, as well as poor or no access to hospitals, qualified healthcare-givers, and adequately equipped clinics. We are committed to provide the critically and chronically ill people in this  area with transportation from their remote rural areas to clinics and/or hospitals in the urban areas.  In addition, IRROB is committed to  promoting literacy and helping disadvantaged children and youth to have access to basic education.  To this end, we will mobilize and motivate people to improve their health and living conditions through the advancement of education and information about how to live a healthy life.


Therefore, IRROB is committed to:

  • Seeking immediate medical assistance for the recurrent drought-ridden areas in northern Ethiopia (particularly in the Irob Woreda), where malnutrition and epidemic diseases pose a daily life-threatening risk.
    Responding rapidly to the continuous and pressing health pandemics, including HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, and other preventable infectious diseases.
    Raising funds to acquire ambulance(s) and/or mobile clinic(s) with equipped to transport the critically and chronically ill from remote rural areas to the urban hospitals and/or healthcare centers.
    Raising funds to provide qualified physician(s), dentists, eye-doctors, and nurses to serve in rural clinics, and to sponsor and train paramedics to operate the ambulance(s) acquired by the organization.
  • ____________________________________________________


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