News from Irob Wereda


Dear Abba Tesfamariam,


I have been in Irob Woreda for two weeks. I had a business meeting with the Irob Education Office and Administrative Counsel and the Woreda Head Administrator. We shared some ideas on the quality of and needs of materials for the education programs in Irob Woreda and how could and should open the secondary school in Dawhan in accordance with the schedule of the Tigray Regional Government.

I shared with them how the IRROB in Washington, DC, in collaboration with the Irob community of Northern America, have been planning and working since I forwarded the Computer Project for the Dawhan Secondary School earlier this year. They were so much pleased to hear what the IRROB and the Irob community of Northern America have been striving to assist the Irob people by helping them improve the education system, so that the students of the woreda can compete with other students in the country.

I hope the fund-raising for the Computer Project is in good progress.

I went to Kafina (Edalgeda) to lay a foundation stone for lower primary school which is financed by the Ethiopian Fund Raising 
Committee in Saudi Arabia.

Thank you very much for all you can do to help the Irob people.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Guelay Welde
General Manager of ZIRDA
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
August 15, 2007


Photographic Exhibition of the Blessing of the New Catholic Church (Medhanie-Alem) by His Excellency Bishop Tesfaselassie Medhin, Eparch of Adigrat Eparchy at Dawhan Town in Irob Wereda


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