International Outcries on Darfur Crisis & Plight

Evangelicals For Darfur

 Watch a video compiling the global action on the Day for Darfur


President George W. Bush and Darfur   : Part Two 

Tecola W. Hagos October 12, 2006

The President of the Sudan, Omar al-Bashir, should be indicted by the International Criminal Court for genocide, and crime against humanity, as well as for war crimes. Bashir is trying to hide his international crimes by claiming that the atrocities committed in Darfur were not committed by his government’s soldiers, but by Arab militias, the Janjaweed. However, that does not exonerate him form prosecution. As head of the Sudanese government, he has the duty to safeguard and keep safe every single Sudanese citizen......Full Story

President George W. Bush and Darfur  : Part One
Tecola W. Hagos October 1, 2006

Millions of Sudanese citizens, the people of Darfur , are driven out of their homes and land; hundreds of thousands have been murdered, and countless number of women raped. All these atrocities and crimes were committed by the Janjaweed, armed and assisted by the Sudanese Government. The Government of Sudan itself was destroying scores of villages, murdering uncountable number of people using its army and advanced weapon systems of helicopters ......Full Story


Documenting Atrocities in Darfur
Human Rights Crisis The non-Arab population of Darfur continues to suffer from crimes against humanity. A review of 1,136 interviews shows a consistent pattern of atrocities, suggesting close ...


Darfur Humanitarian Emergency - US Department of State
Covers U.S. Policy And Issues On Darfur, Sudan Humanitarian Emergency Which Has Been Described As Genocide By Military Groups


Catholic Church leaders join pleas for action to save Darfur ...

WASHINGTON (CNS) – As people around the world joined peace rallies, concerts, prayer vigils and even a "yogathon" to press for action to bring peace to Darfur in Sudan, the head of the U.S. bishops ...

The Save Darfur Coalition's unity statement was signed by more than 100 organizations. - Sudan's Darfur Crisis
The United Nations says Sudan has agreed to a plan to tackle the crisis in Darfur, where thousands have been killed by pro-government militias. The measures include steps to disarm the militias and ...

Refugees International: Articles: The Crisis in Darfur
RI is advocating for a swift and forceful response to the Darfur crisis, including better coordination of and more provision of humanitarian aid and establishment of an effective peacekeeping force to ...

Darfur crisis is 'as bad as ever'
Meanwhile, lobby group Human Rights Watch has urged the UN to take control of the peace mission in Darfur. "A UN mission could help to stop the atrocious attacks on civilians in Darfur, but only if it ... Specials
Gallery: Children of Darfur ? Related sites: How to help ? Behind the scenes: Christiane Amanpour ? Gallery: Sudan's humanitarian crisis ? Map: Sudan's Darfur region

Sudan crisis - Amnesty International
Sudan crisis Background The victims of Darfur are not nameless Image slideshow Arming the perpetrators of grave abuses in ... Latest news Sudan: Continuing blockade of humanitarian aid (04/04/2006) Continued ...

Women's Human Rights
Women's Human Rights UPDATE: THE CRISIS IN DARFUR Requires Flash ...
Coalition for Darfur: The Future of Darfur
There can be no doubt that, relatively speaking, the crisis in Darfur has generated a fair amount of attention. Journalists, human rights experts and bloggers have poured a lot of energy into raising ...
Darfur Crisis Index
The Darfur Crisis Alert is a joint production of NetAid and the Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children . Photo: Women’s Commission / Megan McKenna:

Crisis in Darfur
Crisis in Darfur The humanitarian crisis that has unfolded in this little-known region of western Sudan since 2003 has gone largely unnoticed in the outside world.
Online NewsHour: Crisis in Sudan | Origins of the Crisis | PBS
An estimated 180,000 people have died and 2 million have been displaced in the ongoing humanitarian crisis in the Darfur region of western Sudan where militias have ...

The Crisis in Darfur, 2005
By making these photographs available to the public and the media, we hope to raise awareness of the continuing crisis facing the people of Darfur.

U.S. bishops call for resolution of Darfur crisis
U.S. bishops call for resolution of Darfur crisis. Vatican calls for cheaper drugs for HIV/AIDS patients. Vatican calls for more aid for world's poorest. U.S. bishops call for resolution of Darfur crisis sjn0412a.html

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