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Goodreads was launched in early December, 2006. Goodreads currently has over 800,000 members and over 10,000,000 books added to member profiles.

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what people are saying

"My geeky little Generation Y heart burst with joy when I found out about the social networking slash armchair critic book reviews site: Good Reads. More unaccredited, unsubstantiated, unfiltered streams of parboiled user-generated content! And you can meet others like you. Yes! The democracy of the web spreads yet further. Check out my profile, make your own and be my friend. I just listed the past 5 books I’ve read, the ones I’m on now and what I’ll be moving on to. Haven’t quite finished all of my reviews, so stay tuned." — misus spine

"Goodreads is a social networking site for bookworms--for those of us with arguably too much time on our hands...or maybe just long commutes--who devour books like chocolate and want nothing more than to discuss literature in great detail long into the night." — ohmythatsawesome

"My friend just turned me on to this site: It's like if myspace didn't suck and was occupied by book nerds. Crack, I tell you. Crack." — kxm

"I just found out about today. Why didn’t anyone tell me about this? Now we can all share cool books with one another. If Fulana and I both liked a book, then I can see, "Hm, what else did she like that I don’t know about?" It’s clickity clicky goodness."

"I first noticed four months ago when a coworker at my bookstore sent me an invitation. The website tore through the Seattle bookselling community like an STD. Soon, every bookseller under 40 was a member. "Will you be my Goodreads friend?" we'd whisper to each other among the stacks. It was like MySpace, only better—it was all about books." — Paul Constant