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Edwards spelled out a set of policies on health care, energy, trade and the economy that his rivals, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, later adopted. But most voters didn't hear much about Edwards, beyond the fact that his campaign had paid $400 for his haircut.
By Bob Geary | 6 Feb 2008

John Edwards limps into this Saturday's South Carolina primary, where polls show him running in the teens, far behind front-runners Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
By Bob Geary | 23 Jan 2008

Even if Edwards is not ultimately the Democratic nominee, can he claim victory because other candidates copied his populist agenda? Or will his core message of hard struggle for change disappear?
By Bob Geary | 9 Jan 2008

Can Edwards survive a second-place Iowa finish? No.
By Bob Geary | 2 Jan 2008

It's true, the results in Iowa, on the Democratic side anyway, are not a straight-up polling of caucus-goers.
19 Dec 2007

If you want to "Edwards Watch" by reading the big-city newspapers or watching network television, fuhgeddaboudit.
By Bob Geary | 12 Dec 2007

To: John Edwards
It's possible you're starting your last month of campaigning—ever.
By Bob Geary | 28 Nov 2007

If elected, Edwards says, he'll give Congress six months to enact universal health care, effective July 20, 2009.
By Bob Geary | 21 Nov 2007

Musically speaking, few songs sound more like slippery politics than Strauss' "Blue Danube Waltz."
By Bob Geary | 14 Nov 2007

After the mainstream media builds you up, it unfailingly tries to take you down.
By Bob Geary | 31 Oct 2007

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