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Build social applications for Orkut

How do I start?

  1. Request access to the Orkut sandbox
  2. Read about the Anatomy of an Orkut Application
  3. Write your first app using the OpenSocial tutorial.

To add your app to Orkut's application directory, submit this form.

More Information

Orkut Developer's Guide — Get information and code specific to Orkut's implementation of OpenSocial.

OpenSocial API Reference — Online docs for all the JavaScript calls you can make in your app.


Orkut developer forum — Got a question? Find an answer in the discussion group.

Issue Tracker — A public repository of bugs and feature requests.

As a developer, you'll soon be able to create social applications for the millions of global Orkut users. Orkut now supports OpenSocial, a common set of APIs, HTML, and JavaScript designed to let developers easily build social applications.

Come play in the sandbox

We've opened a limited sandbox that you can use to start building apps and testing the APIs. Right now, the social apps are just available for developers in the Orkut sandbox. We'll be adding developers to the sandbox on an ongoing basis, so sign up today. Once you receive a confirmation email, work your way through the OpenSocial Tutorial to develop your first OpenSocial application for Orkut.

Here are a few of the things you can do with social applications on Orkut:

  • Build for both showcase and canvas views
    Apps have the ability to create multi-page experiences in the full page canvas view. The showcase view on the user's profile can also show distinct views based on whether the owner of the page or her friend is viewing the app.

  • Foster communication among friends
    Access a user's profile information, friend list, and an update feed so that people can see what their friends are up to.

  • Learn once, write everywhere
    Because Orkut uses the OpenSocial APIs, the same APIs that you use on Orkut can be used to build social apps for other websites supporting OpenSocial.