Encyclopedia Dramatica:Thizzlehat Junction Center

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Thizz in peace, our hyphy overlord

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About Encyclopedia Dramatica
Done in the spirit of Ambrose Bierce's The Devil's Dictionary, Encyclopedia Dramatica's purpose is to provide a central catalog for the e-public to view parody and satire of drama, memes, e-pals and other interesting happenings on the Internets. Our goal is to provide comprehensive, reference-style parody, to poke fun at everyone and everything. You can read more about the origin of encyclopediadramatica in our About section.

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[edit] Archives, By Date Range

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[edit] "Leader" of Anonymous goes public on NPR


>>Morning Edition, February 7, 2008 · For the past several weeks, a video of Tom Cruise defending Scientology has been circulating on the Internet. When the Scientologists tried to get it taken down, an Internet group calling itself "Anonymous" said the organization was trying to limit free speech.



also: if you read the chanology page or its sub pages this is old news by like a week man. Not to say it isn't lol...but yea. Total NPR fag ---> --Drunkenlazybastard 00:30, 8 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] King of Terrors


Ripe for trolling and YouTube shenanigans. Check out related project, preachingyourfuneral.com.

Aberkman23 15:02, 7 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] ED ads

I saw this ED ad on ED's sidebar:

Is Masturbation Bad?
Learn why excessive masturbation can....

Link goes to: http://www.herballove.com/library/resource/overmas/fatal.asp

Then that page has "Recovery is painful, but not impossible" and links to http://www.herballove.com/library/resource/overmas/mystory.asp

I don't know who CoS is that is supposed to be attacking ED, but if ED is having trouble keeping fast it should update its mediawiki version which is about a year out of date. New version at www.mediawiki.org --Ritegroic 03:13, 21 January 2008 (CST)


Scientology vs. The Internet(s):
"Why Kids On The Internet Are
Scientology's Most Powerful Enemy"

€ Zenophile ﮚ æ ◄ Ǽ Talk ► 09:40, 22 January 2008 (CST)

[edit] Heath Ledger - an hero?

Found with pills at his side. Possible overdose. Also lulzworthy because of the fact that he played a faggot cowboy.--ByAppointmentTo 20:33, 22 January 2008 (CST)

[edit] New article about an an hero 16 year old girl

[edit] Fun Toy I discovered

Of passing interest really but some of you ought to have fun with it. http://www.churchsigngenerator.com/index.php

[edit] The Writer's Strike

I'm surprised that not only is there NO ARTICLE on such a huge and long-lasting news story (a microcosm of something even moar important), but NO REFERENCE WHATSOEVER to it in ANY of the pages I've read here. --Shitbitch 21:13, 23 January 2008 (CST)

  • You are welcome to start such an article... --Image:Schwarzesonne.gif»⇔«¿ 09:57, 24 January 2008 (CST)
    • I've thought about writing one, came up with a few Tina Fey is hot jokes, but not enough for a worthy article --Aghar  Image:Aghar_hockeydog_signature.gif   07:41, 26 January 2008 (CST)

[edit] Internet Cult Inspires Teen Suicides

--Image:Schwarzesonne.gif»⇔«¿ 10:24, 24 January 2008 (CST)

In the "Comments" section:
  • suddenly, an heroes. Thousands of them. Posted by Anonymous on January 23, 2008 3:42 PM
  • I lol'd.
  • See also what I posted above. Under the Heath Ledger section.--ByAppointmentTo 12:00, 24 January 2008 (CST)

[edit] Trolling and raiding of an asspie online petition required

unfortunatley they seem to be able to reverse changes


—Flardox, RE: Horrific article on encyclopedia dramatica

- Jasper Jasper @ MeowMail.com 14:54, 24 January 2008 (CST)

  • pfft...freedom of speech is soooo overrated

I think there have to be rules - people shouldn't just be able to say anything they like and then use 'it's a joke' as their defence.


—aliengirl, {{{3}}}

  • I see my block reason set the little fucker off:

needless to say they reversed this and placed by the "reason for deletion" "that was retarded"


—Flardox, RE: Horrific article on encyclopedia dramatica


"That article is stupid, the one on uncyclopedia on autism is funnier! And uncyclopedia is funnier than Encyclopedia Dramatica!" Aspies agree, Uncyclopedia is funny as hell. --Drunkenlazybastard 20:04, 25 January 2008 (CST)

The fact that ass pies like Uncyclopedia is proof of its unfunniness, along with the fact that Jimbo approves of it too.--ByAppointmentTo 12:58, 27 January 2008 (CST)

And ontop of that he lives in England. And for the fun of it...his birthday: Birthday: 11-23-1992 (15 years old). He also has a ED account that needs to get banned if not already done so.

If he comes back and trys to deleate this page or any other pages again, lets swing harder and see how likew he it.--Jericho 04:10, 29 January 2008 (CST)

[edit] Woman died due to rough sex

http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/years/2008/0125081dryer1.html This is kinda Darwin Award material since she died during sex-related activity. Ritegroic 20:28, 25 January 2008 (CST)

LOL WUT.--ByAppointmentTo 03:41, 26 January 2008 (CST)
I guess you could say that both of them had charges pressed against them Digital Utopia 08:45, 26 January 2008 (CST)
this is like shitty internet porn, all I'm looking for is pics of her with 110v to the nipples and all I get is that douchebag guy's face. bah. --Jimbojones 21:49, 26 January 2008 (CST)

[edit] Timothy Treadwell

There was a special on Animal Planet about him recently called "Grizzly Man". He was the ultimate furfag; the American metrosexual equivalent of Steve Irwin, only he wanted to molest bears instead of crocs (which lead to him becoming an hero). He was born Timothy Dexter ("Bitches don't know 'bout my birthname"), and had alot of back-life drama and faggotry. He may have been doing it for the lulz his whole life.

For moar info, see results on Google and Youtube.--Shitbitch 11:00, 26 January 2008 (CST)

I saw the Grizzly Man film. It was quite interesting.--ByAppointmentTo 17:08, 26 January 2008 (CST)

[edit] CPcat


cat finds porn


a meme is born ratso 16:50, 26 January 2008 (CST)

  • "According to police, child pornography is not rare in Austin." lol Digital Utopia 21:05, 26 January 2008 (CST)

[edit] AintItCoolNews.com

Evar herd of Harry Knowles? He's a basement-dwelling film critic with his own website.--Shitbitch 18:17, 26 January 2008 (CST)

[edit] Mr Fetch says: "ANONYMOUS Stand Down!!!"

Butthurt faggot over GayDiamond. He is giving Anonymous a chance to stand down and will speak again on Monday.

Has generated at least 100 video responses since putting this up on the 25th of January 2008.

ANONYMOUS Stand Down!!!--Bionic-Sun 12:17, 27 January 2008 (CST)

  • Mrfetch should be Article of Da Now for this Wednesday, as thats when he plans his next "attack". --Jericho 16:19, 2 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] Breaking Broken News

These need covering/watching. I'm on a 'loaner' compy so I won't even start anything lest my date wake up and take it with her when I kick her out the house.

[edit] Woman Tries To Hire Hitman on craigslist


[edit] Bebo suicide cult town


--Image:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifOldDirtyBtardImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifWUT? 13:23, 27 January 2008 (CST)

[edit] MediaWiki

Hey, guys. I was wondering... How did you setup the mediawiki on this site? How do you know how to do it> can sum1 plz link. lulz--Thatkidjasper 11:23, 28 January 2008 (CST)

[RTFM] Digital Utopia 12:51, 30 January 2008 (CST)

[edit] LOL MONGO!


--Jenkem 20:06, 28 January 2008 (CST)

[edit] 2007 TU24

Asteroid hits earth in under 5 hours. Encyclopedia Dramatica definitely needs an article abou it. It's highly lulzworthy and has the potential for much drama.--ByAppointmentTo 22:21, 28 January 2008 (CST)

[edit] Jan 30 Is International Delete Your MySpace Day



--Image:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifOldDirtyBtardImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifWUT? 18:28, 29 January 2008 (CST)

Rupert Murdoch's investment in the site was a fucktarded idea it seems.--ByAppointmentTo 05:11, 30 January 2008 (CST)

[edit] Jeremy Beadle is FUCKING DEAD!

Goodnight sweet prince--ByAppointmentTo 13:17, 30 January 2008 (CST)

[edit] FoxNews highlights the dangers of Anonymous on Stickam

A report about /b/tards trolling the easily manipulated that I can but wish was accurate. "Wolfpacks"? Sign me up plz. Featuring a certain smug fuckwit from back in the day.

--Spacey 05:20, 1 February 2008 (CST)

Scaremongering. Most Americans who watch Fox News will believe anything the media tells them.--ByAppointmentTo 12:49, 1 February 2008 (CST)

To be fair, that's not Fox News Channel news, which is the popular one, it's a local Fox affiliate, like the channel that shows the Simpsons. It's a local news station, but no one seems to realize that the 11 in the corner means it's not the real fox news. Same thing with the report on the Playstation Pornable. --The Stapler 02:09, 3 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] Vox January 2008

There is none. THE VOX IS A LIE -    Sir-kitty    talk    contribs   11:58, 1 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] I strongly suggest that this be a Youtube of the Now

http://youtube.com/watch?v=VABSoHYQr6k I strongly suggest it.

[edit] was the domain owner of ED beaten up?

I have heard that there were news stories about the domain name (?) owner or something of ED being beaten up, and that he was blaming scientologists. But I can't find the articles now. Is this true? Goldenflea 12:19, 1 February 2008 (CST)

No. Jewbacca 12:57, 1 February 2008 (CST)

  • sorry, total jew lies, i know the ED owner, and joseph evers is right as rain. in fact that nigger drank my ass under tha table the other night. he will straight up kill a hebe like you. --Drunkenlazybastard 11:47, 2 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] omfg, simpsons fight against chanology

Nancy "Bart Simpson" Cartwright Gives $10 Million to Scientology Actress Nancy Cartwright, the voice behind cartoon character Bart Simpson, has been awarded Scientology's Patron Laureate Award after donating $10 million to the faith in 2007. Cartwright's gift - almost two times her annual salary from The Simpsons - puts her top of a list of celebrity benefactors, who have handed over their hard-earned cash to the Church of Scientology. She gave even more than Tom Cruise - who is reported to be the controversial religion's second-in-command - who has donated $5 million in the last four years. According to Impact magazine, Kirstie Alley gave $5 million last year and has picked up the Diamond Meritorious Award. Fellow followers John Travolta and Kelly Preston gave $1 million each and were awarded the Gold Meritorious Award, while Priscilla Presley was handed the Patron Award for a donation of $50,000. The prizes were handed out at a top secret ceremony in Florida last summer, according to the American publication.

who would'a guessed scientology counted a CP actor [2] in its ranks.

in related news, the technically-challenged CoS 'leaders' think that DoS attack=omg i'm getting pageviews, i'm popular!:

"Having presented these selective and out of context excerpts with the intent of creating both controversy and ridicule resulted in people searching for Church of Scientology websites."

--Raging symian 13:12, 1 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] Another mall shooting in the US

The nigra killed 5 women and still is yet to be found, so may not become an hero.--ByAppointmentTo 06:48, 3 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] Eliza Thornberryroll

We need this page. NathRoxx 12:46, 3 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] Roger Clemens Comes Clean

This should be "Video of the Now Last Thursday". Forget what I just suggested; that's old news now.--Shitbitch 19:46, 3 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] Has anybody trolled this?


It's full of hilariously racist bullshit and looks very trollable. Senorgordita 23:32, 3 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] Can we start an article on 18-1*

There are tons of lulz to be had from butthurt Patriotfags. I know EDiots don't care about sports, so i'm wondering if this is ok to start an article on this?

  • Not really EDish unless you can find a bunch of actual links to internet drama over this. Also yes this is pretty lol in the irl. --SheneequaTalk 02:17, 4 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] LOL, Mark Foley has a Mormon pedo brother

Operator of "Clean Flix" Store Arrested for Statutory Rape

The operator of the Utah-based Flix Club, which, as part of the Clean Flix chain, drew fire from major studios for removing scenes depicting sex and violence from home videos, has been arrested in Orem, Utah on charges of having sex with underaged girls. According to Orem police, Daniel Thompson also told the girls that his business was actually a cover for a pornography studio and asked them to participate in making a porn movie. The police report also said that they uncovered a "large quantity" of pornography at Thompson's business. According to the Salt Lake Tribune, Thompson told the arresting officers that he was unaware that the girls were not of legal age and that the porn movies were for his "personal use." Thompson previously operated the Clean Flix franchise in Orem but shut it down last month after giving away 400 sanitized versions of Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. The studios, he said at the time, had told him that "if I don't shut down, they would break me."

VOTE FOR MITT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --Raging symian 18:25, 4 February 2008 (CST)


Attack of the Show (G4) is going to have their segement the Loop on Project Chanology. AIRING NOW.    Sir-kitty    talk    contribs  

UPDATE: They showed PROJECT CHANOLOGY, the Wikipeda page on it, and the CosPlay map. (Which showed mostly me. lol) Then they talked about our "motive" for it. And said Anon is mostly 14-year-old boy script kiddies. -    Sir-kitty    talk    contribs   18:39, 4 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] WhiteMystery

She's abusing her rollback button on all of Pokcuh's edits. [[3]]    Sir-kitty    talk    contribs  

  • It's sysop business. It's not really your concern. WhiteMystery

Pokchu used to be flagged as a bot. Ritegroic 07:35, 7 February 2008 (CST)

[this comment has been removed due to copyright infringement of the church of lulz] --Drunkenlazybastard 00:24, 8 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] IllusionistDave

Loser creates lame video, receives a e-beat-down, gets pissy. This guy is rip for trolling. --Krisnack 06:41, 7 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] I found a lulzcow!

I know that we're concentrating on scientology at the moment, but here's a really hilarious, easy to piss off lulzcow on the side. [4] My friends and I have been trolling him for a couple of days and he is really funny. He's a fundamentalist who thinks that he talks to god. He actually apologized to some guy for being a dick because he said that god told him to. I'm not kidding. He also has a whole video talking about how god is real. And what is his explanation? "Because I said so." Talk about his wife and kids and he'll get really pissed. He also says things like "Churches are full of hate and judgment," while at the same time he calls people fag. He looks down on people who curse at him, while he curses just the same. He also thinks he's a l33t h4xx0r. Insertpunhere 18:25, 7 February 2008 (CST)


Stub started

digg this for great justice.


--Image:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifOldDirtyBtardImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifWUT? 19:55, 7 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] Moar

Upon further snooping, one of our TOW experts needs to write this up. Synopsis: TOW admin has been advancing the agenda of his cult in articles, NPOV be damned.

Wikipedia Administrator listed as official press contact in a press release for his Guru:

--Image:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifOldDirtyBtardImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifWUT? 22:26, 7 February 2008 (CST)

  • As much as TOW fags rip on us, I sometimes wonder if we could possibly be more corrupt if we tried, I mean shit, at least we're upfront about our biases. ie: WE DO IT FOR THE LULZ FAGGOT. --Drunkenlazybastard 22:30, 7 February 2008 (CST)
    • Sheesh! Found a plea for hailp from that administrator and posted info. on teh TJC and Needed moar than 3 wks ago; moved the rest to Encyclopedia Dramatica: Needed when u, esteemed ODB, arc'd TJC moar than a week ago. Don't no1 on this site read stuff here? Lawls plz give us back our Maddie 05:44, 8 February 2008 (CST)
    • I think people only read it intermittently. I missed the one you posted but then, I've been MIA for much of this young year. I think in cases like this (and the Bebo suicide cult and the craigslist hit man want ad above) it's prolly worth posting on the ED mailing list (not the admin list) since I don't have time to write much of anything atm since I'm heavily involved with planning for the Los Angeles CoS raid on Sunday.

--Image:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifOldDirtyBtardImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifWUT? 13:56, 8 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] EFG Redefined


Can you be an Epic Fail Guy if you don't even try?

--Image:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifOldDirtyBtardImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifWUT? 14:14, 8 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] Judges Rule For Internet Trolls. Trolls Under Bridges Still B&

California courts now approves of our trolling efforts. --Mr Treason

[edit] Newsweek The Passion of ‘Anonymous’


€ Zenophile ﮚ æ ◄ Ǽ Talk ► 19:19, 8 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] X is Truly Outrageous

Why is there no article on this outrageously ghey YTMND meme?--Shitbitch 21:12, 8 February 2008 (CST)

  • Cause you haven't made it yet. --SheneequaTalk 21:22, 8 February 2008 (CST)
    • If someone does make it, you better throw some props to my home-waffle, Jem. She's the original value of X. Jinglelulz 02:58, 9 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] STAGE6 HAXED!!! ;_;

this is your specialty write some article!!! wikipedia says it's purportedly hacked by ebaums, wtf? Wasn't ebaums the perpetrators of Scientology DDoS if you catch my drift~~ why would anyone do that stage6 was the best site on the entire interbutts it made me watch 4 animes simultaneously

—The preceding comment was added by Faggot who fails at grammar, punctuation and cites TOW as legit, who is too much of a faggot to sign his or her own posts. IT'S 4 TILDES (~), NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!

  • What did your last slave die of. Write it yourself. And sign your comments fgt.

--Image:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifOldDirtyBtardImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifWUT? 00:00, 14 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] lol, LRH2

Hubbie's wife's name was : Mary Sue[5]!

This may be the only instance in human history where a Mary Sue[6] Marryed a Mary Sue.

Of course, Ronnie was too busy boinking 13yo Sea-Orgettes to pay attention to her, so she had to channel her Mary-Sue-dom into writing these two masterpieces: Marriage Hats and Book of E-Meter Drills.

Trying to win her sexpot hubby Hubbie back, she went Mission-Impossible on the IRS and got herself v&, hoping to regain his attention like so many troublemaking children. Epic fail, CoS baleeted her from their annals.

LRon needs his own article. Gary Coleman has one, for fuxake.

[edit] I think we need a Scientology Series template

Also I'm going to make an article on religiousfreedomwatch.org. With non-Sci religions, the SciFags just link out to other independent sites. But to address anti-Sci critics, do you think they would rationally address the points of criticism, like a real religion would do? Nope. They just make a page about each critic detailing his or her bankruptcies, adulterous affairs, past drug use, slovenly attire, just whatever kind of shit they could dig up. Pretty funny. --Image:Schwarzesonne.gif»⇔«¿ 15:13, 11 February 2008 (CST)

By the way, if anyone has time to figure out what, if anything, this means, and more importantly, if it is somehow exploitable: it would be nice.

Signed. A Project Chanology category even. --Image:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifOldDirtyBtardImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifWUT? 00:02, 14 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] WBC on Jewtube!

Ok, I got spammed by what I'm very sure is the WBC. They left a comment and it was like "God has forgotten America. Support the anti-gay movement!" and their channel is pretty saying what the WBC talks about [7]. I'm very sure that they're the WBC. And I found some new things that they hate. They hate divorce and divorcees remarrying. They also hate gambling. They also hate abortion, but that's kind of a given. Them being crazy Christians, and all. Seriously, check them out and flame the hell out of them. Insertpunhere 15:58, 11 February 2008 (CST)


oh lawd

Camwhore goes to Staples, Anon calls cops on her. Epicness ensues.


LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. Just restored the page and added some stuff to the current thread. Got to go for now, so feel free to continue:

--Jawsome OMG LENSFLARE! 01:26, 12 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] Chad Holste + DeVry "University" + CP

Chad's MySpace page
Chad's MySpace page

(02-12) 06:02 PST Oakland, Calif. (AP) --

An East Bay college student is in federal custody on suspicion of possessing child pornography.

Federal prosecutors say 19-year-old Chad Holste has been behind bars since Jan. 16 when federal agents executed a search warrant on his dorm room at DeVry University in Fremont.

Holste's parents home in Redding was also searched.

During the searches, federal authorities say they found images of child pornography on Holste's computer.

Holste has been indicted by a federal grand jury with possession and transportation of child pornography.

He's due back in federal court for a hearing on March 5.

--Image:Schwarzesonne.gif»⇔«¿ 09:57, 12 February 2008 (CST)

  • Wait wait wait --- DEVRY has DORMS??? --Spacey 12:44, 14 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] X Had One Weakness

Yet another old meme from the brilliant folks at YTMND which has no article here.--Shitbitch 12:05, 12 February 2008 (CST)

  • Start up the article, link to it, point out the way to info, and we'll see what we can do. --SheneequaTalk 17:46, 12 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] Fox 11 never learn

http://www.myfoxla.com/myfox/pages/Home/Detail;jsessionid=2A0A8B0CC16285BE4C445F51AC491390?contentId=5647826&version=4&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=VSTY&pageId=1.1.1&sflg=1 --Bionic-Sun 07:44, 13 February 2008 (CST)

  • i lol'd, so much butthurt, they probably have prolapse by now. even Ickeriss was on it LOL NurgleTang 08:04, 13 Febuary 2008 {CST}

This was mentioned here a little while ago. See #FoxNews highlights the dangers of Anonymous on Stickam. Ritegroic 23:54, 13 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] Gavinorland.com

Needs trolling stat. Delusional man who bangs on about hating society whilst having links to posh shps, has an 'internet girlfriend' who is 'the epitome of a real lady', thinks women shouldn't drink or wn prams, is a fag for Richard Dawkins and mst hilariusly has all his university essays on his site with links t who marked them. I'd write the page myself but as you can see my keyboard isn't wrking s well.

Als he checks his google referrals constantly; it would bring the lulz if it linked from here.

—The preceding comment was added by Mushroom, who is too much of a faggot to sign his or her own posts. IT'S 4 TILDES (~), NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!

  • ED is not your personal army. Also, SIGN YOUR FUCKING POSTS K thnx? --The Finn 11:48, 13 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] Blocked Names: Gordon?

Why do I get "Sorry, the title of this article is not allowed to be saved." when I try to edit Gordon Brown? --The Finn 13:10, 13 February 2008 (CST) *Strange, I get the same error. I'll look in to it. --Drunkenlazybastard 23:30, 13 February 2008 (CST)

**An enigma wrapped in a riddle. Perhaps the Gods of the Internets actually want Gordon Brown Rule 34. --Image:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifOldDirtyBtardImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifWUT? 23:54, 13 February 2008 (CST)

      • It's offishul...the page is haunted; or a portent of the Apocalypse.--Image:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifOldDirtyBtardImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifWUT? 00:13, 14 February 2008 (CST)

        • FIXED...kinda; you still can't edit it. I don't think wikia liek the name Gordon. Ask me how to edit if the need be.--Image:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifOldDirtyBtardImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifWUT? 12:23, 14 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] LOL WUT

Okay, so I finally managed to Gordon Brown and save the revision without the error message. Long story. However, it seems that mediawiki does not liek the name Gordon. I tried to create Flash Gordon as an experiment and couldn't edit/save that either. (see caps).

trying to edit an article with Gordon in its name named.
trying to edit an article with Gordon in its name named.

ALSO, when I tried to upload a picture with the file name GORDON I got a similar error message.

trying to upload a file named gordon
trying to upload a file named gordon

/me hunches shoulders. --Image:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifOldDirtyBtardImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifWUT? 13:02, 14 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] No Hannah Montana article?

There is hardly even a mention of this attention whore's name on here! —The preceding comment was added by Cactuar69, who is too much of a faggot to sign his or her own posts. IT'S 4 TILDES (~), NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!

[edit] Epic scenesterfag fail


Might develop into even more lulz. Mushroom 17:39, 14 February 2008 (CST)

EDIT: Yep, it's made Gawker and is spreading over the internet.

[edit] New an hero?

http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/7246003.stm --ByAppointmentTo 19:34, 14 February 2008 (CST)

  • Yup 22 injured 6 dead including a new an hero. weapons used: 1 shotgun (buckshot) 2 handguns (one of which was a glock) an hero described as a tall, skinny male wearing all black with a some kind of tight fitting beanie cap, and possibly a mask. Police aren't releasing the name yet, but possibly might be one of these[8] people Digital Utopia 00:38, 15 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] the fuck is this?

http://store.cottonfactory.com/cf-621.html Senorgordita 21:37, 14 February 2008 (CST)

edit: oops, old news. i gotta get online more. Senorgordita 21:48, 14 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] JewTube deleted Anon's Message to Scientology

Looks like the SciFags are threatening to sue or something...


[edit] Hey! iyami-ame is going at it again

The link is here[9] I can't screenshoot this right now as I hold no trust with this crappy computer of mine, so if someone could. It starts with this nexius person who critiqued her "art" and now iyami-ame is going all crazy. XD —The preceding comment was added by Demigoh, who is too much of a faggot to sign his or her own posts. IT'S 4 TILDES (~), NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!

  • I guess this is why they call you Demigoh rofl XD NathRoxx 12:08, 15 February 2008 (CST)
    • So I guess NathRoxx would mean...that before you were able to finish your username, someone beat you so that was why you had the two xx's at the end, right? Demigoh 1:23, 15 February 2008 (EST)

[edit] Made an article about the newest an hero

Stephen Kazmierczak. Plz be adding lulz and the obligatory shoops to it, 'k?--ByAppointmentTo 12:21, 15 February 2008 (CST)

I can't look at that article any longer because of his ugly fucking face. /r/ing him on How Do I Shot Web, Bitches Don't Know and Demotivators at the very least, but preferably much more. And make them original so that he is unlike any other an hero who has come before... he is the fucking worst an hero. He just has fail written all over his fucking dead face.--ByAppointmentTo 12:47, 15 February 2008 (CST)
He makes The Finnisher look like a pretty cool guy in comparison. In fact put his face into that meme.--ByAppointmentTo 12:52, 15 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] Moar an heroism, and incest!

It's quite clear that these two cousins were having secks with one another. Then they became an heroes.

[edit] Y'know what you never get on here anymore?

New articles on LJ users, where ED really got its start. Most of the new articles pertaining to people from an online community are from devianTART...and most of them ar pretty unlulzy. I wonder what caused this sudden drought of LJ-based lulz. HedgeJew 11:29, 16 February 2008 (CST)

  • There's really not much to be had -- Scathachqme was the first I've seen in months. LJ users tend to establish a pattern of saying multiple stupid but boring things, instead of causing actual dramatic events. I don't know if low-level notoriety is really worth an ED article. Dianoga 22:10, 17 February 2008 (CST)

That's because Encyclopædia Dramatica documents fads. LiveJournal has already jumped the shark, at least in English-speaking countries. So now they document the 4chans and the Pokemons and shits like that. --Htr 12:53, 16 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] Oscar De La Hoya

Cross-dressing boxer? Hello, people! Wake up and smell the lulz!--Shitbitch 08:41, 17 February 2008 (CST)

  • Old meme. Happened in September '07, probably shooped, nobody cared. Dianoga 22:24, 17 February 2008 (CST)
    • It came out recently that the pics WEREN'T shooped. It turns out his wife lied about it to cover his ass.--Shitbitch 16:20, 18 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] Butthurt, Banhammer. ED next?

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080217/ap_on_hi_te/juicy_campus —The preceding comment was added by Raging symian, who is too much of a faggot to sign his or her own posts. IT'S 4 TILDES (~), NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!

no shit, mah bad--Raging symian 19:25, 18 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] Why I Hate Animal Rights Activism


Evil people abuse animals, yes. But it's the activists who make you watch it. Miqrogroove 10:18, 18 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] Community Portal lolwut

WTF happened to the navigation sidebar? --Spacey 22:21, 18 February 2008 (CST)

[ This Navigation Sidebar Has Been Removed By The Marcab Confederacy ] --Image:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifOldDirtyBtardImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifWUT? 00:06, 19 February 2008 (CST)

[edit] A Challenge: SKY=LIMIT

So Enturbulation has a Co$ slash fanfic contest ending 3/15 including (but not limited to) Tom Cruise on David Miscabbage on Tom Cruise on Suri Hubbard. Plus Travolta, Beck and snorting Prozac off Jenna Elfmans clithood. Thread/Challenge.

ED do your best/worst. I made no promise but I proudly told them: "Wait until the X-perts at Ed get ahold of this </game>".

--Image:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifOldDirtyBtardImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifWUT? 00:53, 19 February 2008 (CST)

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