track reviews
LCD Soundsystem - Movement (DFA)
UK release date: 8 November 2004
LCD Soundsystem - Movement

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LCD Soundsystem is cool. Pretentious, overpriced fashion magazines say so, social commentators with 'ironic' haircuts say so and now, I'm saying so. Comprising of one man, James Murphy, the band is the achingly hip musical offshoot of the achingly hip New York production team DFA of which Mr. Murphy is one half.

Movement keeps to a similar blueprint to the music that has made the DFA famous: Angular, agit-pop punk-funk, like The Rapture, like Radio 4 and, if you follow the bloodline back far enough, like PiL and Gang of Four.

But don't let the hipsters' seal of approval put you off. Movement is party music: A hyperkinetic three minutes that invites you to manically flail your limbs about with carefree abandonment, thumbing its nose at bands who think that a good gig is one where lots of solemn looking people stare at you with their arms folded. Like label mates The Rapture they may have been branded cool, but the band don't pander to it. Which, of course, makes it even cooler.

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