Obama Wins

2/19/08, 9:23 pm EST


Wisconsin Exit Poll: Obma Leading Among Women

2/19/08, 7:21 pm EST


Clinton Camp: Your Vote No Obstacle

2/19/08, 10:23 am EST

The Clinton camp is really letting the veil slip.

The campaign is already on record trying to seat non-existent delegates from Michigan and Florida. They’ve said they’ll try to win by strong-arming superdelegates to subvert the will of the people. Today, they tell Politico.com that they’re willing to even go after pledged delegates — who, amazingly, are not bound by any DNC rules to actually vote for the candidate to whom the voters pledged them.

“I swear it is not happening now, but as we get closer to the convention, if it is a stalemate, everybody will be going after everybody’s delegates,” a senior Clinton official told me Monday afternoon. “All the rules will be going out the window.”

Screw the voters. Fuck the rules. Just Win, Baby.

Here’s a pledge question: If Clinton seizes the nomination that way, who out there would vote for McCain?

Electability Watch: As Pennsylvania Goes… ?

2/18/08, 1:09 am EST

I can’t wait to hear Mark Penn and Keystone Governor Ed “You’ve got conservative whites here… who are probably not ready to vote for an African-American candidate” Rendell will spin this one:

Rasmussen Reports

Pennsylvania: Obama 49% McCain 39%; McCain 44% Clinton 42%

That’s +10 for Obama, -2 for Clinton.


Joe Lieberman: Waterboarding Better Than Hot Coals

2/15/08, 6:21 pm EST

You’d think it were the Onion, but no, it’s the Connecticut Post:

“It is not like putting burning coals on people’s bodies. The person is in no real danger. The impact is psychological.” — Joe Lieberman on Spanish water torture.

Bob Kerry to Clinton:
Work Hard and Play by the Rules

2/15/08, 1:44 pm EST

“You don’t change the rules in the middle of the game. Period. No new vote and no new caucuses, either. Just stick to the rules that they agreed to.”

–Clinton backer Bob Kerry, the former Nebraska Senator, with disgust for Clinton’s efforts to count the results from the non-contests in Michigan and Florida.

¿Qué Firewall?
Obama Leads in Texas Poll

2/15/08, 1:14 pm EST

The Alamo is not looking like a great place for Hillary Clinton to make her last stand. A new poll by the American Research Group shows Obama with a 48/46 lead overall in the Lone Star State. More important, he’s effectively neutralized Clinton’s supposed edge among Hispanic voters, among whom she leads only 44-42.

According to a source in the Obama campaign, they’re also on air in every TV and radio market in the state, spending at a rate that the Clinton campaign is going to have “difficulty keeping up with.”

UPDATE: The poll I referred to is, I’m understanding, an outlier. But the dynamic of this race is not looking good for Clinton with two-and-a-half weeks left:
