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64 bit Exchange really does rock!

Tour date 3 of the TechNet roadshow and we were in Manchester.  I was expecting to sail through the session, and all of the demos, and hoping that the UM demo went off without a hitch.  I mean, it wasn't as if it was the first time I'd done this was it?  But I didn't allow for the email telling me about the upgrade to the Unified Messaging server (and the associated downtime) on the day before the roadshow did I?

So I sent a mail to the wonderful Richard basically begging him to leave the old 32 bit server up and running whilst I did the rehearsal the evening before.  There were a couple of issues with the 64 bit server at the time, so after the rehearsal finished, we agreed that I'd do the UM demo on 32 bit kit the next day.  fine and dandy.  Well an hour before my session started, I had another quick run through the UM demo, and I found that I couldn't even login to the system!  Oh panic.... I called Richard at his office number (as I assumed he'd be in the office doing the upgrade in the middle of the night) and got him out of bed instead.  Aargh!  He'd assumed that my demo would be 11am Redmond time, not UK time.  More panic.  (I was at the silent screaming stage by then).  Richard gave me a new login account (from the new server) and I went through the steps of provisioning the mailbox and creating the auto respnse for voicemail and email. (30 minutes before I was due on stage).

Well, by the time I got to the UM demo section of the presentation, I was totally terrified.  This version has all of the bells and whistles that you'll all be gettng in Beta 2 soon, and I hadn't actually played with any of the additional pieces, let alone in front of 300 people... Oh heck.  There's a first time for everything though so off I went.

A perfect performance (if i say so myself).  The UM assistant behaved magnificantly, listened to everything I said and responded first time.  OWA updated automatically as it was supposed to, and everything went like clockwork.  Phew! Such a relief.

So a major thank you to the Exchange team for rolling out such a stonking piece of 64-bit Exchange, and my undying gratitude to Richard in the UM team for responding in an un-groggy way at 2:15AM redmond time.  So to use a totally US based phrase... You rock!

Thank you...


Published Wednesday, June 07, 2006 4:56 PM by Eileen_Brown


Thursday, June 08, 2006 3:37 AM by Gez Sugg

# re: 64 bit Exchange really does rock!

I was there, and it does look impressive. Now if I can just persuade the 'powers that be' here to dump our Lotus Notes mail and get Exchange....    ;o)
Thursday, June 08, 2006 7:04 AM by martin norman

# re: 64 bit Exchange really does rock!

I was also there and it was very very impressive.
But I was wondering just how big the job was to wire up the phone bits!
Thursday, June 08, 2006 8:48 AM by Charles Aunger

# re: 64 bit Exchange really does rock!

I agree 1000% with you, 64bit just rocks - just done a Terminal Services on 64bit evaluation. Whitepaper attached

Thursday, June 08, 2006 8:50 AM by Charles Aunger

# re: 64 bit Exchange really does rock!

I 1000% agree, 64bit rocks just tested 64bit Terminal Services and again same results. Everyone should use 64bit..

Whitepaper on my Terminal Services tests

Thursday, June 08, 2006 8:50 AM by Charles Aunger

# re: 64 bit Exchange really does rock!

I 1000% agree, 64bit rocks just tested 64bit Terminal Services and again same results. Everyone should use 64bit..

Whitepaper on my Terminal Services tests

Thursday, June 08, 2006 10:00 AM by Eileen_Brown

# re: 64 bit Exchange really does rock!

Wiring up the phone bits... To do the demo, all I needed was an international phone connection and a cordless phone with a loudspeaker facility.  There was a desk mike close to the speaker.
In Redmond, an internal Redmond number has been assigned to the PSTN gateway, then on to the UM Server where all of the magic starts... (Speech Server etc.)
The Exchange team are preparing documents on how all of the fiddly bits are connected together so you can implement this in your own organisation.  Keep an eye on the Exchange team blog at http://msexchangeteam.com/ for the first of these articles.
Friday, June 09, 2006 12:49 PM by Alan Bramwell

# re: 64 bit Exchange really does rock!

Just a personal thank you from Manchester.

These days are so inspirational - you should come here more often.

Your team clearly brought some sun to the 'wet n windy north west'.
Friday, June 09, 2006 12:51 PM by Alan Bramwell

# re: 64 bit Exchange really does rock!

Just a personal thank you from Manchester.

These days are so inspirational - you should come here more often.

Your team clearly brought some sun to the 'wet n windy north west'.
Friday, June 09, 2006 3:49 PM by Eileen_Brown

# re: 64 bit Exchange really does rock!

Thank you for your comments - it's good to know we hit the spot with the content this time.  I'll pass the thanks onto the team and look forward to seeing you next time!...
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