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February 2007 - Posts

Searching inside videos

I've been watching what Blinkx has been doing for a while now so I was interested to read the comments in the NY times the other day. The statistics are quite staggering with 60% of the traffic on the net being videos - the rest must be spam then ;-)
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 2 Comments
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TechNet Roadshow stage 2: Bristol

Well, as I promised last week at the Roadshow in Nottingham , I said I'd blog about all of the links that I mentioned during my talk. I won't reinvent the wheel and reproduce the links, rather, here are all the "new" topics that I didn't mention last

Exchange 2007 Sp1: Disclosure or not?

So we've been trying to keep this confidential for a while. unfortunately one of my colleagues in the world wide Evangelist team (over in Latin America) leaked the information" early. So the Exchange team have been forced to talk about what's in Exchange

Get up to speed on System Centre

With the launch of System Center not too far off, I've noticed that we've released quite a few new bits of information on the web. The main System Center web site has had a revamp (with the "designed for big" case studies page too) and RC2 is now available

Working with User Profiles in SharePoint 2007

I thought that this was a nice innovation and especially useful if you run a committee, volunteering organisation, social groups and struggle with the different communities that you run. This interesting article focuses on the concept of User Profiles
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 1 Comments

More on Daylight Savings Time (DST)

After my blog post on DST the other week , I've had a few requests for extra information. There are several bloggers who've been covering this much more comprehensively than I have (Thanks Paul ). Anyway, here's some simple instructions and answers to

Nottingham Roadshow: References and links

I said I'd link to all of the resources that I mentioned at the Roadshow today, and here's a list of the questions I remember. We departed from our usual format of presentations all day and had a Q&A session with all of the presenters for the final

Try the Outlook Voice Access demo

I've been away for a week skiing in Canada, and I'm a bit behind on my blog reading. One thing about long flights though is that I can catch up with what everyone's saying and I can flag interesting posts to blog about to when I get a bit more time. Something

Mobility Webcasts for March

MSDN Webcast: Overview of the Windows Mobile 5.0 State and Notification Broker (Level 200) Wednesday, March 21, 2007 - 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Pacific Time Maarten Struys, Windows Embedded Project Manager, PTS Software http://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=1032329660&Culture=en-US
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 1 Comments
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SharePoint Webcasts for March

TechNet Webcast: Planning for and Deploying SharePoint Server 2007 (Part 2 of 2) (Level 200) Friday, March 16, 2007 - 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM Pacific Time Blain Barton, TechNet Presenter, Microsoft Corporation http://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=1032330088&Culture=en-US

Office Webcasts for March

TechNet Webcast: Business Intelligence Using the 2007 Microsoft Office System (Level 200) Thursday, March 08, 2007 - 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Pacific Time Kristin Kerr, Product Manager, Microsoft Corporation http://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=1032327292&Culture=en-US

Exchange Webcasts for March

TechNet Webcast: 24 Hours of Exchange Server 2007 (Part 13 of 24): Maintaining Anti-Spam Systems (Level 200) Friday, March 02, 2007 - 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Pacific Time Harold Wong, Senior Technology Specialist, Microsoft Corporation http://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=1032323322&Culture=en-US
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 2 Comments
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Management Webcasts for March

TechNet Webcast: Overview of System Center Virtual Machine Manager (Level 300) Thursday, March 01, 2007 - 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM Pacific Time Rajiv Arunkundram, Product Manager, Microsoft Corporation Jim Ni, Group Product Manager, Microsoft Corporation Arun

How we do SharePoint 2007

We're full on with our Sharepoint 2007 information - I attended a cracking set of SharePoint demos and presentations last week and am impressed with the wealth of stuff coming out of corp about SharePoint. Here's some stuff from IT's Showtime: IT-built
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 0 Comments

Evangelism DOES make a difference

I feel really pleased about this. I get loads of requests through this blog asking for help which I respond to. Here's 2 from Robert who comments on my blog from time to time. Hi Eileen: While you are in Redmond, would you tell the TechNet Virtual Lab
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 0 Comments
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More Office 2007 resources

I make no apologies for this. We get quite a bit of email internally that most of us just delete,. or return to at a later date. Many of these emails contain a wealth of resources that I strongly believe that should be shared with a wider audience. Why

Keep on track with Groove

There's still lots of people who don't know much about Groove. The best way to actually get to know it is to use it. Find someone with an Groove account and ask them to invite you to a workspace where you can play. Then you can get to know Groove without

More on Windows mobile 6 (Crossbow)

That's so typical... I blog enthusiastically about my new toy and the announcement on mobile 6, then Jason goes and hits the web with an excellent (and long) post showing you all of the amazing features of mobile 6. Nice post Jason... you should have

Windows mobile 6

Bummer, I wanted to blog about this yesterday as I was chatting to Loke Uei and Jason and they told me that the news was out there. Unfortunately I was far too busy hassling Jason about my funky new mobile device ( the i-mate SPL ), then building it,
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 0 Comments
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How we deployed Office 2007

I've always been amazed at how well we do large scale deployments. Any deployments that I've been a part of have been beset with various challenges, and after the project was over, all of us were keen to get away from the pain as soon as possible. I was

Unified Communications - where's mine?...

Hmm, Day two of our technical conference and I'm irritated. The sessions so far have been really good, the opportunity to chat to the people in the product team is always great. I get to hear what's going on at the moment and what we're doing in the future

Technical Readiness and PowerPoint

I'm out in Seattle all this week for our technical conference (TechReady). We run this event twice a year for the Presales tech guys, the technical account managers, consultants, architects, and people from the services business. We're here to get up

Old books - new software

I don't know if you've seen what we've been doing in the UK with the British Library. We've been working with them on their project to digitise books and have developed an app that uses wpf which allows you to turn each page of the book and read it as

Trial download of Antigen for Exchange

Ooh, this caught my eye, and with our focus on security in the UK recently this is nice and timely . We've released some trial software so you can test out Antigen for Exchange and Antigen spam manager. Don't forget to have a look at the quick start guide

Exchange server 2007: loads more resources

This blog post is for me - to remind me what to talk about at the TechNet roadshow next week. Essential reading whilst I'm on the flight over to Seattle today for our internal technical conference next week. So I've downloaded them and will read them
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 1 Comments
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