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February 2008 - Posts

Your 6 word memoir

Now I've just got to share this with you to muse over the weekend. I've been catching up on our internal social alias - where you can buy everything from a slightly used sofa, find a roofer in the Reading area, sort out your tax form woes or have fun
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 3 Comments
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Live meeting User group meeting

Chris has mailed me about the next Live meeting User group meeting The next LMUG webcast is on 26th February at 4pm GMT. Thanks to everyone that attended the first meeting. We voted on content ideas for the next webcast, and the community decided! Virtual

De fogging our Message

We've been talking about clarity in our Management Excellence meeting over the last couple of days so I was amused to see this post about how baffling we can be at Microsoft. I read the original announcement that triggered this particular post. Wow, we
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 0 Comments
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Interview with Greg Taylor about Exchange 2007

I interviewed Greg when I was at IT Forum about a piece of work he did for a UK customer, The video is now up on Edge . Greg Taylor from Microsoft consulting services (MCS) talks about a high availability Exchange 2007 solution they created for a UK customer

Championing Management Excellence

Well I'm in Seattle, (Bellevue actually) talking about Management Excellence: How to foster and maintain a vibrant community of managers at Microsoft. It's certainly an interesting set of discussions with a collection of people with such different backgrounds
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 0 Comments
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Photo sharing from the beginning

I'm on the way to Heathrow today to catch the nerd bird (as British Airways staff call it) to Seattle this afternoon. So my day will be spent people watching and wondering what they're doing - where they're going etc. And it's a good time to reflect on
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 0 Comments
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Microsoft proposes to acquire Yahoo! - Woohoo!

Wow, that's smart. Microsoft are offering $44.6 billion for Yahoo!. What great news. Yahoo! pipes is just brilliant and their social networking and search offerings complement our existing search and social software proposal. The BBC has the info on the
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 7 Comments
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