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Bill Gates and the future of Technology

Well TechReady is over and I'm on my way to Banff for some skiing in Lake Louise and Sunshine mountain for a few days.  I'm reflecting on the Bill Gates keynote at TechReady and I feel very sad that this is probably the last time I'm going to see him present live in public.  But he didn't disappoint at all.

He did a great demo of Surface with a discussion with how ubiquitous Surface devices were going to be in the next 10 years, a great video with a glimpse of the future, where interaction with walls, doors, kiosks were going to be the norm. and a great opportunity for healthcare apps to hook up into the cloud.  Imagine your running machine, or your heart monitor being able to feed data into the cloud, so your health could be monitored as you improve your fitness.  Amazing stuff - but scary too.

In my case, I can imagine my doctor nagging me as I've been spending so much time travelling recently, my gym machine is used as a clothes horse at the moment and is very neglected indeed.  Thank goodness that's not connected up into the cloud as I'd be getting nagging emails from my doctor making me feel guilty and getting me back on the damn thing.  and to take things further - just imagine if your medical insurance company refused to pay out if you've been using your running machine as a clothes horse too :-)

Any way, back to Bill.  I'll be sad not to see him present any more - I'll be looking for great things from Ray Ozzie and Craig Mundie to get me this inspired.

Well back to the present... and onto my skis :-)


Published Friday, February 15, 2008 12:44 PM by Eileen_Brown

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Sunday, February 17, 2008 6:18 AM by Stu

# re: Bill Gates and the future of Technology

Now your making me jealous.... I was only out in Banff 2 weeks ago, I'm missing that friendly little mountain town... and more importantly snowboardin!

Have fun!

Monday, February 18, 2008 6:06 PM by Eileen_Brown

# re: Bill Gates and the future of Technology


stay jealous :-)

-12 degrees, sunny as anything and hardly anyone on the slopes.  I even think that this is better than whistler!

And with 8mb broadband in the hotel I'm well sorted!...

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