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Exchange (and girly) geeks meet here...

It was great to see so many of you yesterday at the Tate Modern and at the Clarence pub in Albemarle street on Wednesday. Hopefully you had a good time with the lads and didn't drink too much. I'm going to be in Chesterfield on Tuesday, and Manchester

TechNet on the road

We're going round the country more than once in this FY and we're calling it "TechNet on the road" here's details of the first tour as you might not have seen it on Georgina's blog a few weeks ago... “TechNet on the Road” In this new series, we will be

Top scores

Well my Women in Technology dinner session seems to have really struck a chord with the audience at TechEd Auckland. I've had loads and loads of feedback about how valuable the evening was, and the scores for the session have totally blown me away. Thank

TechEd NZ

I'm running around like a mad thing. I'm flying to NZ tomorrow and I've realise I'm not as prepared as I'd like to be. Darryl has invited me over to Auckland to present the session at the Women in Technology dinner and also wants me to work for a living

How Microsoft uses Exchange messaging protection

I get asked this quite a lot when I'm out on the road. "So is this how it works at Microsoft?" Well we've released a white paper and a presentation showing how we use Exchange 2007 Edge transport server to keep spam as far away as possible from the users.

Come to the Motorcycle museum and learn about Technology!

The UK IT Evangelists had such a good time at IT Forum in November, we've decided to re-run some of the sessions in the UK on January 13th 2005. We've got a fantastic venue - the Birmingham motorcycle museum . The museum was ravaged by a huge fire in
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