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Live meeting User group meeting

Chris has mailed me about the next Live meeting User group meeting The next LMUG webcast is on 26th February at 4pm GMT. Thanks to everyone that attended the first meeting. We voted on content ideas for the next webcast, and the community decided! Virtual

Messaging User group meetings in 2008

Here are the details of the January MMMUG meeting. This event will be held in London at the MS offices near Victoria. Ben Appleby from MCS will be back to talk us through all things backup and recovery. The session will take a detailed look at the System

Female gamers and developers

I've been sent this interesting article about women gamers and women developers. They're a rare breed (we have no female developers in Microsoft UK and that's a huge shame). I do like the reasoning about why there aren't more female develoipers: " One

Messaging and Mobility User group - November meeting

Nathan has sent me details and asked me to remind you about the next messaging and mobility user group in November in London: Here are the details of the November MMMUG meeting. This event will be held in London at the MS offices at Cardinals Place near

More and more girly geeks

It was great to see Emmeline, Sarah, David, Richard, and more (sorry - I forgot all of your names) in Nottingham last night . A nice convenient stop off for me on the way up to Chesterfield for the Exchange Unplugged roadshow. It's nice to see that women

How to start a Technical community

I met Greg when I was out at TechEd NZ last month and we got chatting about what makes a good Technical community and how the models differ around the world. Greg mentioned he was writing a book which he kindly shared with me which talks about how Technical

September and October Messaging and mobility user group dates

Nathan (of the Messaging and mobility User group ) sent me a mail reminding me about the next user group meetings in London after my trip up to Liverpool last week: Our September MMMUG meeting will be held in London at the new MS offices near Victoria.

Traveling North for OCS 2007 resources

I'm up in Liverpool today (but if you've been reading Steve's blog you'll already know this!). I'm here for the MMUG meeting this evening, but I've flown up early (the only flight option that would get me here in time) and I'm working from Gardner's office

Messaging and Mobility User group meetings

Here's some information about Nathan's next meetings for the messaging and mobility user group. In August there are two events, the first in London covering Windows Mobile Business Applications in one half and an Introduction to Office Communication Server
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Podcasting on TechNet

So Chris who runs the Live meeting User group caught me the other week whilst we were drinking coffee at the Community day . He was podcasting the day and did a short interview with me which he published here . I've been thinking about running a series

User groups day

I've been running in between two places today, half my time was spent at today's user groups day , and the other running around sorting out pink t-shirts for tomorrows Digigirlz event. I'm actually terrified about tomorrow, put me in front of an audience

UK community day - UK user groups get together

I'm really impressed with the way that the User group community has pulled together in the UK and are holding their 2nd community event at Microsoft campus on Thursday 21st June (the longest day of the year by the way). Registration for the event is done

Live meeting user group meeting - via Live meeting...

Chris has been really busy setting up the Live Meeting user group, and true to it's tenets, he intends to hold most of the meetings on Live meeting (logical really). Here's the information about the User group event: Join the Live Meeting User Group on

UK User Groups joint event

The UK User groups are getting together and having another "Community Day" here in the UK. Here are some details and the link to register... As some of you might remember several of the UK IT Pro User Groups, came together on January 23rd this year, to

Messaging and mobility user group meeting

From Nathan's User group site: It is time to let you all know about the April MMMUG meeting. The topic is one that several people have asked for so let’s hope we get another good turnout. This event will be held in London at the London Hilton Paddington
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