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November 2004 - Posts

On demand SMS webcasts

If you're like me, and never seem to have the time to listen to a live webcast due to the time difference where you are, you can listen to some on demand webcasts, which have been recorded for you to listen to whenever you want. The link points to SMS,

Change password in MSN Messenger

I've had a few questions asking me how to change your password in MSN Messenger. To change your password, click here : http://memberservices.passport.net/ click the "change my password" link and change it to something that others will not easily guess.

10 Webcasts to learn about MOM 2005

If you want to learn about MOM 2005, there are a series of webcasts available which walk you through fundamentals of managing your environment along with a Virtual Lab which walks through a series of modules so you can monitor your Exchange and SQL environment

Deploying Office 2003 using SMS 2003

I was chatting to Cliff at an MVP dinner the other night about SMS and blogging and he complained how difficult it was to track when something new appears on the web about SMS. He wants to publicise it on his web site as soon as possible to help anyone

MOM 2005 launch - deja vu?

Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) 2005 has been launched in several locations around the world for the past month and was launched in Europe at IT Forum last week. I really like the idea that a product has multiple launches around the world as it gives

Monitoring SMS 2003 using MOM 2005

This is the "how to" guide from the web The Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) 2005 Management Pack for SMS provides new and improved capabilities for SMS 2003 monitoring, including: • Monitoring the starting and stopping of all SMS 2003 services, including

SMS 2003 Patch Management Solution Accelerator

I came across this document the other day when searching for Patch Management documentation for SMS 2003. The document details how to identify managed and unmanaged environments. Its part of the SMS 2003 Solution Accelerator prescriptive guidance documentation

Public folder fools to monitor old folders

Darren asked me a bout tools we have available to monitor and track usage of public folders so that you can remove unused and low usage folders before migrating. PFINFO will give you information as to when the folder was last written to. Getting information

MSN Messenger - password issues

I had a question from Tracy (Userban) about a password issue with MSN messenger. She had uninstalled and re-installed installed messenger and she had problems signing in with her usual password. What you need to do to access MSN Messenger is to change

Live Communications Server 2005 Overview - recorded webcast

There was a webcast earlier this month giving a good overview of the features of LCS 2005. I noticed that it's been recorded. Have a look at it here

Upgrading from Exchange 5.0 to Exchange 2003 - is this possible?

I presented at a TechNet evening the other night on upgrading from Exchange 5.5 to 2003, and had a few questions that I thought I'd address here in case anyone else had the same questions. Ian asked if there was a supported path from Exchange 5 to Exchange

Upcoming MOM Webcasts for December

TechNet Webcast: Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) 2005 at MSN—Using MOM 2005 to Monitor One of the Largest Web Portals in the World (Level 300) Wednesday, December 1, 2004 - 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Pacific Time Baelson Duque, Program Manager - WEMD, Microsoft.

Upcoming SMS Webcasts for December

TechNet Webcast: Creating a Highly Available SMS Site (Level 200) Tuesday, December 7, 2004 - 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM Pacific Time Ed Goad , Senior Systems Engineer, Microsoft Corporation. Do you have a large number of clients in your environment, demanding

SMS 2003 OS Deployment Feature Pack now released to the web

I noticed today the the Systems Management Server 2003 Operating System (OS) Delpoyment Feature Pack has been released and is available for download from the web The features of OS Deployment are: Image capture management Steps administrators through

SMS Device Management Feature Pack now available

The SMS 2003 Device Management Feature Pack extends the enterprise change and configuration management capabilities of SMS 2003 to mobile devices running Windows CE 3.0 or later (ARM based devices with required OS components) and Windows Mobile 2002 for

MOM 2000 Management Pack for Routing and Remote access - now on the web

I've been asked when this management pack would be available - so here are the details... The MOM Management Pack for Routing and Remote Access provides the ability to monitor Availability, Health, and Configuration of Routing and Remote Access ( RemoteAccess

Exchange Disaster Recovery event @ Microsoft Campus UK

I'm delivering an Exchange disaster recovery event in the UK in December and we've been owerwhelmed by the responses to the event. It has been very well subscribed, and this makes me wonder if there aren't enough prescriptive guidance documents available

Live Communications Server 2005 Product Features Guide

The Live Communications Server (LCS) 2005 product features guide has been released to the web . This new white paper provides details about the benefits and capabilities of Live Communications Server. It describes the differences between the Standard

New MSN Messenger account - worrying request to be on the "buddy list"

I got myself a new Hotmail address the other day when the new @hotmail.co.uk addresses became available on the web . I wanted to have something easier to remember than my current @hotmail.com address, and wanted to use the @hotmail.co.uk Instant Messaging

MSN Messenger - blocking everyone not on your contact list

In a recent blog I mentioned that you could block unwanted anonymous people from contacting you by configuring your options. I've been asked how this can be acheived iusing MSN Messenger. The help text gives the following advice: In the main MSN Messenger

Windows Messenger - Customising branding

If you want to add branding to your Windows Messenger 5.0 client, either to add a banner to the client window which can be configured with hyperlinks and banner information, or add up to 32 tabs with optional tooltips to the client there is a document

Exchange 2003 Intelligent Message Filter

I've been playing with the Intelligent Message Filter trying to get it to bypass certain messages. There are 2 ways of doing this: Use SMTP authentication. Authenticated messages like those also submitted by MAPI clients to Exchange won't be processed

Modifying your own details in the Exchange Global Address List (GAL)

I was talking to one of the delegates attending IT Forum who was having challenges with users changing their details in the Global Address List (GAL) and causing lots of administration work for the Exchange administrators. He wanted to know if it was

MOM 2005 licence requirements for a Virtual Machine

I had a question from a customer today asking how MOM 2005 is licenced in a Virtual machine. I had a look around and found the pointer to the document which explains this. So a single physical server running either Virtual Server or VMWare requires only

Exchange Inter-Org replication between Exchange 5.5 orgs

I've been manning the Ask the Experts stand at IT Forum today. and talking about various flavours of Exchange and answering questions. A consultant came along and wanted to know about the existance of an interorg replication tool for replicating Free/busy

Free MOM hands on labs in London

After Bill Gates' keynote on Management at IT Forum you may want to try out Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) in a Lab environment with technical resources on hand to effectively get MOM up and running. Well, if you're based in the UK, one of Microsofts

Distributing Office 2003 using SMS 2003

There is a new white paper that has been released to the web describing how to distribute Office 2003 by using SMS 2003 . This white paper supplements the Office 2003 documentation and the SMS 2003 software distribution documentation by providing information

Microsoft Management products made sexy

I was watching the Keynote talk at IT Forum yesterday , and listening to Bill Gates speak about our management products and his roadmap for the future. One of his many predictions was that in the future, mainframes won't be able to deliver the same performance

Dynamic Systems Initiative Website

I noticed this morning that the Dynamic Systems Initiative (DSI) Website is now live on Microsoft.com. DSI addresses the issues that companies have around managing their infrastructure by effective monitoring and management, and using this knowledge to

MOM and SMS Webcasts for December

TechNet Webcast: Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) 2005 at MSN—Using MOM 2005 to Monitor One of the Largest Web Portals in the World (Level 300 ) Wednesday, December 1, 2004 - 10:00 AM - 11:30 PM Pacific Time Baelson Duque , Program Manager - WEMD ,

Exchange Webcasts for December

TechNet Webcast: Migrating Exchange Server 5.5 to Exchange Server 2003 Part 1 (Level 200 ) Monday, December 6, 2004 - 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Pacific Time Shawn Travers , TechNet Presenter , Microsoft Corporation . Are you migrating from Exchange 5.5 to Exchange

Office System Webcasts for December

Microsoft Office System Webcasts Microsoft Office System Webcast: Tips and Tricks to Make Meetings More Effective (Level 100) Thursday, December 2, 2004 - 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Pacific Time Andrew Reed, Senior Training Specialist, Pacific Technical Consulting

Is the Internet overwhelmed by spam?

I was looking at some statistics yesterday about how the volume of spam has increased over the past year, and having a look at some projections. Over 3 days in December 2003, Hotmail processed about 3 billion messages, 2.7 billion of them were spam, which

Exchange 2003 and WINS

I was chatting to my colleague the other day about how Exchange uses WINS, and whether it was still really necessary to implement WINS in the organisation. From searching the knowledge base, it became apparent that the Recipient Update Service, and Exchange

Live Communications Server 2005 has been released to manufacturing

I'm preparing my presentation on Live Communications Server (LCS) for IT forum at the moment, and have been looking around the internal and external LCS resources for some background information when I came across these links about LCS 2005. We've been

Spim: Spam for Instant Messaging

I presented at an Instant Messaging workshop in London yesterday hosted at Microsoft's London office. The workshop was aimed at companies working towards implementing IM in the organisation, and wishing to hear any issues on industry practice, best practices,

User Forums - is online really better than face to face ?

I spent the whole of yesterday, with the UK based MVP community who were at campus in Reading, and I was keen to know their views on how they feel about how Microsoft interacts with the IT Pro's, and to capture some of their thoughts. Most of the MVP's

RSS: the future of email - without spam?

I was chatting to my manager Mike yesterday about a focus meeting I'm attending next week. I'm going to be talking about messaging, collaboration, the increase of Instant Messaging as an Enterprise application, and some Microsoft futures and some vision

Exchange Management Pack guide for MOM 2005

I noticed this morning that the Exchange Server Management Pack (EMP) guide for MOM2005 has been published to the web. The document gives a comprehensive walk through of how to set up MOM to manage Exchange which is useful for Exchange admins who may

How many Licences per Exchange Cluster?

I was talking to a customer this morning about Exchange and configuring Active/Active/Active/Passive clustering and the topic came around to licences and how many were required in the cluster. I get this question quite frequently in customer meetings,

QWERTY on a cellphone? - no thank you!

I went to the Computing magazine's awards dinner last week as Microsoft had been nominated for a couple of Technology awards. At each table, one of the main sponsors had placed a BlackBerry so that we could send messages to other tables. I was keen to
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 8 Comments
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