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August 2007 - Posts

Silverlight streamed keynotes

I've been telling everyone just how impressed I was with the keynote that I saw at TechEd NZ, and now Nigel has sent me the link to the session . Instead of streaming the wmv file and getting a crappy experience (my broadband varies from 300k to 1.2mb
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 2 Comments
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Kittens and spam

Aah, this is sweet. Kittens could be used to solve the spam problem. This is a much better idea than Captcha and much more user friendly. If you like kittens of course. This is Felix, who would be easy to recognise... Brett and Ewan (also cat lovers)

Evaluate OCS and OCS server 2007

I've just noticed this mail which tells me that Office Communications Server 2007 Trial Download is now available and can be found HERE This public download will include both Enterprise Edition and Standard Edition Servers. Additionally, a trial download

Another addition to the IT Evangelist team

The latest member in my team has finally got his blog up and running which I'm really pleased about. Viral (rhymes with squirrel, not wire) has moved over to the UK from sunny California (away from the sunshine - why oh why did he leave that lovely weather

Traveling North for OCS 2007 resources

I'm up in Liverpool today (but if you've been reading Steve's blog you'll already know this!). I'm here for the MMUG meeting this evening, but I've flown up early (the only flight option that would get me here in time) and I'm working from Gardner's office

OCS Labcasts

There are a few labcasts on OCS that I thought I'd draw your attention to: Wednesday 5th Sept: Deploying and Configuring Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 Friday 7th Sept: Enabling Users and Installing Office Communicator 2007 Wednesday 12th

TechNet on the road

We're going round the country more than once in this FY and we're calling it "TechNet on the road" here's details of the first tour as you might not have seen it on Georgina's blog a few weeks ago... “TechNet on the Road” In this new series, we will be

Top scores

Well my Women in Technology dinner session seems to have really struck a chord with the audience at TechEd Auckland. I've had loads and loads of feedback about how valuable the evening was, and the scores for the session have totally blown me away. Thank

Unified Communications launch

Ha! we've finally announced the dates when we'll be releasing our OCS set of products. October 16th. Well, we'd better go out on the road then with the Unified Communications tour that Brett has been hinting at recently (and Ewan and Jason are desperate

Tafiti - looking good...

Ok, so I've been away for a few days after TechEd and I've broken my journey in Hong Kong to see the sights and do some serious shopping. It looks like I've missed a few interesting things since I've been away. The free wifi at Hong Kong airport gave

OCS 2007 Bandwidth usage

Arthur certainly has raised a few comments with his set of bandwidth figures for OCS 2007 the other week, I've had loads and loads of mails telling me that these figures are incorrect. Wrong. And some other words I won't mention. Warren was one of the

Making the world a kinder place

I quite like the idea of these 10 tips which are intended to try to make the world a kinder place. Quite often when I'm stopped at security going into work, I'll give them a sweet from the bag I keep in the car. I like to see them smile - especially if
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 2 Comments
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Exchange 2007 Deployment and planning

When I did my talk at TechEd the other day (Exchange Deployment, Planning, and the High Availability features available in SP1 for Exchange 2007, I said I'd blog some links that I mentioned in my talk. so here they are: Exchange 2007 Technical Centre

Evangelism and the IT Heroes

As evangelists, we work a lot with customers who don't have the luxury of full account management, technical support or sales guys. These smaller customers, some who don't even get to use a set of our partners from the partner community, still manage

TechEd NZ Women in Technology Dinner

I presented my session at the Women in Technology dinner with a glass of red wine in my hand - a new thing for me at TechEd. Normally there's water on stage. But there I was in front of 180 women, and about 10 blokes, on stage with Helen , the Managing

No Demos

I've been to a lot of TechEd's, I've been going as either a delegate, partner, or member of Microsoft since 1997. In fact this is my 2nd TechEd this year so far. So I've seen a lot of keynotes, heard a lot of product announcements, and seem a lot of demos.
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 9 Comments
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Hotspots and VOIP

I'm feeling relatively pleased with myself. I'm still in New Zealand and over my jetlag (I have a tried and tested formula, part of which involves getting sunlight onto the back of my knees , and gets me onto the correct timezone within a day of arrival).

Softgrid Virtual Labs

Justin told me about the new virtual Lab for Softgrid that you can try out for yourself. I particularly like the Softgrid demo that I do to people, it blows their socks off with just how simple it is to provision applications and deploy them in a way

Podcasting me

Well this post comes to you courtesy on Hong Kong airport free Wifi. I thought I'd better clesr some of the backlog of mails in my inbox to try and stay awake and also so there's not so manymessages to get through when I get to Auckland. 12 hours flying

Fear of flying

I'm trying to stay positive today as I'm flying tonight and I'm petrified of flying. Of course my crappy landing in Munich hasn't taken anything away from this fear at all. I don't let this fear detract from my life, and still fly all over the place for
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 2 Comments
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TechEd NZ

I'm running around like a mad thing. I'm flying to NZ tomorrow and I've realise I'm not as prepared as I'd like to be. Darryl has invited me over to Auckland to present the session at the Women in Technology dinner and also wants me to work for a living

Female Fever

Allister sent me this link last week which amazed me. I knew that there were some things that targeted women buyers (apparently women have influence on 80% of purchasing decisions so marketers really want to get their vote). Women only beaches may help

New UK IT pro Evangelist

Well our new Data Evangelist has finally started blogging. Andrew Fryer will be looking after all things databasey, SQL Server 2008, Performance point , Business Intelligence, any other stuff that needs analysis and any sort of data that needs to be crunched...
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 0 Comments
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Microsoft and PBX and VOIP

Aah, I felt sorry for these old PBX's on this video. Poor things. Mark , Tom , Marshall and Tom have all blogged about this ages ago but I forgot to link to it then. So Robert reminded me again... Bless them - I bet they're relieved they're not losing

SharePoint 2007 social networking

Robert has some interesting anc constructive feedback on our new offering for Sharepoint 2007 - the social networking addon that we're using internally and have called it Academy Mobile. He found this on Mike's blog. We have an internal training initiative

OCS 2007 Bandwidth calculations

Arthur (who has links to all the OCS 2007 documentation) has been testing OCS against LCS 2005 and he's sent me his bandwidth results for OCS 2007 which I thought I'd share with you: "Having read your posting about LCS 2005 bandwidth , (I do read your
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