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Bill Gates and the future of Technology

Well TechReady is over and I'm on my way to Banff for some skiing in Lake Louise and Sunshine mountain for a few days. I'm reflecting on the Bill Gates keynote at TechReady and I feel very sad that this is probably the last time I'm going to see him present

Join me in Interact 2008 in San Diego

Ooh... I've been invited to attend Interact 2008 in San Diego in April. It's an event specifically about OCS and Exchange - if you remember the MEC (Microsoft Exchange Conference) conference that used to be held in Europe focusing exclusively on Exchange

2 double beds and a film set.

No, it's not what you're thinking :-) I've had a rather bizarre day today. I was asked if I'd be willing to do a film clip for our Management Excellence community (I was one of the managers from "the field" at the workshop last week ). They wanted to
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 1 Comments
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Love, Chaos and Dinner

I had a really bizarre experience last night with 15 other IT Pro's from around the world. The IT Pro role owner Orlando, invited us to join him for dinner at Teatro ZinZanni in Seattle (close to the Space Needle ). Hmm, I thought. I don't really fancy
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 3 Comments
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Blogging for web 3.0

I'm in Leicester today on the 2nd part of my blogging for business tour. I was fascinated by the questions from the small business community about blogging - questions that major corporates wouldn't think of. The long tail aspect of how blogging (great

Who is your ChampionIT Guy (or Girl)?

I've been meaning to blog about this for some time now but other techy things have got in the way recently. George has just send out the TechNet newsletter talking about ChampionIT. These are the unsung heroes of the IT world, working away on some amazing
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 0 Comments
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Getting your geek guys

After spending all this week amongst teacher geeks at the BETT show (see Andrew and Virals photos of the show). The BETT show is the biggest education show on this planet, and it's amazing to see the variety of attendees. IT's so different from a technical

BETT day 2: Popfly rules

So what's a mashup then? It's a question that most techies would be able to answer, but ask the same question to a bunch of teachers and you get a few puzzled looks. However, Matthew came up with a storming explanation during his session today on the
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 5 Comments
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Photosynth at BETT

We're at the BETT show all week and watching some stunning demos about what's going on in the world of Education and I've been blown away with the Photosynth demo We're zooming in and out of the spaceship Endeavour from the NASA photos, going from the
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 4 Comments
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Spoof video of Bill Gates' last day at Microsoft

I loved the video that has been clipped out of the CES keynote on Sunday showing Bill Gates' last day at Microsoft. Watch the whole keynote here , or jump directly to the spoof video on Soapbox. Video: Bill Gates Last Day CES Clip Nice to see him poking
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 3 Comments
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Girl Geeks meet in Nottingham

Emmeline has sent me details of the next Girly geek dinner in Nottingham. I had a really nice evening there when I stopped by in October, and was looking forward to their next evening (shame I'll be in Seattle though). They're going to have one of Rare's

Coffee and a Chat at Starbucks

Well after last nights get together at Starbucks I'm going to volunteer to do more of them. The cosy coffee atmosphere meant I got to talk to everyone there, we had a private room upstairs in the centre of Cambridge and a mix of people giving lots of

Microsoft Coffee Chats

I love coffee, And I love talking about technology. Usually I'm to be found in one of the 5 coffee shops we have around campus in the UK having various coffee meetings and chatting about technology. Well we've decided to expand on this a bit and chat

System Center Webcasts December 07

TechNet Webcast: Deploying and Upgrading to System Center Configuration Manager (Part 1 of 2) (Level 300) Monday, December 03, 2007 - 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Pacific Time John Baker, IT Pro Evangelist, Microsoft Corporation http://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=1032359933&Culture=en-US

Blogging for business

I’m presenting in the Midlands tomorrow – in Leicester. I'm going to be talking about how blogging can be good for business and how blogs fit with business in this Web 2.0 world. Whether you’re a large enterprise or a tiny company, blogging can present
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 3 Comments
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