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Projects on Google Code Results 1 - 10 of 30
Functions to display your picasaweb albums on a website. let me know if you like it. or if you don't Please contact me by email. See http://www.vanpraag.nl/ for emailaddress.
The Picasa photo manager is an amazing application. It is probably one of the best I have used. Unfortunately, it is a bit over the top for solely managing webalbums. On top of that, the Linux version does not yet support Webalbum uploading. The folks at the Mono project have developed a nice se...
lhcal is a simple web app that can generate web content calendars for Google Calendar to show photos from PicasaWeb inside Google Calendar.
=Picasa Web Album Downloader= ==English== Program downloads images from Picasa Web Albums using RSS file. It's in early state of development, but it works fine for me. I encourage you to improve it! ===Installation=== You must have installed Sun Java Runtime Environment 6.0. You can ...
PiLoader is a simple GUI to upload selected directory images to your selected Picasa web album. This project begun due to the lack of massive photo uploader on Ubuntu. It is written in Java 6.0 with the NB 6.0.
Projet visant à créer une application similaire à PICASA de Google en langage JAVA.
PicasaFS uses [http://fuse.sourceforge.net FUSE] and it's associated python bindings to create a file system driver to have a consistent interface to PicasaWeb. PicasaFS uses the [http://code.google.com/apis/picasaweb/gdata.html Picasa Web Albums Data API] to interact with the web service. =This ...
Simple python script for uploading photos to Picasa Web Albums. Extra features: output albums listing with their rights (public or not), adding photos to existing album or create a new one.
A python library for accessing Picasa Web Albums.
This is a small program written in Python to download Picasa Photo Albums. You just have to provide the user, and then choose between the available albums which one to download. It is my first attempt using glade and some learning of the google data API.

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