Welcome, visitor number 101661, to Calamity from the Skies - the internet's biggest shrine to Jenova from Final Fantasy VII. You are looking at version 3.0 of this site, with a rather weird layout that was inspired by... well, nothing. It was pretty random, really. This will look terrible in Netscape: so if that's what you're using, go and get a proper browser and come back.

"Why has this idiot made a shrine to Jenova?", I hear you ask. Well, it's very simple. Jenova, despite being the coolest woman-like creature on earth (with the possible exception of Integral Hellsing, but that's another story), gets virtually no recognition. Despite the fact that none of the Final Fantasy VII plot would have been possible without her, nobody seems to care one bit about her. *wipes away a tear* In short, this site exists to promote awareness of one of Squaresoft's best and most imaginitive creations.

Please note that this site contains gratuitous amounts of unmarked spoilers to the plot and characters of Final Fantasy VII. I recommend you don't read anything here unless you've completed the game or don't care about having it spoiled for you. If you ruin it for yourself, don't come crying to me.

You can navigate this site via the menu at the top of every page. Moving your mouse over the words birth, life, death and synthesis will reveal the different pages within each category. If the drop-down menus don't appear, you will need to upgrade your browser.

Enjoy the site, and don't forget to send your comments and sign the guestbook. All feedback, positive or negative, is appreciated.

CFTS is affiliated with the following jaw-droppingly incredible sites:

The Original Crisis (Jenova) Masamune (Sephiroth) Deus Ex (Cloud) Cryptic Puppet (Cait Sith)
Crystal Cavern (Lucrecia) Breath of the Earth (Aeris) Rose of May (Tifa)
Feel free to contact me if you're interested in affiliating with this site.

Recent Updates
  16.04.04: new affiliate: Rose of May
  26.04.03: added a brand new section: visitors' opinions
  25.04.03: new layout! :D also added some visitors' contributions.

Jenova and Final Fantasy VII are copyright © Squaresoft. All original content within this site, including all layout-related grahpics, is copyright © 2000-2003 Simon Evans. This is a non-profit fan site and no infringement of copyright is intended.
Read the usage guidelines before taking or using anything from this site.