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Planning a School Visit

The Getty Museum offers Guided and Self-Guided School Visits for the 2007–2008 school year at both the Getty Center in Brentwood and the Getty Villa in Malibu.

Requests for each location are handled separately. Click "Get details" below for details about the programs, requirements, and request forms for each location.

The two locations include works of art from different periods in art history. More information about the collections and architecture of both locations, and about visiting, is available in the Visit section of this Web site.

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Getty Center School Visits
Getty Villa School Visits
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The collection: pre-20th century European art from as far back as the 8th century, and 19th- and 20th-century American and European photography
The building: bold contemporary architecture of Richard Meier
Location: in Brentwood, just off the 405 freeway, north of Sunset Boulevard

The collection: Ancient Greek, Roman, and Etruscan art from 6500 B.C. to A.D. 500
The building: fashioned after an ancient Roman villa that was buried in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in A.D. 79
Location: in Malibu, on the Pacific Coast Highway

Availability Update:
Getty Center
Guided Visits are booked through June 19, 2008. Self-Guided Visits are still available. Request a Self-Guided Visit.

Getty Villa
All School Visits booked for the 2007-2008 school year. To be placed on a waiting list for the Villa, follow the link below to fill out a request form and mail it in, or call the school line at (310) 440-7300.

 Download the Getty Villa request form. (50 KB)

Guided and Self-Guided Visits are offered at both locations, but daily availability differs.

Getty Center Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Guided No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Self-Guided No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Getty Villa Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Guided No No Yes Yes Yes
Self-Guided Yes No Yes Yes Yes

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