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Needle Tatting 
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Needle Tatting can be done in two different methods, working with the Needle & thread cut off the ball and working off the ball. 
When working with the Needle & Thread method it is basically just making rings, and leaving a ¼" of thread between the rings. You would thread your needle just as if you were getting ready to sew something.
When working with the ball thread you work directly off the ball and it is threaded to the Needle, leaving a tail thread and working up toward the ball. You would start to make your ds's (double stitches) and picots.
Most of your tatting patterns are working off the ball thread, but it is a good idea to learn both methods as you may come across one someday that you have to work with just the needle & thread method.
Click here for working off the ball. (Working off the ball you make Rings and Chains.)
Click here for left handed tatting. Working off the ball to make Rings and chains, medallion.
Click here for how to work with the needle & thread. (this is just making rings, leaving a small piece of thread in-between, and then making another ring. No chains are used in this method.) *Please see the tut for working off ball to make rings and chains first to understand how to make your double stitches and picots.
No RW=Reverse Work Method (Working off the ball to make Rings/Chains without reversing the work.
Some basic Abbreviations you will see in Tatting:
DS = Double Stitch. Making the first and second half of the stitches.
+ = Join to the previous work, in a picot.
Prev = Previous.
Sep = Separate
R = Ring
LR = Large Ring
P = Picot  or you may see a dash, - = Picot and sometimes a double dash -- = large picot.
SP = Small Picot.
LP = Large Picot
CL = Close. Which is just pulling the work off the needle and forming the ring or chain.
RW = Reverse Work. Turning the work over to the other side, usually right to left so that your threads cross and you make a knot.(see SLT)
SLT = Shoe Lace Trick. You may also see BLT = Boot Lace Trick. Which you will see once you close your ring and chains. This is just like when you tie your shoes, do the first overlap of the shoelace to make that first knot.
SCMR = Self Closing Mock Ring. Which is when your working off the ball and closing your ring, you will see it forms a loop at the bottom. The needle is placed through that loop to close the ring.
LJ=Lock Join - The lock join is used mostly when making chains around as a border or edging. Once the # of double stitches are made, shape the ring. On the picot that your joining the chain to, pull the Needle Thread up through the picot, put the needle through the loop formed and close it down on the picot. This locks that chain, so while you are making your next chain the first one does not pull to tightly. Join the same around for any chains that need joining.
I have lost the original page on this, if I have not added back all the proper information, and you need more help then please contact me on the message board. I will be more than happy to help you out.


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