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Harrison FordLucy LiuBrad Pitt
Minnie DriverNicolas CageJulianne Moore
Johnny DeppJenna ElfmanCuba Gooding Jr.
Milla JovovichChris RockGwyneth Paltrow

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Hollywood Homicide (2003)

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  • Continuity: The dents on the passenger side of K. C. Calden's car disappear during the chase.

  • Continuity: During the "Street Car Named Desire" K.C.'s shirt is ripped, but in the next shot it is intact.

  • Continuity: When K.C. commandeers the mini van during the chase, the girl with the white cap is on the passenger side and the boy is on the driver's side. During the chase the girl and boy switch places several times in long shots.

  • Continuity: K.C.'s hair continuously switches from being in his face to brushed back when he and Gavilan are investigating the crime scene.

  • Continuity: When Shawna kisses K.C. after the yoga class, the lipstick mark on his cheek disappears and reappears between shots as he talks to Joe.

  • Crew or equipment visible: When Detective Gavilan enters the house on Mount Olympus to dine with Ruby, an actor's mark is visible on the floor.

  • Crew or equipment visible: Reflected in Gavilan's sunglasses when taking K-Ro to the harbor.

  • Continuity: During the shootout in front of Graumann's, Gavilan fires two shots from his sidearm, than the bolt locks open indicating the gun is empty. The camera cuts away for a second or two and when it returns Gavilan is firing again having had no time to reload.

  • Factual Errors: When Joe Gavilan is reading the local newspaper and the headline says that he and KC Calden are under investigation for their conduct, two other headlines include the words "Iraqui" and "Viet Nam". An American newspaper would spell those words "Iraqi" and "Vietnam", respectively.

  • Continuity: The Mustang during the big chase scene goes from dented to not dented multiple times.

  • Continuity: During the car chase, just before they switch drivers, the position of Gavilan's hands hanging on to the door changes several times between shots.

  • Continuity: The gun used by Antoine is a .40 Springfield XD40 SS. This gun can only hold a max of 11 rounds yet he can be seen shooting many more than that before reloading

  • Continuity: In the chase scene down Sunset Blvd, both cars pass the Spaghetti Factory more twice.

  • Revealing mistakes: Obvious stuntman for Gavilan during the fight on the roof.

  • Continuity: When K.C. shoots Wasley in the alleyway, in the first shot we see him with three bullet holes in his left arm, and quite bloody. In the following scenes, he has 1 bullet hole in his arm and less blood.

  • Continuity: When Gavilan meets Cleo at the restaurant, she is the only one sitting at an outside table. In the close-ups during their conversation, they are surrounded by people, then when he leaves during the long shot, she is alone again.

  • Continuity: In the closing sequence, the sweat soaked shirts of Gavilan and K.C. suddenly dry out.

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