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Goofs for
Hairspray (2007)

  • Continuity: During "Run and Tell That", Link's arms are crossed, at his sides the next shot, crossed the next and return to being at his sides.

  • Anachronisms: On two occasions, a red 1963 Chevrolet is seen. They were not in production until the fall of 1962 and the the movie is set in the spring.

  • Anachronisms: When Tracy hitches a ride to school atop a garbage truck, the vehicle is an International Harvester model not manufactured until the late 1970's.

  • Revealing mistakes: When Edna discovers Tracy at Motormouth Maybelle's record store party, the prosthetic makeup around John Travolta's mouth can be seen cracking and separating when his lips purse.

  • Continuity: During the "You Can't Stop the Beat" number, keep an eye on the large board with the bar charts illustrating how many viewers voted for each Miss Hairspray. The bar charts are not consistent between close up and long shots. Close up shots show Amber almost winning, Tracy close on her heels. Long shots during dance numbers show Tracy trailing by quite a bit.

  • Anachronisms: In "Good Morning Baltimore", a 1963 Chevrolet Bel Air passes by.

  • Anachronisms: Tracy's headboard bookshelf clearly shows three Disney's ‘Annette’ books. One of the books, "The Mystery at Smugglers Cove", was not published until 1963. The books are visible during the "Good Morning Baltimore" and "Without Love" numbers.

  • Anachronisms: At several points in the film self-inflating whoopee cushions are depicted, but cushions of the self-inflating variety were not available until the 1990s.

  • Continuity: At the start of "Good Morning Baltimore," Tracy's alarm clock changes position three times.

  • Anachronisms: During the initial song "Good morning, Baltimore", Tracy is walking on the street. She stops while singing and on the bottom right is the back of a Cadillac. The tail fin and 2 square lights below it are visible. The model is a 1963 caddy. The movie is taking place in the spring of 1962 and that model year would not have been out.

  • Continuity: At the beginning of "Run and Tell That", Penny's pigtails have little to no curl. On the bus, they become more curled, and during "Big, Blonde, and Beautiful", they are perfectly curled.

  • Continuity: During "Run and Tell That", Seaweed introduces Little Inez, with his arm around her neck which causes her collar to crinkle, but then the camera switches to Tracy and then back to Seaweed and Inez, but the collar is no longer crinkled.

  • Continuity: After "I Know Where I've Been", when the crowd is chanting "2, 4, 6, 8, T.V.'s got to integrate," Edna is clutching her white purse under her right forearm, but then the camera pans out and the purse move back to her side.

  • Factual errors: During the riot outside of WYZT, Tracy assaults "Sgt. Mike Morris" but the name tag on the officer's right breast pocket appears to say "Flakley."

  • Anachronisms: In a classroom scene, the elevation of Mount Everest is listed on the green board as 29,035 feet. Although this information is correct, the correct elevation of Everest could not be determined before GPS (Global Positioning System) technology. At the time the events in the movie were to have occurred (1962), the accepted elevation of Mount Everest was 29,028 feet.

  • Continuity: All during the movie, especially during "Welcome to the Sixties", the blond streaks above Tracy's headband constantly change, even during the same scene as the camera shots are from different directions or they change locations, such as from room to room in the home and from inside to outside.

  • Anachronisms: There are a number of musical anachronisms: songs, LPs that were not yet available in 1962. The Top 10 chart on the CC Show has "Leader of the Pack" and other songs yet to be released. Motormouth's record store racks show, among others, Jr. Walker & the All-Stars' "Road-Runner" LP, Smokey Robinson & the Miracles' "A Pocketfull of Miracles" LP, and a Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell LP, all not released for another few years.

  • Continuity: During the "Welcome to the 60's" number when everyone is dancing in the street, Tracy and Edna are dancing and swinging their bags. In a closeup of Edna and Tracy, a pink flower falls out of Tracy's hair and lands on the street next to her. In the following wide shot of everyone dancing, the flower isn't visible, nor is it visible in the next closeup of Tracy and Edna.

  • Continuity: During 'Run and Tell That,' when the students get onto the bus, it's number is 17. When the students are inside the bus, it's number is 26.

  • Revealing mistakes: Though specifically set in May and June of 1962, many of the trees seen in exterior shots have browning leaves, as the film was shot in the fall.

  • Factual errors: During the history class scene right before "Run and Tell That" the teacher writes on the board about the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia. He writes September 1st, this date should actually read September 5th, when it first convened.

  • Continuity: At the end of the movie, when the votes are coming in, and there's a leader board, Tracy's name is sometimes written as Tracey, underneath Amber's name.

  • Continuity: When Link is telling Amber off for teasing Tracey, the chair in front of Link is touching his desk, but in the next shot it isn't. It then continually changes between shots.

  • Anachronisms: When Penny's mother ties her to the bed, she says she will put Penny on "a diet of saltines and Tang." Tang, a drink made primarily for astronauts, had not been invented at the time.

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