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Cheyenne Autumn
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Goofs for
Cheyenne Autumn (1964)

  • Factual errors: During the cavalry's first encounter with the Indians, the cannons are fired and there is absolutely no recoil.

  • Anachronisms: The lanterns held by army guards outside the warehouse where the Indians were being kept after surrendering were "Coleman" lanterns, first produced in 1914.

  • Anachronisms: In various shots, most notably when we first see the cavalry outpost, jet contrails can be seen in the skies.

  • Errors in geography: The Cheyenne Indians cross the Canadian River in Indian Territory, which today is known as Oklahoma. The film was shot in Utah, where the magnificent desert bluffs and mountains in the scene exist. Nothing along the Canadian River in Oklahoma even closely resembles this. The Canadaian River flows through prairie and is lined by cottonwood and other trees.

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