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Goofs for
Charlie's Angels (2000)

  • Incorrectly regarded as goofs: By law, when an actor portrays military personnel in a movie or TV show they are required to be what the military calls "out of uniform". For example, ribbons or medals out of order, or improper insignia on clothing or hats. This is so that technically they are not impersonating military personal.

  • Factual errors: It is physically impossible to hold on to a person when a parachute is released while skydiving. The mad bomber would have flown right out of Alex's arms without somehow being harnessed to her.

  • Revealing mistakes: After the creepy, thin man shoots at the angels during his escape in the Chinatown alley, a squib wire (which makes a bullet impact) can be seen next to Alex's head.

  • Revealing mistakes: When Natalie kicks the board that Vivian throws at her, you can see the strings used to pull the wood apart.

  • Continuity: The picture of the "tall thin man" coming out of the fax in the car is different from the one the angels look at a few seconds later.

  • Continuity: When Alex is making the roast dinner, she places a couple of carrot pieces on the roast. In the next shot, there are no carrot pieces on the roast.

  • Continuity: The muffin in the door changes positions.

  • Continuity: When Dylan jumps out of the airplane, her jacket is unzipped, but when she lands on the beach, her jacket is zipped up.

  • Continuity: At the exotic dance club, Director #1 clearly is holding his beer bottle by his fingertips, and not touching it with his pinky; Dylan's scanning device shows a full handprint including his palm. Director #1 holds the beer bottle with his right hand; Dylan uses the fingerprint "glove" on her left hand. A sophisticated gel scanner would be able to distinguish the difference in the sequence and location of the fingerprints; a left handed print of the right-hand fingerprints would not work.

  • Continuity: Dylan makes the fingerprint "glove" for her right hand, but later she is seen wearing it on her left hand.

  • Factual errors: A retinal scan is a scan of the inside of the eye, not the visible external part. At Director #2's house, the device clearly scans the Director's iris. The contacts that are made from this would only disguise Natalie's iris, not her retina. A sophisticated retinal scanner would distinguish the location of the retinal image as well as the image itself; an external contact would not work.

  • Continuity: When Nox shoots at Dylan and she goes through the window, the shards of the glass not only change shape when she's hanging from the sheet, but the glass itself changes form entirely. When she's sent through the window, it's made of tempered glass (shatters into pebble like pieces) yet when the sheet was hanging from the spike of glass, it was a non-tempered kind.

  • Continuity: When the Angels are in Bosley's office and Charlie is introducing Eric Knox, the video of Eric Knox on the flat screen is reversed. This becomes obvious after noting that "Boston" is reversed on his sweatshirt.

  • Continuity: When the angels are all talking to Vivian Wood and Eric Knox in the "umbrella" lunch area, Vivian's sunglasses show an obvious white background, when the real background behind the Angels is clouded skies and more buildings/umbrellas.

  • Revealing mistakes: While the Nokia Communicator cell phone rings, there is the name "CHARLIE" displayed on the LCD screen. But, instead of giving the owner an option to accept or reject the call, the display reads "Detail" and "Exit". This proves no one is calling - someone is just browsing the phone's memory.

  • Continuity: The first scene in which Natalie talks on her cell phone, it's a Nokia 8260 with red faceplate. Later on she talks on her cell phone but it's a Nokia 8860 with the shiny silver slide.

  • Continuity: When Alex first sees the thin man, Alex and Dylan are both wearing shoulderless and sleeveless dresses. As they chase him down the stairs ripping off items of clothing to prepare to fight, Alex ends up in a bodysuit complete with sleeves and shoulders.

  • Continuity: Just before Knox shoots Dylan out of the window, he eats a strawberry, and spits the pips at Dylan. A pip appears and disappears on Dylan's chin, just before she falls.

  • Continuity: When Alex is fighting the thin man in the bell tower, he cuts the rope and the bell falls, yet in all subsequent scenes in the tower, the bell is visible.

  • Continuity: The video footage of Knox's kidnapping is black and white, yet the "enhanced" photo of Creepy Thin Man taken from the footage comes out in color.

  • Continuity: In the final fight, Alex wears high heels, then flat shoes.

  • Continuity: The right door of Knox's helicopter opens and closes at random intervals.

  • Continuity: When the Angels are hanging from the bottom of Knox's helicopter, long shots show them all in a sitting position. The close shots show them in different positions.

  • Continuity: In the helicopter scene, the Angels are wearing high-heeled black boots in the close-up shots but the long-shots show flat-heeled black sneakers worn, presumably, by the stunt doubles.

  • Continuity: After Jason's trailer gets riddled with bullets he and Alex are standing outside with the western backdrop in the background. Most of the bullet holes have the sharp edges coming outwards, but the shooters were shooting toward the backdrop, so that side of the trailer should have had the holes going inward.

  • Continuity: In the opening sequence on the boat, the terrorist's black vest appears and disappears between shots.

  • Continuity: Looking directly at the revolver when Dylan is shot at, you can clearly see truncated cone lead bullets. The following slow motion view is of a full metal jacket bullet.

  • Factual errors: The bird is not a pygmy nuthatch, but even if it were, it is found all over southern California, not just in Carmel.

  • Errors in geography: During the race car scene, the Angels are at the California Speedway in Fontana, California. A few seconds later, the chase leads them to San Pedro, California, 70 miles away, where the Vincent Thomas Bridge is visible.

  • Continuity: At the party, Corwin hands Bosley a tray of blowfish. The tray is uncovered, but in the very next shot, we see Bosley removing a piece of Saran wrap from the tray.

  • Factual errors: The satellite image of Charlie's cabin is obviously not from a satellite. Satellites would provide a "top view" of the cabin, not a perfectly horizontal one

  • Crew or equipment visible: When the Angels first chase the Thin Man, the camera is reflected in the shiny metal door of the elevator.

  • Continuity: When Natalie and Vivian are fighting, you can see the small of Vivian's back a couple of times, indicating that she is wearing a two-piece suit (trousers and a top). However, after she rips off her jacket after she and Natalie roll down the stairs, she is wearing a one-piece garment (catsuit).

  • Continuity: When Knox shots at Dylan the bullet is on her left side. In the slow motion retake it's on the right side.

  • Continuity: Natalie's cell phone disappears and reappears in her battle with Vivian.

  • Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers): Right before Natalie fights Vivian outside of Bosley's cell, she receives a phone call and says it's from Pete before answering. The next shot shows Pete talking to her from a pay phone. If the call was from a pay phone, Natalie would not have been able to know that it was Pete who was making the call.

  • Factual errors: When Drew Barrymore's character Dylan drops in on the two boys playing a video game together, they are playing Final Fantasy 8, a one player game.

  • Crew or equipment visible: When the angels are fighting the thin man his wire harness is visible when he is kicked into the air.

  • Crew or equipment visible: The camera is reflected in Natalie's backpack on the beach.

  • Continuity: At the end scene on the beach, there is a shot of Charlie walking off to the left along the beach. The setting sun is reflected in the sea behind him. In the next shot (looking squarely out to sea, with Bosley and the angels in the foreground) the sun is high and to the right of the camera.

  • Continuity: When Alex goes to jump on Corwin to massage him, she clearly jumps to the left of him, but from our point of view she jumps behind him.

  • Continuity: Near the beginning of the film, one of the Angels jumps into the car on the pier and it is at an angle facing wooden pylons. When she hits the accelerator the car takes off in a straight line down the pier.

  • Continuity: Before Natalie breaks into the RedStar vault, she is wearing a head covering and a breathing apparatus. When she (stunt double) is tumbling through the vault and when she makes the connection to the RedStar computer, she is no longer wearing the head covering or the breathing apparatus.

  • Continuity: When Natalie is dancing on the Soul Train stage, all of the audience stop and stare. But when we see shots of Pete, we can see them dancing, when they should be standing still.

  • Continuity: When the Angels are chasing the Thin Man through the stairwell at Corwin's party, Alex is wearing a red strapless shirt. When they emerge at the bottom of the stairs, Alex is wearing a long-sleeved black jacket.

  • Continuity: When the thin man slices Corwin's neck he slices diagonally to the right, but the blood is shown splattering to the left.

  • Audio/visual unsynchronized: When Dylan throws the muffin at Natalie in the office, Natalie is heard to say "Ow!" But her lips don't move.

  • Continuity: Right after the agency is blown up, the Angel's hair goes from messy to fixed to messy again.

  • Revealing mistakes: When Natalie is chasing the Creepy Thin Man, a red car goes flying. If you look closely, there isn't anybody in the car.

  • Factual errors: When Dylan gets into the race car with the RedStar limo driver she mentions it is hot and turns on the A.C . But when the shot goes back to the thin creepy man you can see his breath as if it was cold outside.

  • Revealing mistakes: When Dylan falls out the window naked, the shot under her shows that she is wearing underwear.

  • Continuity: When the bomber unzips his coat to show the bomb, right before the camera zooms in , you can see the timer is set at zero. You can also see it when the camera zooms out again.

  • Continuity: At the beginning of the film, the exterior shot is of a DC-9, a narrow-bodied aircraft. The interior is that of a wide-bodied aircraft, and the next exterior shot is of a 747.

  • Factual errors: It would be physically impossible to open an exit door on a pressurized aircraft during flight unless the cabin was first depressurized.

  • Continuity: In the slow motion replay of Dylan being shot at, Knox's dialogue does not match his original actions. The first time, he puts the gun to his head before he begins to speak. In the replay, he begins to speak well before he takes the gun from Vivian.

  • Factual errors: When Pete first greets Natalie at Corwin's house, he says "konichiwa" - appropriately Japanese for the setting. She replies with a string of dialogue that begins with "ni hao," which also means hello, but in a very incongruous Mandarin Chinese. This may be intentional, since the Angels are later seen deliberately having a conversation in three different languages.

  • Continuity: When Knox shows Dylan the picture of his father in the army, we see him with his arms in the air and the other man covering his face next to him. When they close in on the man's name, there are fingers near his name tag, which weren't there in the larger scope of the picture.

  • Revealing mistakes: When Natalie is casting a mold of Corwin's key, you can clearly see that there is already a mold before she casts it.

>>> WARNING: Here Be Spoilers <<<

Goofs below here contain information that may give away important plot points. You may not want to read any further if you've not already seen this title.

  • Factual errors: SPOILER: The missile on the helicopter is changed from laser-guided to heat seeking. It is then fired at Charlie's cabin, and not finding a heat source, begins searching and ultimately finds the helicopter. When the Angels swim to the beach toward Charlie's cabin, you notice that there is smoke rising from the chimney which means there was a fire in the fireplace and a lot of heat rising out of the chimney. The missile should have hit the chimney if it was a heat-seeking missile.

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