Encyclopedia Dramatica:About

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Done in the spirit of Ambrose Bierce's The Devil's Dictionary, Encyclopedia dramatica's purpose is to provide a central catalog for the e-public to view parody and satirie of drama, memes, e-pals and other interesting happenings on the internets. The goal is to provide comprehensive, reference-style parody, to poke fun at everyone and everything on the internet.

While the articles themselves are mostly satirical jabs at Internet users (both individually and in groups) and phenomena, bear in mind that the Encyclopedia Dramatica itself is a parody of a much less funny online encyclopedia. As such, ED articles tend to make fun of the supposed objectivity and accuracy, elitism, and stupid edit wars of such sites. In other words, expect blatant, biased lies, and expect boring truths to get deleted quickly.

ED's third purpose is to catalogue Internets phenomena. In this role, it's actually a fairly good reference for dramatic events and things like memes and netspeak, provided you bear in mind the first two purposes and take what you learn with a Girlmecha-sized grain of salt.


Sparked after several people were denied from posting to Wikipedia. The moniker was coined by 33mhz on jameth's journal.uuu

Encyclopedia Dramatica was created December 9th 2004 while girlvinyl was impatiently awaiting the delivery of her new ibook. ghettofinger and girlvinyl were outraged and amused at the ill-treatment of internet celebrity jameth by the moderators and nerds at wikipedia. Girlvinyl decided it was time to present an alternative to the fascist hold they had over information on the internets.

Creation of the project was swift and is under constant development. On the inaugural install and first operational night of Encyclopedia Dramatica, scarlet and jeremyjx were added as SysOps. Other SysOps will be added as needed. girlvinyl expects the need for SysOps to grow quickly given the audience and content which are expected to flood the site as soon as jameth posts the site on LNN.

All users are welcomed to create and modify content to more accurately reflect the internets and help archive the never ending supply of hysterical e-drama. Please continue to add articles so that the Encyclopedia Dramatica will provide answers to questions like "What the hell is mediacrat?" and "Where are the lulz?". It will also introduce the world to Killhamsterian thought.

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